Theme Song: "Rock is Dead" - Marilyn Manson
Strength: 7
Stamina: 6
Speed: 6
Skill: 7
Aim: 7
Firepower: 10
Intelligence: 7
Discipline: 6
Luck: 7
Physical Description:
-Beast Mode: Has the basic look of a normal Timber Rattlesnake, but, due to his Transmetal enhancement, he has silver plates around his red optics. His body is mainly colored dirt brown with light brown diamonds dispersed throughout his long body. The rattle on his tail is chrome. His body measures seven feet in length.
-Robot Mode: His legs are similar to cylinders, or are rounded. His boots come up to his knee, which the left one has the disrupters strapped around. These are colored dirt brown with a large light brown diamond on the knee. His upper legs are dirt brown with a light brown diamond on each side. On his right leg, his plasma pistol is holstered and on his left is his toothpick. His pelvic area is colored dirt brown with a light brown diamond in the center and on the sides. His torso is dirt brown with a light brown diamond over the ab and pec regions There are two gray metal straps coming across his chest, from each shoulder to the opposite hip, supporting the holsters for the gatling gun and plasma shotgun. His arms are dirt brown with light brown diamonds on each shoulder. On his left wrist is the gadget gauntlet, which is dirt brown with a small light brown diamond on each cylinder. Each hand is dirt brown and have light brown diamonds on the tops and palms. His head is shaped like that of Quickstrike’s, but he has his silver plates around his red optics. Instead of a mouth like Quickstrike, Toothpick has a normal mouth, usually occupied with a small metal toothpick.
-Third Mode: His body decreases it’s size in length and increases his size in width. Treads pop out of the bottom of his body.
-Piloting: Astral
-Technical: Weapons
-Autofire Weapons
-Melee Combat: Fencing
-Plasma Shotgun: Think the gun from the end of Terminator 2: Judgement Day. It is colored black and carries ten extra slugs, five on each side. It fires a shell filled with plasma energy. When fired, the shell is ripped open as it leaves the barrel, sending just the plasma energy. It has five times the force of a Terran shotgun and is able to knock a medium sized bot down, leaving it with a hole the size of the slug in it’s body. The gun must be cocked after each fire, and is able to hold five slugs at a time. Kept in a holster on his back.
-Electric Energon Disrupters: His tail breaks off into five sections and are strapped around his left lower leg. When throw at a bot, the disks send an electric surge through the bot and drain a fourth of his energon supply. The electric shock disables the bot for five clicks. Each can only be used three times before they loose their power and disintegrate.
-Plasma Pistol: A hand held black pistol that is held in a holster on his upper right leg. It is able to fire four blasts a second, but needs recharge after being used for five cycles. Each blast has a four of the power of the plasma shotgun and are able to pierce the weakest armors cleanly.
-Gatling Gun: A chrome gatling gun, similar to that of the Heavyarms from Gundam Wing, but much smaller. It has six blast ports and fires titanium shells. The gun measures two and a half feet in length with two handles for better control. Each port is capable of firing ten shells per click, and it is hooked up to a small tank filled with titanium shells. The gun is able to hold fifteen shells per port and the tank, located on his lower back, is bale to hold a thousand spare shells. Each shell is able to dent medium strength armors, but together, the gun can rip through medium strength armor.
-Gadget Gauntlet: It is a thick gauntlet, wrapped around his left wrist, and has four cylinders. The top two cylinders fire laser beams, which are able to melt through weaker armors and metals. The bottom right one fires a grappling hook, made of steel wires, and has a tip shaped like the head of an arrow, which expands in size when released. This is able to hold Toothpick easily. The last cylinder is a laser knife, capable of cutting through weak metals. Usually used for maintenance or escaping binds. This is colored dirt brown and is removable.
-Metal Toothpick: A small metal cylinder made of tritanium, chrome in color. When the button on it is pushed, the sides extend out and come to points. The layers then smooth out, thus giving it the appearance of a large metal toothpick. It is able to pierce weak armors and metals. It is kept in a small holster around his left upper leg when not in use. Inside, there is a magnet that is attracted to the magnet in Toothpick’s right hand, enabling Toothpick to call his metal toothpick back to him within a ten foot range.
-Toothpicks: Not a weapon, but keeps a supply of small metal toothpicks in his right forearm compartment. He usually keeps one in his mouth at all times.
-Card Deck: Not a weapon. He has a deck of cards kept in his right forearm compartment at all times to appease his gambling urges. The deck has a Predacon insignia as the design.
-Wild Card: His starship. It is colored black with chrome lining and cockpit windshield. Think the main body of an X-Wing with the wings of the Epyon. It can only hold himself. On the outside, there are hatches where he keeps his supply of ammo and spare weapons. It does not have a Transwarp drive and is only capabel of short distance travel, often having to refuel.
Personality: A professional mercenary with a few problems. He became a mercenary for the thrill of it, the feeling of disposing of people he didn’t like or for if he was paid to. His first problem is his obsession with toothpicks. He carries a stock of metal toothpicks wherever he goes, but if you destroy one of his toothpicks, he will explode and unleash an all out assault on you. His other problem is his obsession with gambling. When ever he gets the chance to, he will always play a game of cards, his opponents choice of game, and usually bet something outrageous. Over the years of traveling, he has become an formidable player and has learned the true ways of the card shark. His favorite game is Blackjack, but knows all games. He has a real problem with authority, seeing as how he has been his own boss for his entire life, but tries his best to get along, yet finds it difficult. He sees the universe as a giant card game, and that every move he makes is raising the ante higher and higher until he finally folds out of the game.
History: Toothpick was part of the Predacon military on Cybertron, with his expertise in munitions, firearms and autofire weapons. He then became rather bored with fighting the Maximals non-stop. So he stole a small starship and took off, taking up a life of a mercenary. He often travel from bar to bar, picking up odd jobs and improving his card game. Throughout his travels and jobs, he has increased the size of his armory. With some of the money that he made from his various jobs, he improved the ship he stole, adding armaments of his liking and named it the Wild Card. During a job, he met a Maximal bounty hunter named Trance and they became good friends. They then became a bounty hunter team known as the Regulators. Aboard the Nuclos, Trance’s modified prison transport ship, they scoured the galaxy in search of bounties to cash in on. Their names were spread throughout bars, telling of their prosperous bounties, sending many criminals into hiding. After five stellar cycles of partnership, they split up after many disputes. Toothpick then left bounties behind him for a short time and began making his money from card tournaments in various bars, casinos, etc. During a tournament on the planet of Pagnos, he played a Predacon named Gin. Toothpick foolishly bet the Wild Card and lost. As Blackjack was about to leave, Toothpick pulled his plasma shotgun out and blasted Blackjack, killing him. He took all the money and ran for it. He hoped into the Wild Card and left. He then went back to taking jobs as a mercenary. Eventually, a job that he picked up led him back to Cybertron, but on the way, his ship died down and was forced to flat around in space for a while.