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Shadow Dragon
Personality:  The shadow dragon is evil.There is no halfway with him; he is the evil half of the Guardian Dragon Ryuuza. 
Bio: The Dragon Guardian, Ryuuza, once lived on the Dragon Sun. However, he was unably maintain such power; he split into two, the Shadow Dragon (Hiryuu) and the  pure form of Ryuuza. Ryuuza spread half his power into armors that became embeded into pure souls.
    From there, the Shadow Dragon resided into the center of the Koi galaxy. He was awakened by Professor Hiryuu on accident, and possessed the scientist. He then started his campaign to destroy the universe. Legend goes that the only way to capture Hiryuu is to unite the pure form of Ryuuza, Hiryuu, and the Armors on the dragon sun.


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