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Name: Tatakai Yumioka
Age: 18
Date of Birth: January 13
Blood Type: B
Height: 5' 9 1/2''
Weight: 134 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Grey Blue
Build: Strong, agile
Home: Kurisutaru
Skills: Sword play, spying/going about things without being noticed.
Rank: 10/10
Living Siblings: Hikari Yumioka
Dream: Unknown
Fear: Blackholes
Color: Black and Grey
Food: N/A
People: Unknown
Color: Any bright colors
Food: N/A
People: Unknown
Personality: Tatakai is a bit complex in some ways. He really isn't serving Hiryuu because he's controled or really wants to. To him, it's just a good paying job; he's an assassin. He tends to mess with Hiryuu's head a bit with common phrases like: "I'm not payed to kill Dragon Senshi, I'm just paid to get the crystals." and "Were's my pay?" As usual, Hiryuu is so frustrated and wants the Senshi out of his way so he gives Tatakai the money to do so. So you can say, Tatakai is rich although he doesn't go spending it like a fool, it's how he makes his living. Later, he is betrayed because Hiryuu is fed up with constantly paying Tatakai and has Ni backstab him... Literally. He's very cold hearted and doesn't act anything like his sister, Hikari, who is also fooled by the mask Tatakai  wears over his face to conceal the identity underneath. He relates more to Ryu Kodo, anti-social, serious and cold. Most of the time, Tatakai enjoys toying and torturing with the people he is ment to kill, but at times he can be nice if he actually wants to be.
Bio: Tatakai works for Hiryuu, thats the main, basic statement about him. For money he steals the souls that crystalize into Crystallines, only five contain the power that equals the Infinity Armor, and that's what Hiryuu wants, besides complete domination of the entire universe and total distruction and/or control of every living thing. Tatakai is played for a fool. A puppet like the others who serve Professor Hiryuu.
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