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If you would like to claim one of these cards, fill out the form below.

Any completed cards should be sent to just Pierce McDowell.


Dragon of the Wheat A flaxen Dragon (like in the Release the Dragon picture) assigned to B Huffman COMPLETE  
Schayparian Gryphon A razor haired Gryphon assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE  
Macaw A red bird assigned to Lorene Turner COMPLETE  
Sceberru Three headed dog assigned to Marie Tary COMPLETE  
Stag of Pherop Clearing A magical white stag assigned to Anna Pieruccini COMPLETE  
Slag Dragon A wingless dragon assigned to Piia Multanen COMPLETE  
Ubiquitous Spook Ubiquitous means "Everywhere at once" assigned to Jeremy Fowler-Lindemulder COMPLETE  
Google Lump A huge hulking creature of some sort assigned to Leslie Allen Usrey COMPLETE  
Ragnarock The Ragnarock is composed entirely of Rock and Stone, and could be thought of as a warmonger.  Ragnarocks usually top off at about 40-50 feet in height and 10-20 tons in weight.  They are called Ragnarock because wherever they go, they leave a wake of destruction behind them, much like the Norse Ragnarok, and they are...well, rock.  No one really knows whether the Ragnarock are stupid, and mindlessly destroy, whether they are malicious and evil, or are simply misunderstood.  In any case, they are either coveted or despised; coveted as warmongers, despised and hunted for the same reason. assigned to Stacey Kettler incomplete July 13, 2001
Wither Wisp Withering Wisps are small, black, fibrous clouds of "scavenging" fog surrounding an orb of levitating green and blackened flesh (which  is it's true body).  The fog is secreted from the orb and acts as an extentsion of nerves as well as tendrils for grasping onto prey, leaving behind welts like the tentacle of a jellyfish does. Wither Wisps move without sound and are virtually invisible in the shadows. They are scavengers and hunters and will attack nearly anything it can find that it deems "food".  Once it kills it's prey, it envelopes it, remaining still while digesting. When done it leave behind only a withered husk of it's victim. The Wisp's fog can be manipulated to a shape that best fits its "mood", ranging from flat and rolling for at ease, to bunched up and billowing showing anger or frustration. They are agressive and hard to kill, and impossible to scare away. They are usually found in jungle like regions around large water falls or shadow banks where normal fog is frequent. unassigned incomplete  

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(NOTE:  Due to the scarcity of creatures, you can only claim one. Sorry.)

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