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Name: Augu Ikitougou

Age: 23
Date of Birth: August 25
Blood Type: O
Height: 5' 8'
Weight: 124
Hair: Dirty Blonde
Eyes: Hazle
Build: Strong
Home: Sao
Skills: Unknown
Rank: Unknown
Living Siblings: Landen Ikitougou
Dream: None
Fear: None
Color: Red
Food: Unknown
People: None
Color: Black
Food: None
People: Landen
Personality: Not much personality is evident in Augu, other than his psycopathic behaviour. The one thing that seems to ever keep him straight is Hiryuus control, and his thirst for revenge on his brother (Landen), and mother. We do at times see what is left of a personality from his childhood come through, but not enough to go on.
Bio: When it comes to Augu, there is much left unanswered. He is killed early in the series, and could be considered a psycopath. He was abandoned  by his mother and Landen when he was young, and captured by Hiryuu. He witnessed the death of his father firsthand, and inherited the armor of his father. He was altered by hiryuu to do his wishes, and the torment of it all causes him to act mentally unstable. His switching moods are evident of that; one minute he will be calm, the next he will go into a rave. However, not much is known of the activities he engaged in before the attack on Sao, or what he did for the many years he was under Hiryuus control.

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