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Diablo Item Prefix List

Prefix. Effect Added
Amber +16% to +20% Resist all
Angel's All spell increased one level
Arch Angel's All spells increase two levels
Awesome +131% to +150% Armor
Azure +21 to +30% resist lightning
Bent +-50% to -75% damage
Blessed +91% to +110% to armor
Blue +10% to +20% Resist lightning
Bountiful Staff charges tripled
Brass -1 to -5 to hit
Bronze +1 to +5 to hit
Brutal +81% to +95% damage
Burgundy +31 to +40% resist fire
Champions +126% to +150% Damage and +51 to +75 to hit
Clumsy -50% to -75% damage and -1 to -5 to hit
Cobalt +41% to +50% Resist lightning
Crimson +21% to +40% resist fire
Crystal +41 to +50% resist general magic
Deadly +36% to +50% damage
Diamond +36% to +50% damage
Dragons +51 to + 60 mana
Drake's +41 to +50 mana
Dull -25% to -45% damage and -4 to -5 to hit
Emerald +41% to +50% resist all
Fine +20% to +30% armor
Frogs -1 to -10 mana
Garnet +41%  to  +50% resist fire
Glorious +71% to 90% armor
Godly +171% to 200% armor
Gold +21 to +30 to hit
Grand +41% to +55% armor
Heavy +51% to +65% damage
Holy +151% to +170% armor
Hyena's -11 to -25 mana
Hydra's +81 to +100 mana
Iron +6 to +10 to hit
Ivory +31% to +40% resist general magic
Jade +21% to +30% resist all
Jagged +20% to +35% damage
King's +151% to +175% damage and 76 to 100 to hit
Knight's +96% to +110% damage and +76 to +100 to hit
Lapis +31% to 40% resist lightning
Lord's Damage +815 to +95% and 21 to +30 to hit
Massive +96% to +110% damage
Master's +111% to +125% damage and +41 to +50 to hit
Mithril +41 to +60 to hit
Merciless +151% to +175% damage
Meteoric +61 to +80 to hit
Obsidian +31 to +40% resist all
Pearl +21% to +30% resist general magic
Platinum +31 to +40 to hit
Plentiful Staff charges doubled
Raven's +16 to +20 to mana
Red +10 to +20 resist fire
Ruby +51% to 60% resist fire
Rusted -25% to -50% armor
Ruthless +126% to +150% damage
Saintly +111% to +130% armor
Sapphire +51% to +60% resist lightning
Savage +111% to +125% damage
Serpent's +30 to +40 to  mana
Sharp +20 to +35% damage and +1 to +5 to hit
Silver +16 to +20 to hit
Snake's +21 to + 30 to mana
Soldier's +66% to +80% damages +16 to +20 to hit
Spider's +66% to +80% damage +16 to +20 to hit
Steel +11 to +15 to hit
Strong +101 to +150 to hit
Strange +101 to +150 to hit
Sturdy +20% to +30% armor
Tin -6 to -10 to hit
Topaz +10% to +15% resist all
Useless -100% damage
Valiant +56% to +70% Armor
Vicious +66% to 80% damage
Vulnerable -51% to -100% armor
Warrior's +51% to +65% damage and +11 to +15 to hit
Weak -25% to -45% damage
Weird +81 to +100 to hit
White +10% to +20% resist general magic
Wyrm's +61 to +80 to mana


Diablo item suffix list

Suffix. Effect added
Of absorption -3 hit points per hit received, hand to hand only
Of accuracy Adds +11 to +15 dexterity
Of ages Indestructible
Of atrophy -1 to -5 dexterity
Of balance Skip frame 2 of  "get hit scene"
Of  bashing Each hit removes 8 to 24 points from target's armor class
Of the bat Adds 3% damage done to target's mana 
Of the bear knocks target back one square
Of blocking Skip all frames of "get hit scene" but frame 1
Of blood Adds 6% damage done to target's life
Of brilliance Adds +11 to +15 to magic
Of brittleness -26% to -75% durability
Of burning Adds +1 to +16 fire damage to target
Of carnage Adds +13 to +16 Damage to target
Of corruption User looses all mana
Of craftsmanship Adds +51% to +100% durability
Of the crusaders 50% of last attack's damage added to next attack
Of the dark -4 squares of light radius
Of dexterity Adds +1 to +5 to dexterity
Of disease -1 to -5 from users vitality
Of dyslexia -1 to -5 from users magic
Of the eagle Adds +21 to +30 hit points
Of fire Adds +1 to +6 fire damage to target
Of flame Adds +1 to +3 fire damage to target
Of the fool -6 to -10 magic from user
Of the fox Adds +10 to +15 hit points
Of fragility Item has only 1 point of durability
Of frailty -6 to -10 strength
Of the giant Adds +16 to +20 strength
Of gore Adds +9 to +12 added to damage
Of harmony Skip frames 2, 4 & 6 of "get hit scene"
Of haste Skip frames 1, 2, 4, & 6 of "attack animation"
Of health -1 hit point per hit received, hand to hand only
Of the heavens Adds +12 to +15 added to all stats
Of illness -6 to -10 from users vitality
Of the jackal -1 to -10 hit points
Of the jaguar Adds +16 to +20 hit points
Of the leech adds +3% damage to targets life
Of life -4 to hit points per hit received,hand to hand only
Of light Adds +2 squares of light radius
Of  lightning Adds +1 to +10 lightning damage
Of the lion Adds +51 to +60 hit points
Of magic Adds +1 to +5 to magic
Of maiming Adds +3 to +5 to Damage
Of the mammoth Adds +61 to +80 hit points
Of many +100% arrows (Durability) huh? what the f*ck does Blizzard  mean by this???
Of might Adds +6 to 10 to strength
Of the mind Adds +6 to magic
Of the moon Adds +4 to +7 to all stats
Of the night -2 squares of light radius
Of the pit -1 to -5 to all stats
Of quality +1 to +2 damage
Of radiance +4 squares of light radius
Of tears +1 hit point per hit received
Of the thief Trap damage is cut by half
Of thunder Adds +1 to +20 lightning damage
Of the tiger +41 to +50 hit points
Of the titans +21 to + 30 to strength
Of trouble -6 to - 10 all stats
Of osmosis -5 to -6 hit points per hit received, hand to hand only
Of pain +2 to +4 hit points per hit received, hand to hand only
Of paralysis -6 to -10 dexterity
Of perfection +21 to +30 Dexterity
Of piercing Each hit removes 2 to 6 points from target's armor
Of plenty Adds +200% arrows (Durability)      huh? don't ask me..
Of power Adds +11 to +15 strength
Of precision Adds =16 to +20 dexterity
Of protection -2 per hit received, hand to hand only
Of puncturing Each hit removes 4 to 12 points from target's armor class
Of readiness Skip frame one of "attack animation"
Of shock Adds +1 to +6 lightning damage
Of skill Adds +6 to +10 dexterity
Of the sky Adds +1 to +3 to all stats
Of slaughter Adds +17 to +20 to damage
Of slaying Adds +6 to +8 damage
Of sorcery Adds + 16 to +20 magic
Of speed Skip frames 1, 3, & 5 of  "attack animation"
Of stability Skip frames 2 & 4 of "get hit scene"
Of the stars Adds +8 to +11 to all sats
Of structure Adds +101%  to +200% durability
Of sturdiness Adds +26% to +50% durability
Of strength +1 to +5 strength
Of spikes attacking monster takes 1-10 damage if it hits you
Of swiftness Skip frames 1 & 3 of "attack animation"
Of thorns attacking monster takes 1-6 damage if it hits you
Of the vampire Adds 6% damage done to mana
Of vigor Adds +16 to +20 vitality
Of vileness Makes target unable to heal its self if hit
Of vim Adds +11 to +15 to vitality
Of vitality Adds +1 to +5 to vitality
Of the Vulture -11 to -25 hit points
Of weakness -1 to -5 strength
Of the whale Adds +81 to +100 to hit points
Of wizardry Adds +21 to +30 to magic
Of the wolf Adds +30 to +40 hit points
Of zest Adds +6 to +10 to vitality
Of the zodiac Adds +16 to +20 to all stats