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If you would like to claim one of these cards, fill out the form below.

Any completed cards should be sent to just Pierce McDowell.

Battle Actions

Weapon Proficiency Something good with weapons assigned to Joshua J. Marsh COMPLETE  
Punch the Groin   assigned to Dan Williamson COMPLETE  
Broken Leg   unassigned incomplete  
Remove Ear With a weapon unassigned incomplete  
Superhuman Someone withstanding a "buttload" of damage assigned to Kevin H  Yancey COMPLETE  
Deficient Opponent Someone fighting a lamer opponent assigned to Paula Alavesa COMPLETE  
Get Out of the Way   assigned to Mikhail  E Merkurieff COMPLETE  
Dodge   assigned to Brandi Giacchetta incomplete August 2, 2001
Block   assigned to Marie Tary COMPLETE  
Resist Pain   assigned to joey kan COMPLETE  
Expected Hit Blocking a hit that the person saw coming unassigned incomplete  
Out to Kill   assigned to Scott E. 'Sven' Johnson COMPLETE  
Gash   unassigned incomplete  
Clobber   assigned to Brian Coyne COMPLETE  
Stomach Jab   assigned to Uta 'Freawyn' Hesse COMPLETE  
Jaw Punch   assigned to Taltos COMPLETE  
Smack   unassigned incomplete  
Bite Preferably a furry or creature biting an arm or something assigned to just Pierce McDowell COMPLETE  
Go for the Wound Someone hitting an open wound unassigned incomplete  
Feint Not the "passing out kind."  Pretending to make one move, but actually making another. unassigned incomplete  
KaChock! The sound something makes when being hit unassigned incomplete  
Roundhouse   unassigned incomplete  
Knock Out the Wind   unassigned incomplete  
Double Punch A person being punched (theoretically twice) assigned to Dan Williamson COMPLETE  
Hidden Weapon   unassigned incomplete  
Toe Stomp   assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE  
Body Slam   assigned to Brian Coyne COMPLETE  
Throw Dirt Throwing dirt into opponents eyes assigned to Brian Coyne COMPLETE  
Choke   unassigned incomplete  
Kick to Chest   assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE  
Connecting Fists Opponents punching each other's fist unassigned incomplete  
Blind Jump Blindly Jumping at an opponent unassigned incomplete  
Kickback Kicking someone in the back unassigned incomplete  
Head Butt   assigned to Dawn M  Lavallee COMPLETE  
Sit On 'Em A large Troll or Ogre sitting on someone assigned to Hanna Engkvist COMPLETE  
Heavy Follow Through A hit that was stronger then anticipated assigned to Bruno Krippahl COMPLETE  
Grazing Blow A minor cut unassigned incomplete  
Unhealable Damage   assigned to Dawn M  Lavallee COMPLETE  
Break Nose   assigned to Dan Williamson COMPLETE  

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