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Name: Tomeh/Tonichi Katsyryoku
Age: 19
Date of Birth: September 2
Blood Type: B
Height: 5' 9'
Weight: 119 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes:   Purple
Build: Strong
Home: Sao
Skills: Making Deals
Rank: 6/10
Living Siblings: None
Dream: Unknown
Fear: Spiders
Color: Green
Food: Spaghetti
People: Kaycee and Suiko
Color: Yellow
Food:  Hot Dogs
People: Ohiko, Hiryuu, Ni 
Personality: Tonichi is a somewhat silent person, but extremely brave. He seems to know when to laugh, and when to stay silent better than anyone else in the group. Somewhat of a shadow, Tonichis personality isnt as apparent as most in the series. Kaycee, daughter of Hiryuu, is one of the few able to get him out of his shell.
Bio: Tonichi's parents were also killed during the attack on Sao. When Hiryuu kidnapped Suiko, Tonichi attempted to rescue him and Suiko, but failed. He finally relented to Hiryuu in exchange for assurance of Suiko and Kaycee safety. Tonichi then changed his name from Tonichi for Tomeh (In the Sao language, Tonichi means Crystal Innocence, and Tomeh means Faceless Darkness.) 
    It was Tomeh that tricked Ni into thinking Suiko was brainwashed the second time, allowing the Dragon Children to get into Hiryuu's headquarters. 
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