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Professor Kuro Hiryuu
Personality: Hiryuu was once a gentle, optimistic scientist with a universe of people to meet, and things to learn. He was diligent, and considerate of those around him. He was good friends with Suikos father, who was at the head of the Sao government.
    The Hiryuu that oppresses the world is a completely different person. Cold ruthless, arrogant, an obsessive. He is power hungry  and deceitful. And to a certain extent, insane. He is not a good person to be an enemy too, and definitely not one to deceive.
Bio: Hiryuu is, and isn't, the main oppressor. Before he was possessed, Hiryuu was the loving father of Hiryuu. He was once the leading scientist on planet Sao, until his experiments went too far. He was possessed by the Shadow Dragon, the evil half of the Dragon Guardian Ryuuza. He has no control over his actions, and must watch his life go by as if in a dream.
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