ADV. 11: The Deception Never Ends
After the Destronger crashes into a shard of Cybertron, the Loyalists on board are thrown into stasis lock, and left to perish slowly in the depths of space. However, Vehicon creator Megatron saves the ship and its crew months after the fact, and brings them into his base for repair. It is then that Megatron
launches his recovered Vehicon fleet against the Decepticons, who have returned and are looking for revenge against his race. After a massive battle, Decepticon leader Galvatron, a former Vehicon and the original Megatron, attacks the renewed Destronger personally and devestates the forces onboard. However in a showdown in the ships bowels, Galvatron is defeated and presumed dead. In space, the Decepticons are defeated, their armada destroyed, and all Vehicons are able to live on.
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