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Any completed cards should be sent to just Pierce McDowell.

The Disturbances

The Fellowship of Erasdas - The Humans and Elves - Belief in Science
Suicide Bomb An Erasdan with a bomb strapped to his or her chest. assigned to Peregrin COMPLETE
Rest An Erasdan taking a rest assigned to Keith Trimm COMPLETE
Bolstered Attack A really powerful Erasdan assigned to Dawn M Lavelle COMPLETE
Chemical Reaction A bad reaction against a character.  Maybe fizzing skin or something. assigned to Andrew Snihur incomplete
Fruits of War Something to celebrate for fighting (like money). assigned to Gennady Malyshev COMPLETE
Prevention Someone avoiding a fight. assigned to Paula Alavesa COMPLETE
Unintimidated An Erasdan laughing at a furry assigned to Olutoyin Fayemi COMPLETE
Bull The stock market on a good day assigned to Michael James May COMPLETE
Bear The stock market on a bad day unassigned incomplete
Logician A very intelligent Erasdan assigned to Morten Riis Svendsen COMPLETE
Advanced Arrival An army or a person arriving sooner than expected. assigned to Kelsey Martin COMPLETE
Enemy Grounds A non-Erasdan cowering at one of the Erasdan Locations unassigned incomplete
Overbearing Authority A general type man who will not be reversed in his commands. unassigned incomplete
Misplaced A non-Erasdan who has lost something. unassigned incomplete
Persuasion A very persuading Erasdan assigned to Dawn M Lavelle COMPLETE
The Steel Toes - The Dwarves and Orcs - Metalwork
Recycle An environmentally conscious Steel Toe assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE
Caged A character in a cage...or maybe creature unassigned incomplete
Spot the Scientist An Erasdan hiding in the crowd, perhaps unassigned incomplete
Overburndened A character with too much weight to carry unassigned incomplete
Pride of the Banner A proud-looking Steel Toe beside or maybe in front of  a Steel Toe banner assigned to Tomas Edlund COMPLETE
Last Ditch Defense A group of Steel Toes trying to hold the fort. assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE
Precious Metal A very valuable sword or shield.  Perhaps jewel encrusted. assigned to Paula Alavesa COMPLETE
A Test of Skill A Steel Toe challenging another warrior assigned to just Pierce McDowell COMPLETE  
Picked Lock A dismembered lock or a lock being dismembered unassigned incomplete
Bungled! A confused soul (perhaps a Howllligan) who attacked the wrong person unassigned incomplete
Broken A weapon or armour that's been busted unassigned incomplete
The Stronger Stuff A super-strong sword (maybe cleaving another in half) unassigned incomplete
Poorly Smithed A super-weak sword (maybe a sword being cleaved in half) unassigned incomplete
"Animals, BAH!" A dwarf in disgust or maybe a cowering furry. assigned to Rick Ewing COMPLETE
The Might of Metal A Steel Toe disarming another fighter unassigned incomplete
The Shaded Kinship - Creatures of the Night - Torture
Gripping Fear A very frightened character assigned to Brian Vigue COMPLETE
Enlarge A character being enlarged assigned to Kort T. Kramer COMPLETE
Burning Eyes Bloodshot eyes assigned to Min Rho COMPLETE
Black Lightning Very wierd dark looking lightning (please no Photoshop filters) unassigned incomplete
Biting Wind Very very cold wind assigned to Anders Tallvid COMPLETE
Evil Reflection A nasty looking doppleganger or wierd looking mirror or something assigned to COMPLETE
Revealed Stash A secret compartment that has been opened unexpectedly unassigned incomplete
Pack a Punch A guy hitting someone hard assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE
Open Crypt An open burial place assigned to Anna Zhigalov COMPLETE
Green Mist A fog that is tinted green. assigned to Piia Multanen COMPLETE
The Reaper Comes The Grim Reaper bargaining for a soul. assigned to Ken McCracken COMPLETE
Last Ditch Tactic A desolate or destroyed landscape assigned to Leslie Allen Usrey COMPLETE
Rework the Dead A or wizard putting together a body out of spare pieces assigned to Gina Jenkins COMPLETE
Quake A character who is trembling due to ground tremors unassigned incomplete
Rimbaud Flashback A character having a flashback to a time when it was in Yves dungeon UNKNOWN COMPLETE
The Furries - Anthromorphs - Nature
Ignorance to Gaia A really trashed-looking landscape assigned to Paula Alavesa COMPLETE
Weedryad Aquaintence A Weedryad attacking a character assigned to Taltos COMPLETE
Blink Either a flash or a blink unassigned incomplete
Gust A sudden blow of air assigned to Frank Esper COMPLETE
Protection of the Wood Spirits A person being attacked by little fairies or something assigned to Jeni Gibbs incomplete July 15, 2001
Call of the Wolves Howling wolves assigned to Erika Swanson COMPLETE
Gift of Honor An opposing army or warrior giving the other a gift unassigned incomplete
Pack A pack of furries unassigned incomplete
Enraged A frothing character unassigned incomplete
Respect for the Dead Someone paying homage for a dead character assigned to Ludi Price COMPLETE
Jammed Door A door that is stuck shut unassigned incomplete
Night Watch A furry guarding in the night assigned to Casey Young COMPLETE
Animal Instinct A combating furry, perhaps using teeth or claws assigned to Lipták László COMPLETE
Instinctual Combat A defending furry unassigned incomplete
Accelerated Healing Factor A furry with fast-healing wounds unassigned incomplete
Improved Healing Factor More of the above unassigned incomplete
The Howllligans - Pesky Creatures - Chaos
Explosion A person being knocked over by an explosion assigned to Brian Lassen COMPLETE
Right Place at the Right Time A goblin coming across sleeping people assigned to Leslie Allen Usrey COMPLETE
Rape the Land A huge goblin party unassigned incomplete
Dust Storm A huge cloud of dust sweeping across the terrain unassigned incomplete
Attracting Flies A lot of flies and gnats and the likes assigned to Paula Alavesa COMPLETE
Ogrepult A catapult manned by an Ogre assigned to Tomas Edlund COMPLETE
Lost A troll looking like he's lost assigned to Marcus COMPLETE
Money is involved A character giving a Howllligan money unassigned incomplete
Fizzle A spell gone bad assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE
Rock storm A bunch of goblins throwing rocks down onto people unassigned incomplete
Pyromaniac An Ogre playing with fire assigned to Heidi Jo Blackburn COMPLETE
Energy Drink A Howllligan looking as though he's advertising for a sports drink assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE
Blistering Weather A very, very, very, hot day assigned to Margo Grigoryan COMPLETE
The Pride of Gary Proud looking Howllligans assigned to Heather Soiferman incomplete July 23, 2001
Pointless Martyrdom A Howllligan burying a character it just killed unassigned incomplete

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