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Name: Zodie Zinguuzi / Ryuzaki
Age: 7
Date of Birth: Unknown
Blood Type: AB 
Height: 3' 7''
Weight: 79 lbs
Hair: Reddish Brown 
Eyes: Brown
Build: Just Your Average Child
Home:  Earth
Skills: Medical practice
Rank: 11/10 w/ armor, 1/10 without armor
Living Siblings: None
Dream: To be a doctor
Fear: "Daddy Wing go bye-bye."
Color: White
Food: Sushi
People: Wing Ryuzaki
Color: Green
Food: Tea
People: None
Personality: Zodie is the youngest, but strongest of the dragon children. She is attached to her adopted father, Wing Ryuzaki; she never lets him leave her sight. However, this does not hinder her relationship with others on the Resolution, the ship she and Wing live on. She is greatly interested in becoming a doctor, and will not let anything get in her way of achieving this dream.
Bio:  Zodie's parents were killed when she was three years old in the crash of the WPS 08. Because of the effects of the Galaxy Barrier, Zodie has no memories of her parents, other than she received a moon hairpin from her mother. Wing Ryuzaki, who had the same fate, adopted Zodie after the death of her parents. Wing, who was in actuality a Dragon Child, unknowingly transferred his powers to Zodie because he had forgotten his training, and therefore could not hold his power. When Wing is harmed, Zodie uses the Infinity armor, and ends up killing or seriously injures the person who hurt Wing. (Tatakai learned this the hard way.)