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The Sorceress

Of all the character classes, the Sorceress is the most dependent on her skills. She is therefore also the most dependent on recharging her spiritual energy. Unless she can supplement her natural and continuous replenishment with items to restore Mana, she must develop the Warmth skill. The Warmth skill adds to her ability to recharge Mana. In the rest of the skill tree she has more of a choice. Cold spells are certainly useful, both in the damage they unleash and in slowing enemies. Additionally, cold spells can at times freeze her targets, shattering them upon their death, making resurrection impossible. The Sorceress should develop Static Field. This is an extremely effective spell that will benefit both her and other adventurers whom she might allow to join her.

Supplementing the Sorceress' attributes is a more difficult series of decisions. Obviously Energy is always a consideration. Strength, while seemingly not important, is needed for the ability to don better armor. The Sorceress is cursed with a low vitality, and if hit is easily felled. For this reason the Sorceress is one of the more difficult classes to play. She needs to add to her strength for better armor, to her vitality for more life, and to her energy so that she can keep casting her spells. Generally it is wise to pick a level of armor to aspire to, and then shift all focus away from strength. Many consider the breastplate to be sufficient armor. Attaining the level of strength to use this armor is an important goal.

The Sorceress should always be on the lookout for items that increase Mana regeneration. She should also not entirely abandon the martial arts, and have quality armaments, if only as a backup. Many of Diablo's minions possess a great deal of magical defense, and spells are not always effective. It is wise to choose skills from throughout the skill tree. Of all the classes though, she must avoid being struck in melee combat, therefore she requires the most tactical maneuvering and the most care.

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