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My Links Page

As one travels through the vast area known as cyber space, one finds quite a few cool links that one likes to visit repeatedly.Here are some sites that I enjoy visiting and I hope you enjoy as well.

The Celtic Connection

The Place For All Your Wiccan Needs.

The Godly Warlords

This is a link to the D2 LOD clan that I belong to. A great bunch of people. Very Mature and Respectful. Please feel free to check us out.

Hail to The Gods of Creation

Blizzard, Blizzard, Blizzard. Self explanatory.

You need it, They can find it

Your ultimate Search Engine for Diablo related sites.

The One True Church of Satan

The Official Website of The Church of Satan. Founded by the one man I hold the utmost respect for, The late, Anton Szandor LaVey.(RIP)

Great site.

If you didn't find what you were looking for on my site, take a look at Mephisto's Closet. Great Seller, and very trustworthy

Feel free to link to my page, And if you would like me add you to my links page then email me with the address.
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This page was last updated on 10/19/2002