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Name: Ryu Kodo / Noro
Age: 18
Date of Birth: September 17
Blood Type: O
Height: 183 cm  / 5' 11''
Weight: 50 kg / 110 lbs
Hair: Smokey Blue
Eyes: Blue
Build: Tall, powerful
Home: Rekka Zembu Tenku
Skills: Martial arts
Rank: 9/10
Living Siblings: Touma Noro
Dream: Unknown
Fear: Touma dying 
Color: Red
Food: Hot peppers
People: Touma and Sakura
Color: Orange 
Food: Carrots
People: Suiko, Ty, Hiryuu, Ni
Personality: Solemn; he is cautious around the other dragon children. He's been friends with Touma since he was four, and promised to 'protect' her. Very cautious with strangers as happened with Suiko, and is disgusted by those with strong bodies, but weak personalities. At times he can confuse his intentions, and can be at a loss. He's not very intelligent when it comes to people, considering the fact that he's anti-social.
Bio:  Touma and Ryus parents, Hayate and Ceres, died when they were very young. Ryu was sent to Rekka, and Touma was sent to Tenku. Because they were so young when they were seperated, they did not remember each other. However by twist of fate, Ryu me Touma in the 'no mans land' between Tenku and Rekka. Ryu taught Touma martial arts, and promised to always protect her. When Landen and the other Dragon Children arrived on their planet, Tenku and Rekka were at war with each other (the Tekkan government split after the dissapearance of their representatives, Ceres and Hayate). 
    When Hiryuu started his attack on Tenku Zembu Rekka, Tenku and Rekka again forged an alliance.