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The Warrior

Who Wants Some Of Me???

The stongest and toughest class, the Warrior, excels in hand-to-hand combat. His natural strength, properly cultivated, allows him to utilize heavy armor, cumbrous axes, weighty clubs, and massive blades that are beyond the means of most Sorcerers and Rogues.

The Warrior is also a skillful craftsman, possessing an inherant ability to repair weapons and armor in the field (although he's no match for a true blacksmith). As with all the character classes, the Warrior's aptitude with his special skill increases with each level of experience earned (see next tip).

Though Griswold can repair any item up to its current available Durability, the price runs high when magical or Unique items are involved. Unless an item is so obviously irreplacable that you never want to lower its Durability, it makes sense to have the Warrior effect repairs as opposed to paying for them.

In the middle of the game, when various suits of armor and weapons become available, the Warrior's skill skill is most valuable. Though an item eventually 'wears down' after repeated repair jobs from the Warrior, you'll invariably pick up something as a replacement before things begin to get knocked from your body in battle.

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