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If you would like to claim one of these cards, fill out the form below.

Any completed cards should be sent to just Pierce McDowell.

The Landscapes

The Steel Toes - Shady Mountain
Hewn Mountain It looks like a mountain split in half assigned to Brian Coyne COMPLETE  
The Cave of Yetti A cave (perhaps with some eyes or a silhouette) unassigned incomplete  
Shady Peak The highest point on the mountain range assigned to Tomas Edlund COMPLETE  
Canyon A large crevace assigned to Bruno Krippahl COMPLETE  
Overcast Pass An easily traversed portion of the mountains assigned to just Pierce McDowell COMPLETE  
The Fellowship of Erasdas - Nane-Ryke
Nane Bridge A bridge into the city of Nane assigned to Troy Hartman incomplete July 30, 2001
Nane Square The central meeting place in Nane assigned to Heidi Jo Blackburn COMPLETE  
Crossroads The path from Nane to Ryke assigned to Heidi Jo Blackburn COMPLETE  
House of Cairden The grandest house in Ryke assigned to Paula Alavesa COMPLETE  
Ryke Outpost The towers that guard the entrance to Ryke's backside assigned to Laura Simon COMPLETE  
The Shaded Kinship - Cathedral Calais
The Great Portal The massive doors into the Cathedral assigned to Thomas Edlund incomplete July 4, 2001
Sanctuary The spacious sanctuary assigned to Janet Yip incomplete July 13, 2001
Sprial Staircase Narrow and awkward assigned to J A Hallinan incomplete July 4, 2001
Bell Tower Just what it says assigned to Thomas Edlund COMPLETE  
The Minor Portal The smaller back doors of the Cathedral assigned to Audre COMPLETE  
The Kesimera Circle - Kypacevine Woods
Kievn's Kingdom Kievn is a huge tree. His kindom is the forest around him. assigned to Dave Drage COMPLETE  
Yekresian Falls Beautiful waterfalls assigned to DrgnRose4U COMPLETE  
Gaia's Campground A small camping area, with campfire burning, perhaps assigned to just Pierce McDowell COMPLETE  
Streel Burial Ground A grave site with primitive headstones, perhaps assigned to Jeni Gibbs COMPLETE  
Epsacy Monument A monument of some sort dedicated to a king or something assigned to Rick Smith COMPLETE  
The Howllligans - Butte of the Bear
Enchanted Entrance A magic teleportation area assigned to B Huffman COMPLETE  
The Howllligans - Vally of the Badger
Enchanted Entrance A magical teleportation area assigned to Thomas Edlund incomplete July 4, 2001
The Howllligans - Any Location
Nomadic Goblin Camp As generic as possible unassigned incomplete  
The Howllligans - Abandoned Quarry
Hideout A good hiding place assigned to Leslie Allen Usrey COMPLETE  
Elfen Mines Abandoned mines assigned to Thomas Edlund COMPLETE  

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