Type: Techno-Synthorganic
Sub-Type: Triple Changer
Sub-Sub-Type: Transmetaloid
Beast Mode: Nexu Beast
Alternate Mode: Mobile Nexu Beast
Function: Warrior
Height: 9 ft.
Size: Medium
Theme Song: "Lose Yourself" - Eminem
Quote: "You know what? I dun know who I was, I dun really care, and I am just a wee bit ticked right now. Can't I just get some peace, here... man? Or do I have to get up, take you by your freaking neck, and spork out all your inner cavities onto this floor. What's going to be? Huh...? Huh? What's going to be... man?"
Techno-Synthorganic Description:
To understand techo-synthorganics, you must understand synthorganics. Synthorganic is the term used to refer to the technological matter equivalent of organic. Synthorganic matter exhibits all characteristics and functions of organic matter; however, it is made from completely synthetic technological matter. Synthorganic matter can only be produced by the conversion of organic matter into technological matter. You may ask yourself, "Hey, this sounds all good and dandy, but how the heck can this occur?" As shown in Beast Machines and spoken of in Generation One, the Key to Vector Sigma can convert organic matter into technological matter through a contagious form of plasma that causes a cascade chain reaction in organic matter at a molecular level. This technology was duplicated in a special orb device called the Techno Orb, which is currently destroyed. Though the Key to Vector Sigma is lost and the Techno Orb destroyed, a being still retains a fluid in his form that can convert organic matter into technological matter. This being is T2; when he was exposed to both technoorganic and technological converting goo, he changed himself to survive the opposing forces. He found a strange balance that constantly needs to be kept in check, hence why the technological converting fluid remains inside of his form.
Physical Description:
-Beast Mode:
Zice is a Nexu beast in beast mode; above is a picture of a Nexu Beast. Nexu beasts are twice the size of Siberian white tigers with a similar body shape and fur. Nexu beast heads are very wide and narrow; much of the head is actually the mouth with a huge width and opening; the mouth having a set of razor sharp small teeth in the front and a set of extremely long razor sharp teeth towards the back. Nexu beasts have two sets of eyes, front set for normal vision and a back set for seeing in infra-red wavelengths. On the very top of their heads, behind their eyes, Nexu beasts have a triangular bludge with two openings at the front of the bulge; those openings are nostrils. Nexu beasts have three-clawed paws; the large middle claw is for attacking and the two smaller secondary claws are for gripping things like tree trunks or digging into walls to climb them. Nexu beasts have a long, tan, rat-like tail that splits through the last half of it; this tail allows for wrapping around objects or hanging from bars, branches, etc. Nexu beakshave, on their skin under their fur, hair-like spikes, quills, that can become rigid and erect. Nexu are, also, impressive swimmers.
The the beast mode is techno-synthorganic, so that will cause the form to look different than an ordinary organic Nexu beast. An obvious difference is that the fur, quills, and tail of the beast mode are techno-textured and are a metallic midnight blue. Like the organic Nexu beast, Zice's beast mode has the black tiger-like stripes. The paws of the beast mode are lead colored with a texture thats common to the tech regions of technoorganics. The three claws of the beast mode paws have an appearant wiring within them because of the frosted glass look of the claws. Located on the beast mode's back, there are two lead colored thruster devices on either side of the spine sort of close to the sides putting them at an angle, that look similar to the thrusters on Transmetal II Cheetor of Beast Wars but 25% thinner and 10% shorter. The beast mode's eyes are entirely a rust color with a techno-texture. On the outside of the upper parts of the beast mode legs, there are thinner and Cybertronian cycle like with a rust color and techno-texturing; at the center of each wheel, there are metallic blue center pieces the shape of the old style Vehicle symbol.
-Robot Mode:
When transforming into robot mode, Zice's beast mode's outer skin and fur seem to twist and rotate fiber by fiber as the inner parts of the body contort in a sort of similar mechanical way of twisting and turning.
The joints and proportions of the legs of Zice's beast mode fold into the positions of humanoid legs and arms as well as becoming proportionate to muscular humanoid legs and arms. The paws of the legs lengthen into arched three-toed humanoid feet as the claws retract a bit. The paws of the arms flatten out more like humanoid hands with palms as humanoid wrists develope and middle claws split into two claws making each paw/hand have 4 claws that lengthen to be more like fingers of humanoids. The belly region molds into a more humanoid abdomen region with 6-pack abs. The chest region also molds into a more humanoid pectoral region with buff pecs.
The bottom jaw section of the beast mode head lowers and melds with the throat/upper chest region. The upper part of the head shifts backward slightly. From where the beast mode head was, the robot mode neck and head sprouts. The robot mode neck is very thick with what looks like heavy metallic blue coiling and wiring shaped much like a humanoid neck. The entirely metallic blue techno-textured robot mode head is shaped like a human skull with very long, thin, and sharp piranna like teeth; in addition, the head has long, thick tendril/cord-like hair. In the back recesses of the eye sockets of the robot mode head, there are lead colored orbs with a techno-texture. Even though skulls do not typically move, Zice's skull shaped head can contort itself to show facial expressions.
-Alternate Mode:
In alternate mode, the legs of Zice's beast mode remold to place the wheels on the legs into a more car-like positioning and have the actual leg parts as the top covers and mechanisms to hold, spin, and keep in place the wheels. The beast mode paws stick out at the front portions of the top covers of the wheels. The openings of the back thrusters of the beast mode expand more as the actual thrusters lift about two inches.
Strength: 8
Speed: 10
Skill: 5
Stamina: 8
Intelligence: 10
Firepower: 10
Discipline: 7
Aim: 5
-Intelligence: Zice has a strangely high natural intelligence that is sort of a genuis-like.
-Adaptibility: Zice mentally sorts utter confusion with ease, has incredible improvising and rationalizing abilities, and his naturally intelligent mind allows for him to easily think far ahead of most situasions. With these things, comes a specialty in picking things up quickly and easily.
-Resistance: Zice has an impressively resilent skin. The skin exhibits much of the properties of the transmetal of Isotron's original form. The skin can resist or deflect much energy or force thrown against it.
-Vibronics: Zice has incredibly dense and interconnected system of transmetaloid muscle fibric wires throughout his form. This system will vibrate, constrict, and release in mannors to release sonic force. This force can be enough to range into seismic. This system allow Zice to apply that sonic force to a punch, kick, or jump.
*In robot mode, Zice can apply enough sonic force that could potentially cause a localized seismic wave to level a small area. The force would have be directed in addition to being sent into a single motion such as a stomp.
-Transmetaloid Claws & Quills: {primarily used in beast mode} Zice's claws and quills exhibit properties of highly dense pure transmetal that can cut through medium armor with much ease.
-Transtail Blades: {only used in robot mode} Zice's beast & alternate mode's tail becomes a weapon in robot mode. The fur and flesh of the tail melt into a broad katanna shaped transmetal blade, transmetal blue in color. The blade seperates into two individual blades each the length of one of Zice's arms. Each blade forms a transmetal lead colored handle that resembles the shape of thick, spiked brass knuckles. The blades can be connected at the handle in ways to form a staff, spiral-throwing long-blade, or a boomerang blade. The blades exhibit properties of highly dense pure transmetal that can cut through medium armor with much ease.
-InGen: Zice has a very limited ability of self regeneration from a powerful spark; extensive damage can possibly take over a day and a half hours to regenerate. Regenerated parts may not be as strong as the original parts for several days. A reference to such an ability as this would be Transmetal II Dinobot when he faced Black Arachnia and Silverbolt; Transmetal II Dinobot's spark regenerated his arm. If you know of that reference, you know that Transmetal II Dinobot was subdued for a time as he regenerated. Zice would be subdued in such a manner but for about three times the time; the self-regeneration is not an instant process.
-Ambient Thusters: {primarily used ror running in beast mode; primarily used for driving in alternate mode,primarily used for leaping in robot mode} Located on halfway down Zice's back, there are two thruster devices, on either side of the spine sort of close to the sides putting them at an angle, that look similar to the thrusters on Transmetal II Cheetor of Beast Wars but 25% thinner and 10% shorter. The thrusters soak up a significant amount of ambient energy directly from the air. The energy is used to disrupt the bonds of atomic particles enough to cause small fission explosions. These explosions are contained and used to propel Zice at great speeds.
* Direct solar radition, recieved during daylight hours, has to buffered before ambient energy can be taken from from it. During times of moonlight, solar radiation is reflected off of the moon and does not require buffering. During times of moon light, stability of the ambience lasts about twenty-five cycles while recharging takes about five cycles. Those numbers are give and take; a full moon would provide more energy than a quarter moon for instance.
-Connection Port: Located on the palm of Zice's front right paw/hand, there is a lead colored technological circle device with a gap in the center where there are a few wire protrusions. Isotron can manipulate this device's shape, at will, to allow computer connection cords to be plugged into him. He cannot connect to a computer himself; the computer must have its own cords to plug into him. When connected, Zice can only access the computer and communicate with it; he cannot alter anything unless thats involved with accessing.
-Strange Connections: Another Cybertronian, SED, had her spark created from Isotron's spark. That occurance resulted in a strange brother and sister and beyond type of bond. When Zice was finished forming, he carried that bond from Isotron. Over some time while Zice was still adjusting, the bond was still weak; however, it returned to a highly evident potence that should have only been between Isotron and SED. How and if this bond will develope to something more is still in question.
Personality: Zice is much like the Zevais Delta part of him. Zice is very much void of much emotion; Zice simply does care about the wellfare of others besides himself and his father, Megatron. Zice may express something; perhaps frustration with anger showing through, a sly grin with contentment and bliss showing through, a weary tired look with a wince of self-loathing showing through. Those things come and go and never have any hold with Zice; well, almost never. A furious nature and twisted insanity were too strong in Isotron for Zevais Delta to hold back; with enough frustration, Zice goes into deep states of frenzy where utter destruction is on his mind though still the mind remains a keen killing machine logic in the destruction. Zice wouldn't going around tearing his comrades to pieces; though, anything else, even valuable equipment thats frustrated him in the past is subject to his fury.
Zice's mind has workings of logic and perfection on a normal basis. There is definitely the aspect of scientist in Zice. Zice is intelligent and tries to figure out the workings of things and people. Zice is not usually satisfied with the simple explanations and solutions for things; further, that unsatisfaction adds to his building frustrations. Zice strangely is a form of brooder and social person at the same time. Zice is in tune with the darkness and likes the solitude of the shadows; he will plot, study, and invent in a place where others can't see. Zice, sort of opposite of that, likes to be around to hear things and add to conversations. Zice feels he is of importance and that his presence is something that all should know; he has an ego in that way. Still, he does not like to be bothered; its a strange thing. Zice will show up whenever he wants and say what he wants, but if he did not choose to be around, he does not want to have people bother him. Zice can become quite uncivil when he does not get his personal space and time. Zice does not remember much of anything dealing with his past, but he doesn't care. Zice feels its pointless to dwell in the past. "What's done is done" and "You need to replace the old with the new" are his logics in that. Besides, Zice has better things to do than take some history lessons.
History: Zice is the fusion of two Cybertronians, Zevais Delta and Isotron; however, all memories from Zevais Delta and Isotron were purged in the formation of Zice. Inherant knowledged and programming was passed on; Zice has all programmed data and knowledge given to all Cybertronians plus some eptness in sciences from Zevais Delta's scientific past. General knowledge of a bond with T2 and general knowledge of Megatron being Father was passed on from Isotron and Zevais Delta to Zice; however, all specific details and memories were purged in Zice's formation.
Zevais Delta began as a Predacon spark offspring of Megatron that was stolen by the Maximals. As Sacron, he had a rich life as a Maximal delving into sciences and military. Sacron was very modest yet a very skilled leader. Later, with help Megatron's virus and the Vehicon raids, Sacron was taken, and his spark was used in a Cybertronian Cycle Drone body to become a Vehicon general, Delta. During the Tricon uprising, Delta fleed underground and survived through his adaptibility and intelligence creating a wellrouned resourcefulness. Eventually, Delta was secretlydiscovered; however, he was left alone. Megatron decided to see how Delta would manage; it was a test to see how worthy his son was. Delta upgraded himself with Tricon technology into a Tricon, Zevais Delta. Zevais Delta, later, joined the Tricons when a Neobiotic race was taking over Cybertron. During the war with the Neobiotics, Zevais Delta learn of his true past and was forced to flee from Cybertron to the Sol System. Zevais Delta helped create a new Tricon leader, Gothic that Zevais Delta grew a distaste for. Zevais Delta used Gothic's technology to enhance himself before betraying the Tricons when the Tricons were attacking the Maximals and Terraspace Force. While the battle with the Maximals and Tricons ensued later, Zevais Delta enhanced himself again and found himself playing sides while being confused as to where his place was. Zevais Delta was confused until his father, Megatron, arrived. Zevais Delta came in the middle of a battle to his wounded father and helped him. Zevais Delta left with Megatron and Megatron's new faction of Predacons, the Crimson Genesis, aboard the Darkshift cruiser.
Isotron was an immensely powerful transmutated freak from a parallel universe created by the parallel universe's Tri-Dynasty Faction. Isotron was sent to the universe that our characters act in through a frea accident. Isotron became part of the Tri-Dynasty faction of this universe since he had nowhere else to go and would not go anywhere else. Eventually, T2, the leader of the Tri-Dynasty faction, fixed Isotron's defects and reformed him into a transmetaloid technoorganic isotriceratops. Later, through a freak accident with his ambient systems, Isotron was reformed into a transmetaloid technooorganic werewolf. During an arguement with a Maximal after a Maximal battle with the Tricons, T2 was injured resulting in technoforming goo splashing onto Isotron causing him to change from transmetaloid technoorganic to transmetaloid technosynthorganic. After Megatron's new appearance and battle with the Maximals and Tricons, Isotron snuck into Megatron's cruiser, the Darkshift.
Isotron was quickly discovered aboard the Darkshift cruiser and savagely beaten and imprisoned. Time passed aboard the Darkshift cruiser, and Zevais Delta found out that his body had become unstable from all his enhancements and his spark was degrading. Zevais Delta had no other recourse but to take another body. Isotron's spark was removed from his body and Zevais Delta's spark was implanted into Isotron's body. The body partially came apart, changed, and adapted to the pressence of Zevais Delta's spark; still, Zevais Delta's spark was still weak and degrading. Megatron performed an experimental procedure to transfer the contents of Isotron's spark into Zevais Delta's spark. The result left Zevais Delta's spark dominant with immense spark power and a bit of personality influence from Isotron; however, it caused most of Zevais Delta's and Isotron's memories to be purged. Some memories of Zevais Delta involving Megatron being his father and memories of some sort of bond with T2 remained along with general programmed and acquired knowledge.
The new Zevais Delta-Isotron fusion named himself Zice. Megatron assisted Zice in getting back to his feet and fully bringing him into the new Predacon faction, the Crimson Genesis.
Created By: Zevais