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Name: Ty Imaimashii
Age: 16
Date of Birth: April 1
Blood Type: O
Height: 5' 7''
Weight: 132 lbs
Hair: Redish Brown
Eyes: Light Brown
Build: Short & stocky
Home: Tsunami
Skills: Hoverboarding, controling water, holding breath for a long time.
Rank: 5/10
Living Siblings: Unknown
Dream: Unknown
Fear: People stronger than him
Color: Aquamarine
Food: Sushimi
People: Kya
Color: Pink
Food: None
People: Hiryuu, Ni, etc.
Personality: Ty is one of those annoying people who like to bug others. His kidding and joking around get him into a lot of trouble and into wars between the members of the group he's with, especially Kya and Touma. He gets on basically everyone's nerves very easily and gets on a lot of people's bad sides. But Ty is an essential to the Dragon Senshi. He's the comic releif and is the one who can make everyone laugh when everyone gets a little too serious for their own good. All in all, Ty is a really good person, he just wants to make people smile.He's been able to hold his breath for almost an hour, thanks to the power to control water and his armor and its element.
Bio:  N/A