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Name: Landen Ikitougou
Age: 18
Date of Birth: June 6
Blood Type: B
Height: 5' 7''
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair: Dirty Blonde/Brown
Eyes: Hazle
Build: Plain
2Home: Earth
Skills: Battle Tactics, Sword Play
Rank: 10/10
Living Siblings: Augu
Dream: Return his brother Augu to normal and to be a good leader.
Fear: Failing to defeat Hiryuu
Color: Green and White
Food: Pizza
People: Ohiko
Color: Black
Food: Eggplant
People: Hiryuu & Ni
Personality: Landen is the leader of the Dragon Children. He is confused on many aspects of the dragon Galazy, but cool and confident that they can win anything. He is determined to do justice to his title as leader, and is extremely friendly; but at times too trusting.
Bio: Landen was mostly raised on Earth. However, when he was young, his family lived on planet Sao (see Suiko). His mother was a Dragon Senshi, however, she and Landen fled from Sao when Landen was 3, leaving Augu and their father to be captured by Professor Hiryuu. Landens mother traveled to Earth and raised him there, without telling Landen of where they came from. 
    Augu returned to Earth and killed his mother, and almost killed Landen. Kya saved landen before he was destroyed. Kya explained to Landen of the Dragon Children and Hiryuu, and from there they started their search for the other Dragon Children.