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Name: Ohiko Inabikari
Age: 17
Date of Birth: June 22
Blood Type: B
Height: 5' 7''
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Greenish Grey
Build: Strong
Home: Kaminari
Skills: Speed attacking
Rank: 8/10
Living Siblings: Toran Inabikari
Dream: To live in the forest and live off the land.
Fear: To die of unnatural causes.
Color: Green and Black
Food: Chinese
People: Landen and Toran
Color: None
Food: Unknown
People: Hiryuu, Ni, etc.
Personality: Ohiko likes to be with friends and laugh, it's boring if she can't laugh. Sometimes she likes to be alone and do some writing and drawing nature outside. She loves the outdoors and loves to hike, back at her home, she built her own tree house. Ohiko likes to be self efficiant and makes her own clothes and loves also to cook. Whenever it comes to food away from home, it's Ohiko to the rescue to whip up an entry for the group. She's no sissy, but she isn't a leader either. Ohiko has an easy time admitting things. Ohiko is a strong beleiver and if anyone messes with those things, she feels both hurt and anger and can lash out at anytime. Ohiko also gets emotional, if her feelings are hurt badly, she is unable to fight. Fighting is another issue for her. If the fighting is for a good cause, she will fight. Her element is electricity and she's not a good person to pick on, because she can and will kick arse.