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If you would like to claim one of these cards, fill out the form below.

Any completed cards should be sent to just Pierce McDowell.

The Equipment

The Fellowship of Erasdas - The Humans and Elves - Belief in Science
Crossbow A crossbow assigned to Jen Chan COMPLETE  
Jointed Crossbow A crossbow that fires multiple arrows assigned to Brian Coyne COMPLETE  
Acidic Orb A glass orb full of acid assigned to Amanda Shockley COMPLETE  
Gun Powder Keg A keg of gun powder assigned to Bruce Huffman COMPLETE  
Plate Mail Armour made out of plates of metal assigned to Burkhard Leitner COMPLETE  
The Sword of Erasdas A mystical sword assigned to Adorna COMPLETE  
Throwing Dagger A well balanced steel dagger assigned to Jen Chan COMPLETE  
Map and Compass A map of Nane and Ryke with a compass assigned to Peregrin incomplete August 4, 2001
Clodhopper A massive clydsdale assigned to Amanda Shockley COMPLETE  
Fence A fence of sorts assigned to Brandi Giacchetta COMPLETE  
The Steel Toes - The Dwarves and Orcs - Metalwork
Claymore of Hoof A large cool-looking sword assigned to just Pierce McDowell COMPLETE  
Barbed Sword A sword with lots of spikes assigned to Burkhard Leitner COMPLETE  
Sword of Aggrivation A nasty looking sword that would suck to be cut by. (Perhaps Rusty) assigned to Rob Teixeira COMPLETE  
Axe Single Bladed assigned to Thomas Edlund COMPLETE  
Double Bladed Axe Like this (--|--) assigned to Brian Coyne COMPLETE  
Dual Axe One blade on top of another like this: |B assigned to Thomas Edlund COMPLETE  
Throwing Hatchet A small, light axe assigned to Bruce Huffman COMPLETE  
Forikay War Mallet A rather large hammer assigned to Kevin H  Yancey COMPLETE  
Erbach's Mattock A unique elegant axe assigned to Rob Teixeira COMPLETE  
Chef Whetarcil's Cleaver A simple meat cleaver assigned to izzy Medrano COMPLETE  
Miner's Pickaxe A simple rock pick unassigned incomplete  
"Cowards" Macrodome A personal human-sized dome used like a shield assigned to Socar Myles COMPLETE  
The Arrow Buster A shield particularly protective against arrows assigned to Brian Coyne COMPLETE  
Scout's Aegis A wooden shield unassigned incomplete  
Slotted Waistband A belt for carrying two or more weapons unassigned incomplete  
Health Aid Healing pills assigned to Troy Hartman COMPLETE  
Peg Leg A noble, but wooden-legged for a dwarf assigned to Troy Hartman incomplete July 30, 2001
Flasks A container for transporting liquid assigned to Per Norlén COMPLETE  
Steel Toe Standard A battle flag with the Steel Toe Logo on it assigned to Phil Lockhart COMPLETE  
The Shaded Kinship - Creatures of the Night - Torture
The Rack A table used to stretch people unassigned incomplete  
Drawing Sword Used to draw and quarter people assigned to Samuel Santos COMPLETE  
Morning Star A spiked ball and chain assigned to John Schroetter COMPLETE  
The Inflictor A magical staff used to invoke pain assigned to Lipták László incomplete July 5, 2001
Spiked Mail Chain mail armour with several protruding spikes assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE  
The Kesmaria Circle - The Furries - Nature
Fashioned Branch A branch that's been fashioned into a club or mace of sorts unassigned incomplete  
Blessed Jointed Bow A powerful longbow that shoots multiple arrows assigned to Rob Teixeira COMPLETE  
Miner A machine used for mining ore assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE  
Gaia's Disguise A disguise made from nature and magic assigned to Jeni Gibbs COMPLETE  
Gaia's Transport An archaic vehicle made from nature and magic assigned to Devon Cady-Lee COMPLETE  
The Howllligans - Goblins, Ogres, Trolls, and Imps - Chaos
Club A very heavy wooden club unassigned incomplete  
Fasioned Stone A stone with a handle assigned to Gennady Malyshev COMPLETE  
Mystic Branch A smaller magical club or staff assigned to Thomas Edlund COMPLETE  
Slingshot Basically it's a piece of cloth that you whip around and throw stones out of it. assigned to Frank Esper COMPLETE  
Pony A transport only for goblins or imps assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE  
Iron Claw A fake claw made of metal; primative assigned to Peregrin COMPLETE  
Stone Bag A bag of small pebbles unassigned incomplete  
Tunnel Cover A metal cover for a tunnel assigned to Troy Hartman incomplete July 30, 2001
Jabbin' Stick A pointed stick assigned to Dave Sammons COMPLETE  
Mystical Ring One of the few advanced pieces of the Howllligans assigned to Jessie Clark COMPLETE  

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