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Any completed cards should be sent to just Pierce McDowell.

The Characters

The Fellowship of Erasdas - The Humans and Elves - Science
The Humans
Knentai Quardera A woman assigned to Peregrin COMPLETE  
Oscillus Tinit A chemist assigned to B Huffman COMPLETE  
Hadja Tarnople A well protected man. (MUST look similar to Yasho and Murin) assigned to Taltos incomplete July 10, 2001
Yasho Tarnople A well protected man assigned to Brian Cooke COMPLETE  
Murin Tarnople A decietful man assigned to Adorna COMPLETE  
Legion A group of human warriors assigned to B Huffman COMPLETE  
Standard Bearer A flag carrier assigned to Jolyn Kitzer COMPLETE  
The Elves
Keel Band A friendly male assigned to Audre COMPLETE  
Schadit Redel A pesky female assigned to Frank Esper COMPLETE  
Paverul Valrad An male with poison assigned to Wetheril COMPLETE  
Puol Shairokad A rich male assigned to Maria Lundby Bohlin COMPLETE  
Fand Gander A rich female assigned to Dawn M  Lavallee COMPLETE  
Lyftthorn Archers A group of elves assigned to Maggie Wang COMPLETE  
Pawn An elf assigned to Veronica COMPLETE  
The Halfling
Helf Half elf, half human assigned to Nicole COMPLETE  
The Steel Toes - The Dwarves and Orcs - Metalwork
The Dwarves
Horoculus A powerful dwarf. assigned to B Huffman COMPLETE  
Highland Dwarves A group of dwarves. assigned to Brian Cooke COMPLETE  
Gorn the Holder A strong dwarf. assigned to Maria Lundby Bohlin COMPLETE  
Angar Boda A brave dwarf. assigned to Devon Cady-Lee COMPLETE  
Buro A dwarf attuned with his equipment. assigned to Troy Hartman incomplete July 10, 2001
Cherebare A sinister dwarf. assigned to Peregrin COMPLETE  
Olympian A dwarf wrestler assigned to Brian Coyne COMPLETE  
The Orcs
Orcanartillery An orc. assigned to B Huffman COMPLETE  
Rotten Bones A poweful orc. assigned to Raymond Harris COMPLETE  
Horse Hoof An intimidating orc assigned to just Pierce McDowell COMPLETE  
Grule the Conqueror Another powerful orc. assigned to Dedgummit COMPLETE  
Stuu Me Si An influential orc. assigned to Heather Soiferman COMPLETE  
Havvercottagiller A swift orc. assigned to Dedgummit COMPLETE  
Alliance At least on dwarf and at least one orc. assigned to Levi Peterfy COMPLETE  
Elder An old orc. assigned to Severus of Nutbox COMPLETE  
The Shaded Kinship - The Vampires, Werewolves, and other Dark Creatures - Torture
The Vampires
Lord Baneful A wealthy land owner assigned to Jeni Gibbs COMPLETE  
Boris Stowickz A vampire castle guard assigned to Peregrin COMPLETE  
Olga Stowickz A quarter human three quarters vampire store onwer assigned to Veronica COMPLETE  
Vorpal Bunny A blood sucking rabbit assigned to Samuel Araya COMPLETE  
Minister of the Void A vampire religeous leader assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE  
The Werewolves
Luc de Lac A psychotic werewolf assigned to Taltos COMPLETE  
Yves Rimbaud A dungeon master werewolf assigned to Maggie Wang incomplete July 31, 2001
Michelle Balzac A pre-teen werewolf drivin by a traumatic experience assigned to Suz Bateson COMPLETE  
Deformed Wolf A werewolf who is deformed for some reason or another assigned to Samuel Araya COMPLETE  
Lapis Lazuli Lupus A blue dog that evolves into a primitive werewolf unassigned incomplete  
Various Undead and other Creatures
Allottendorg A re-animated skeleton war monger assigned to B Huffman COMPLETE  
Artemus A nasty looking hunchback theif assigned to Nick Thornborrow COMPLETE  
Professor Zeilitzheim A mad scientist assigned to Tim Levin incomplete July 15, 2001
Undead Horde A group of rag tag zombies and skeletons assigned to Maria Lundby Bohlin COMPLETE  
Pack Rat A plague carrying rat assigned to Socar Myles COMPLETE  
The Furries - Anthromorphs - Nature
Naktala Elwig A peaceful cat woman. assigned to Dawn M Lavelle incomplete July 30, 2001
Kierra A well-off mouse woman. assigned to Brian Coyne COMPLETE  
Nespaw A quick cheetah woman. assigned to Jeni Gibbs incomplete July 15, 2001
Oraephus A sneaky tiger man. assigned to Maggie Wang COMPLETE  
Blerquo A bear man who likes to give bear hugs. assigned to Dawn M Lavelle incomplete July 15, 2001
Meiwey A busy cat man. assigned to Anna Pieruccini COMPLETE  
Calvary Horse-riding furries. assigned to Taltos COMPLETE  
Guard A furry assigned to Anna Pieruccini COMPLETE  
Scout A furry assigned to Marcus COMPLETE  
Archer A furry pending... incomplete  
Hunter A mean furry assigned to Marie Tary incomplete August 2, 2001
Caninepack A group of canine furries unassigned incomplete  
Scent Tracker A Bloodhound furry unassigned incomplete  
Wise One An elderly furry assigned to Anna Pieruccini COMPLETE  
Spear Wielder A furry assigned to Suz Bateson COMPLETE  
The Howllligans - Ogres, Trolls, Goblins, Imps, and other Pesky Creatures - Chaos
The Ogres
Dale A massive ogre (more massive than usual) assigned to Thomas Edlund incomplete August 4, 2001
Trump A wise ogre (more wise than usual) assigned to Douglas C. Defa COMPLETE  
Sugar A female dancer ogre assigned to Dave Sammons COMPLETE  
The Trolls
Eric An under-the-bridge troll assigned to Taltos COMPLETE  
Untameable Troll An out of control troll assigned to Peregrin COMPLETE  
Logan An "archaic weapons" specialist troll assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE  
The Goblins
Goblin General A chaotic general assigned to Marcus Nelson COMPLETE  
Goblin Battalion A group of five goblins assigned to Adrian Jain incomplete July 5, 2001
Goblin Captain A leader of a Goblin Battalion assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE  
Goblin Arms Specialist A goblin good with all sorts of higher archaic weapons assigned to Peregrin COMPLETE  
Goblin Drunk A goblin with too much whisky. assigned to Jen Shumacher COMPLETE  
Gary The most famous (and ellusive) goblin warrior assigned to Heather Soiferman COMPLETE  
The Imps
Zaredro An evil wizard imp assigned to April YSH COMPLETE  
Aloofio An imp in control of "pesky" magic assigned to Dawn M Lavelle incomplete July 15, 2001
Tallehandro An imp in control of "bizzare" magic assigned to Peregrin COMPLETE  
Impish Pack A group of three imps assigned to Sarah Ouderkirk COMPLETE  
Various Pesky Creatures
Meep Weird creatures that resmble McDonald's Fry Guys. Pesky. pending... incomplete  
Swarm of Gnats Goblin camps are a temendous feeding ground assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE  
Colt-Pixy A mischievous Fairy assigned to Stacey Kettler incomplete July 13, 2001

Rag Tag Cavalry

A small group of ogres, goblins, and trolls

assigned to Kerrith Johnson


July 31, 2001

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