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If you would like to claim one of these cards, fill out the form below.

Any completed cards should be sent to just Pierce McDowell.

Battle Actions

Weapon Proficiency Something good with weapons assigned to Joshua J. Marsh COMPLETE  
Punch the Groin   assigned to Dan Williamson COMPLETE  
Broken Leg   assigned to Susanna Imelda Magdalena Bongers incomplete Oct. 1, 2001
Remove Ear With a weapon unassigned incomplete  
Superhuman Someone withstanding a "buttload" of damage assigned to Kevin H  Yancey COMPLETE  
Deficient Opponent Someone fighting a lamer opponent assigned to Paula Alavesa COMPLETE  
Get Out of the Way   assigned to Mikhail  E Merkurieff COMPLETE  
Dodge   assigned to Brandi Giacchetta COMPLETE  
Block   assigned to Marie Tary COMPLETE  
Resist Pain   assigned to joey kan COMPLETE  
Expected Hit Blocking a hit that the person saw coming unassigned incomplete  
Out to Kill   assigned to Scott E. 'Sven' Johnson COMPLETE  
Gash   unassigned incomplete  
Clobber   assigned to Brian Coyne COMPLETE  
Stomach Jab   assigned to Uta 'Freawyn' Hesse COMPLETE  
Jaw Punch   assigned to Taltos COMPLETE  
Smack   unassigned incomplete  
Bite Preferably a furry or creature biting an arm or something assigned to just Pierce McDowell COMPLETE  
Go for the Wound Someone hitting an open wound unassigned incomplete  
Feint Not the "passing out kind."  Pretending to make one move, but actually making another. assigned to just Pierce McDowell incomplete  
KaChock! The sound something makes when being hit unassigned incomplete  
Roundhouse   unassigned incomplete  
Knock Out the Wind   unassigned incomplete  
Double Punch A person being punched (theoretically twice) assigned to Dan Williamson COMPLETE  
Hidden Weapon   assigned to Dawn M  Lavallee COMPLETE  
Toe Stomp   assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE  
Body Slam   assigned to Brian Coyne COMPLETE  
Throw Dirt Throwing dirt into opponents eyes assigned to Brian Coyne COMPLETE  
Choke   assigned to Dawn M  Lavallee COMPLETE  
Kick to Chest   assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE  
Connecting Fists Opponents punching each other's fist assigned to Patrick McGahee incomplete August 29, 2001
Blind Jump Blindly Jumping at an opponent assigned to Susanna Imelda Magdalena Bongers incomplete Oct. 1, 2001
Kickback Kicking someone in the back unassigned incomplete  
Head Butt   assigned to Dawn M  Lavallee COMPLETE  
Sit On 'Em A large Troll or Ogre sitting on someone assigned to Hanna Engkvist COMPLETE  
Heavy Follow Through A hit that was stronger then anticipated assigned to Bruno Krippahl COMPLETE  
Grazing Blow A minor cut unassigned incomplete  
Unhealable Damage   assigned to Dawn M  Lavallee COMPLETE  
Break Nose   assigned to Dan Williamson COMPLETE  


The Fellowship of Erasdas - The Humans and Elves - Science
The Humans
Knentai Quardera A woman assigned to Peregrin COMPLETE  
Oscillus Tinit A chemist assigned to B Huffman COMPLETE  
Hadja Tarnople A well protected man. (MUST look similar to Yasho and Murin) assigned to Taltos incomplete August 23, 2001
Yasho Tarnople A well protected man assigned to Brian Cooke COMPLETE  
Murin Tarnople A decietful man assigned to Adorna COMPLETE  
Legion A group of human warriors assigned to B Huffman COMPLETE  
Standard Bearer A flag carrier assigned to Jolyn Kitzer incomplete  
The Elves
Keel Band A friendly male assigned to Audre COMPLETE  
Schadit Redel A pesky female assigned to Frank Esper COMPLETE  
Paverul Valrad An male with poison assigned to Wetheril COMPLETE  
Puol Shairokad A rich male assigned to Maria Lundby Bohlin COMPLETE  
Fand Gander A rich female assigned to Dawn M  Lavallee COMPLETE  
Lyftthorn Archers A group of elves assigned to Maggie Wang COMPLETE  
Pawn An elf assigned to Veronica COMPLETE  
The Halfling
Helf Half elf, half human assigned to Nicole COMPLETE  
The Steel Toes - The Dwarves and Orcs - Metalwork
The Dwarves
Horoculus A powerful dwarf. assigned to B Huffman COMPLETE  
Highland Dwarves A group of dwarves. assigned to Brian Cooke COMPLETE  
Gorn the Holder A strong dwarf. assigned to Maria Lundby Bohlin COMPLETE  
Angar Boda A brave dwarf. assigned to Devon Cady-Lee COMPLETE  
Buro A dwarf attuned with his equipment. unassigned incomplete  
Cherebare A sinister dwarf. assigned to Peregrin COMPLETE  
Olympian A dwarf wrestler assigned to Brian Coyne COMPLETE  
The Orcs
Orcanartillery An orc. assigned to B Huffman COMPLETE  
Rotten Bones A poweful orc. assigned to Raymond Harris COMPLETE  
Horse Hoof An intimidating orc assigned to just Pierce McDowell COMPLETE  
Grule the Conqueror Another powerful orc. assigned to Dedgummit COMPLETE  
Stuu Me Si An influential orc. assigned to Heather Soiferman COMPLETE  
Havvercottagiller A swift orc. assigned to Dedgummit COMPLETE  
Alliance At least on dwarf and at least one orc. assigned to Levi Peterfy COMPLETE  
Elder An old orc. assigned to Severus of Nutbox COMPLETE  
The Shaded Kinship - The Vampires, Werewolves, and other Dark Creatures - Torture
The Vampires
Lord Baneful A wealthy land owner assigned to Jeni Gibbs COMPLETE  
Boris Stowickz A vampire castle guard assigned to Peregrin COMPLETE  
Olga Stowickz A quarter human three quarters vampire store onwer assigned to Veronica COMPLETE  
Vorpal Bunny A blood sucking rabbit assigned to Samuel Araya COMPLETE  
Minister of the Void A vampire religeous leader assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE  
The Werewolves
Luc de Lac A psychotic werewolf assigned to Taltos COMPLETE  
Yves Rimbaud A dungeon master werewolf assigned to Maggie Wang COMPLETE  
Michelle Balzac A pre-teen werewolf drivin by a traumatic experience assigned to Suz Bateson COMPLETE  
Deformed Wolf A werewolf who is deformed for some reason or another assigned to Samuel Araya COMPLETE  
Lapis Lazuli Lupus A blue dog that evolves into a primitive werewolf assigned to Callum Kennedy incomplete Sept. 7, 2001
Various Undead and other Creatures
Allottendorg A re-animated skeleton war monger assigned to B Huffman COMPLETE  
Artemus A nasty looking hunchback theif assigned to Nick Thornborrow COMPLETE  
Professor Zeilitzheim A mad scientist assigned to Tim Levin COMPLETE  
Undead Horde A group of rag tag zombies and skeletons assigned to Maria Lundby Bohlin COMPLETE  
Pack Rat A plague carrying rat assigned to Socar Myles COMPLETE  
The Furries - Anthromorphs - Nature
Naktala Elwig A peaceful cat woman. assigned to Dawn M Lavelle COMPLETE  
Kierra A well-off mouse woman. assigned to Brian Coyne COMPLETE  
Nespaw A quick cheetah woman. assigned to Jeni Gibbs COMPLETE  
Oraephus A sneaky tiger man. assigned to Maggie Wang COMPLETE  
Blerquo A bear man who likes to give bear hugs. assigned to Dawn M Lavelle COMPLETE  
Meiwey A busy cat man. assigned to Anna Pieruccini COMPLETE  
Calvary Horse-riding furries. assigned to Taltos COMPLETE  
Guard A furry assigned to Anna Pieruccini COMPLETE  
Scout A furry assigned to Marcus COMPLETE  
Archer A furry assigned to Roderick B. Wallace COMPLETE  
Hunter A mean furry assigned to Marie Tary COMPLETE  
Caninepack A group of canine furries assigned to Joseph Tablante incomplete Oct. 1, 2001
Scent Tracker A Bloodhound furry assigned to Jess Freeman incomplete Oct. 1, 2001
Wise One An elderly furry assigned to Anna Pieruccini COMPLETE  
Spear Wielder A furry assigned to Suz Bateson COMPLETE  
The Howllligans - Ogres, Trolls, Goblins, Imps, and other Pesky Creatures - Chaos
The Ogres
Dale A massive ogre (more massive than usual) assigned to Thomas Edlund COMPLETE  
Trump A wise ogre (more wise than usual) assigned to Douglas C. Defa COMPLETE  
Sugar A female dancer ogre assigned to Dave Sammons COMPLETE  
The Trolls
Eric An under-the-bridge troll assigned to Taltos COMPLETE  
Untameable Troll An out of control troll assigned to Peregrin COMPLETE  
Logan An "archaic weapons" specialist troll assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE  
The Goblins
Goblin General A chaotic general assigned to Marcus Nelson COMPLETE  
Goblin Battalion A group of five goblins unassigned incomplete  
Goblin Captain A leader of a Goblin Battalion assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE  
Goblin Arms Specialist A goblin good with all sorts of higher archaic weapons assigned to Peregrin COMPLETE  
Goblin Drunk A goblin with too much whisky. assigned to Jen Shumacher COMPLETE  
Gary The most famous (and ellusive) goblin warrior assigned to Heather Soiferman COMPLETE  
The Imps
Zaredro An evil wizard imp assigned to April YSH COMPLETE  
Aloofio An imp in control of "pesky" magic assigned to Dawn M Lavelle COMPLETE  
Tallehandro An imp in control of "bizzare" magic assigned to Peregrin COMPLETE  
Impish Pack A group of three imps assigned to Sarah Ouderkirk COMPLETE  
Various Pesky Creatures
Meep Weird creatures that resmble McDonald's Fry Guys. Pesky. pending... incomplete  
Swarm of Gnats Goblin camps are a temendous feeding ground assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE  
Colt-Pixy A mischievous Fairy assigned to Russ Horseman COMPLETE  

Rag Tag Cavalry

A small group of ogres, goblins, and trolls

assigned to Kerrith Johnson


July 31, 2001


Dragon of the Wheat A flaxen Dragon (like in the Release the Dragon picture) assigned to B Huffman COMPLETE  
Schayparian Gryphon A razor haired Gryphon assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE  
Macaw A red bird assigned to Lorene Turner COMPLETE  
Sceberru Three headed dog assigned to Marie Tary COMPLETE  
Stag of Pherop Clearing A magical white stag assigned to Anna Pieruccini COMPLETE  
Slag Dragon A wingless dragon assigned to Piia Multanen COMPLETE  
Ubiquitous Spook Ubiquitous means "Everywhere at once" assigned to Jeremy Fowler-Lindemulder COMPLETE  
Google Lump A huge hulking creature of some sort assigned to Leslie Allen Usrey COMPLETE  
Ragnarock The Ragnarock is composed entirely of Rock and Stone, and could be thought of as a warmonger.  Ragnarocks usually top off at about 40-50 feet in height and 10-20 tons in weight.  They are called Ragnarock because wherever they go, they leave a wake of destruction behind them, much like the Norse Ragnarok, and they are...well, rock.  No one really knows whether the Ragnarock are stupid, and mindlessly destroy, whether they are malicious and evil, or are simply misunderstood.  In any case, they are either coveted or despised; coveted as warmongers, despised and hunted for the same reason. assigned to Peregrin COMPLETE  
Wither Wisp Withering Wisps are small, black, fibrous clouds of "scavenging" fog surrounding an orb of levitating green and blackened flesh (which  is it's true body).  The fog is secreted from the orb and acts as an extentsion of nerves as well as tendrils for grasping onto prey, leaving behind welts like the tentacle of a jellyfish does. Wither Wisps move without sound and are virtually invisible in the shadows. They are scavengers and hunters and will attack nearly anything it can find that it deems "food".  Once it kills it's prey, it envelopes it, remaining still while digesting. When done it leave behind only a withered husk of it's victim. The Wisp's fog can be manipulated to a shape that best fits its "mood", ranging from flat and rolling for at ease, to bunched up and billowing showing anger or frustration. They are agressive and hard to kill, and impossible to scare away. They are usually found in jungle like regions around large water falls or shadow banks where normal fog is frequent. unassigned incomplete  


The Fellowship of Erasdas - The Humans and Elves - Belief in Science
Suicide Bomb An Erasdan with a bomb strapped to his or her chest. assigned to Peregrin COMPLETE
Rest An Erasdan taking a rest assigned to Keith Trimm COMPLETE
Bolstered Attack A really powerful Erasdan assigned to Dawn M Lavelle COMPLETE
Chemical Reaction A bad reaction against a character.  Maybe fizzing skin or something. assigned to Andrew Snihur incomplete August 23, 2001
Fruits of War Something to celebrate for fighting (like money). assigned to Gennady Malyshev COMPLETE
Prevention Someone avoiding a fight. assigned to Paula Alavesa COMPLETE
Unintimidated An Erasdan laughing at a furry assigned to Olutoyin Fayemi COMPLETE
Bull The stock market on a good day assigned to Michael James May COMPLETE
Bear The stock market on a bad day unassigned incomplete
Logician A very intelligent Erasdan assigned to Morten Riis Svendsen COMPLETE
Advanced Arrival An army or a person arriving sooner than expected. assigned to Kelsey Martin COMPLETE
Enemy Grounds A non-Erasdan cowering at one of the Erasdan Locations assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE
Overbearing Authority A general type man who will not be reversed in his commands. assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE
Misplaced A non-Erasdan who has lost something. unassigned incomplete
Persuasion A very persuading Erasdan assigned to Dawn M Lavelle COMPLETE
The Steel Toes - The Dwarves and Orcs - Metalwork
Recycle An environmentally conscious Steel Toe assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE
Caged A character in a cage...or maybe creature unassigned incomplete
Spot the Scientist An Erasdan hiding in the crowd, perhaps unassigned incomplete
Overburndened A character with too much weight to carry unassigned incomplete
Pride of the Banner A proud-looking Steel Toe beside or maybe in front of  a Steel Toe banner assigned to Tomas Edlund COMPLETE
Last Ditch Defense A group of Steel Toes trying to hold the fort. assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE
Precious Metal A very valuable sword or shield.  Perhaps jewel encrusted. assigned to Paula Alavesa COMPLETE
A Test of Skill A Steel Toe challenging another warrior assigned to just Pierce McDowell COMPLETE  
Picked Lock A dismembered lock or a lock being dismembered unassigned incomplete
Bungled! A confused soul (perhaps a Howllligan) who attacked the wrong person unassigned incomplete
Broken A weapon or armour that's been busted unassigned incomplete
The Stronger Stuff A super-strong sword (maybe cleaving another in half) assigned to Peregrin COMPLETE
Poorly Smithed A super-weak sword (maybe a sword being cleaved in half) unassigned incomplete
"Animals, BAH!" A dwarf in disgust or maybe a cowering furry. assigned to Rick Ewing COMPLETE
The Might of Metal A Steel Toe disarming another fighter unassigned incomplete
The Shaded Kinship - Creatures of the Night - Torture
Gripping Fear A very frightened character assigned to Brian Vigue COMPLETE
Enlarge A character being enlarged assigned to Kort T. Kramer COMPLETE
Burning Eyes Bloodshot eyes assigned to Min Rho COMPLETE
Black Lightning Very wierd dark looking lightning (please no Photoshop filters) unassigned incomplete
Biting Wind Very very cold wind assigned to Anders Tallvid COMPLETE
Evil Reflection A nasty looking doppleganger or wierd looking mirror or something assigned to COMPLETE
Revealed Stash A secret compartment that has been opened unexpectedly assigned to Lipták László COMPLETE
Pack a Punch A guy hitting someone hard assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE
Open Crypt An open burial place assigned to Anna Zhigalov COMPLETE
Green Mist A fog that is tinted green. assigned to Piia Multanen COMPLETE
The Reaper Comes The Grim Reaper bargaining for a soul. assigned to Ken McCracken COMPLETE
Last Ditch Tactic A desolate or destroyed landscape assigned to Leslie Allen Usrey COMPLETE
Rework the Dead A or wizard putting together a body out of spare pieces assigned to Gina Jenkins COMPLETE
Quake A character who is trembling due to ground tremors unassigned incomplete
Rimbaud Flashback A character having a flashback to a time when it was in Yves dungeon UNKNOWN COMPLETE
The Furries - Anthromorphs - Nature
Ignorance to Gaia A really trashed-looking landscape assigned to Paula Alavesa COMPLETE
Weedryad Aquaintence A Weedryad attacking a character assigned to Taltos COMPLETE
Blink Either a flash or a blink unassigned incomplete
Gust A sudden blow of air assigned to Frank Esper COMPLETE
Protection of the Wood Spirits A person being attacked by little fairies or something unassigned incomplete
Call of the Wolves Howling wolves assigned to Erika Swanson COMPLETE
Gift of Honor An opposing army or warrior giving the other a gift assigned to Russ Horseman COMPLETE
Pack A pack of furries assigned to Susanna Imelda Magdalena Bongers incomplete Oct. 1, 2001
Enraged A frothing character assigned to Dawn M  Lavallee COMPLETE
Respect for the Dead Someone paying homage for a dead character assigned to Ludi Price COMPLETE
Jammed Door A door that is stuck shut unassigned incomplete
Night Watch A furry guarding in the night assigned to Casey Young COMPLETE
Animal Instinct A combating furry, perhaps using teeth or claws assigned to Lipták László COMPLETE
Instinctual Combat A defending furry unassigned incomplete
Accelerated Healing Factor A furry with fast-healing wounds unassigned incomplete
Improved Healing Factor More of the above unassigned incomplete
The Howllligans - Pesky Creatures - Chaos
Explosion A person being knocked over by an explosion assigned to Brian Lassen COMPLETE
Right Place at the Right Time A goblin coming across sleeping people assigned to Leslie Allen Usrey COMPLETE
Rape the Land A huge goblin party unassigned incomplete
Dust Storm A huge cloud of dust sweeping across the terrain unassigned incomplete
Attracting Flies A lot of flies and gnats and the likes assigned to Paula Alavesa COMPLETE
Ogrepult A catapult manned by an Ogre assigned to Tomas Edlund COMPLETE
Lost A troll looking like he's lost assigned to Marcus COMPLETE
Money is involved A character giving a Howllligan money unassigned incomplete
Fizzle A spell gone bad assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE
Rock storm A bunch of goblins throwing rocks down onto people unassigned incomplete
Pyromaniac An Ogre playing with fire assigned to Heidi Jo Blackburn COMPLETE
Energy Drink A Howllligan looking as though he's advertising for a sports drink assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE
Blistering Weather A very, very, very, hot day assigned to Margo Grigoryan COMPLETE
The Pride of Gary Proud looking Howllligans unassigned incomplete
Pointless Martyrdom A Howllligan burying a character it just killed unassigned incomplete


Metalworking Effects

Diamond Edge

A blade with a diamond edge

assigned to assigned to Lipták László


Sept. 7, 2001

Protective Barbs

Armor or shield with lot's of spikey things

assigned to Paula Alavesa



Basically a really light sword

assigned to Maria Lundby Bohlin



A really light mobile machine

assigned to Piia Multanen


Water of Tristam Well

A well with water in it

assigned to Heidi Vähämaa


Indestructible Aegis

An unbreakable shield

assigned to Sabrina Schunn


Oct. 1, 2001


A Horse (Just kidding, it's just a telescope).

assigned to Frank Esper



A hidden weapon

assigned to Julie Dillon



A workshop with a dwarf working in it

assigned to Andreas Rabenstein


Assassin Blade

A blade for killing swiftly

assigned to Brian Lassen


Nature Effects
Overgrowth A path with plants blocking the way assigned to Paula Alavesa COMPLETE
Unstable Terrain A sandy or muddy or otherwise un-manageable terrain assigned to Frank Esper COMPLETE
Mosquito Ridden An area with lots of pesky mosquitos unassigned incomplete
Decay A person who is rotting away unassigned incomplete
Pride of the Circle A furry who looks very proud assigned to Jeni Gibbs COMPLETE
Purge A furrian healer or shaman healing a disease unassigned incomplete
Stutter A clumsy fellow assigned to Brian Coyne COMPLETE
Midnight A cemetery with nighttime conditions assigned to Heidi Jo Blackburn COMPLETE
Gaia's Garden A very beautiful garden unassigned incomplete
Nectar of Gaia Magical water assigned to William Li COMPLETE
Beefy A big furry assigned to Brian Lassen COMPLETE
Caught Unawares A creature that's been surprised assigned to Brandi Giacchetta COMPLETE
Notorious Leader A creature who looks full of itself assigned to Maggie Wang COMPLETE
Gaia's Blessing A happy creature assigned to Marie Tary COMPLETE
Confuse A confused creature assigned to Jo Ellen Hines COMPLETE
Laisadt Trooper Somebody who comes to finish off the wounded assigned to Socar Myles COMPLETE
Truth be Told Something that looks truthful assigned to Paula Alavesa COMPLETE
Lightning Lotso lightning (none of that photoshop filter crap!) assigned to Heidi Vähämaa COMPLETE
Rougue A rebel creature assigned to Betsey Waddell COMPLETE
Animate Foliage Walking plantlife (like in Cinderella) assigned to J A Hallinan incomplete August 4, 2001
Chaos Effects
Fairy Wings A woman with fairy wings assigned to Taltos COMPLETE
Chaos Scream Lots of screaming Goblins assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE
Hidden Pit A covered pit that people fall in assigned to just Pierce McDowell COMPLETE
Dale Strength A very strong creature assigned to Craig R  Brasco COMPLETE
Crossed Laces A creature that's tripping (as in falling, not smoking) unassigned incomplete
Cross Eyed A cross-eyed creature assigned to Anna Pieruccini COMPLETE
Trump Wisdom An ogre wearing glasses assigned to Brian Coyne COMPLETE
Diseased Food Food with lots of yucky stuff on it assigned to Tommy Westerman COMPLETE
Magic Wand Your typical magic wand assigned to Sarah Dillman COMPLETE
Large Hands A creature with large hands unassigned incomplete
Fugitive A Howllligan on the run assigned to Antti Ala-Tauriala COMPLETE
Left in Ruin A land that's been destroyed assigned to Carl Mann COMPLETE
Sugar Sweet An ogre that only ogres could love assigned to Eric Maziade COMPLETE
Fire Pit A modest fire pit assigned to Heidi Jo Blackburn incomplete August 23, 2001
Moe's Army Food Bag An on site vendor of food assigned to Dawn M  Lavallee COMPLETE
Torture Effects
Rotting Skin A creature with rotting skin assigned to Miikka Kulmata COMPLETE
Transfiguration A zombie assigned to Christina L. Frazer COMPLETE
Heart Skip A creature having a heart attack unassigned incomplete
Bone Hard A creature with skeleton armour assigned to Dawn M  Lavallee COMPLETE
Breathless A creature that can't breathe assigned to just Pierce McDowell COMPLETE
Sensory Depravation A creature that can't hear, see, speak, breath, and so on assigned to just Pierce McDowell COMPLETE
Razor Needle Fur A werewolf with razor sharp fur assigned to Dawn M  Lavallee COMPLETE
Vampire Bite A vampire sucking blood assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE
Naked! A nude creature (tasteful please! {a.k.a. No visible naughty parts!}) assigned to Rich Cicack COMPLETE
Infected Pit A pit with infected spikes assigned to Jessie Clark COMPLETE
Mutated Healing Factor A fast healing werewolf assigned to Callum Kennedy incomplete Sept. 7 2001
Infection A festering wound assigned to Lipták László COMPLETE
Riches to Rags A rich man who is now poor assigned to Ludi Price incomplete August 23, 2001
Greedy A creature who likes money assigned to Nick Thornborrow COMPLETE
Malicious Violent kinship members assigned to Frank Esper COMPLETE
Science Effects
Acid Burn A creature with acid all over it assigned to Heidi Jo Blackburn COMPLETE
Oogle A man gawking at a cute girl assigned to Brian Lassen COMPLETE
Collapsing Bridge A collapsing bridge assigned to Terry A. Ernest COMPLETE
Known Tactic A person studying, or looking at enemies map assigned to Frank Esper COMPLETE
Known Territory A person in a street or something assigned to Stephanie Pui-Mun Law COMPLETE
Hang 'em High Creature hanging (by arms, legs, neck, or whatever) assigned to Frank Esper COMPLETE
Musical Inspiration A person listening to inspiring music assigned to Suzzanne Jessup COMPLETE
Claim the Booty A person taking stuff from a dead person assigned to Nick Thornborrow COMPLETE
Release the Dragon A dragon being let out of a cage assigned to B Huffman COMPLETE
Spirit of Erasdas A ghostly paladin assigned to Socar Myles COMPLETE
Field Agent Skills Some medical equipment assigned to Lipták László COMPLETE
Laboratory A place to conduct experements assigned to Paula Alavesa COMPLETE
Scientific Comendation An award given to a non-human/non-elf assigned to Lipták László COMPLETE
Jury Rigged A piece of normal equipment made into a crappy bomb assigned to Dawn M  Lavallee COMPLETE
Mad Scientist A loony elf or human scientist assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE



The Fellowship of Erasdas - The Humans and Elves - Belief in Science
Crossbow A crossbow assigned to Jen Chan COMPLETE
Jointed Crossbow A crossbow that fires multiple arrows assigned to Brian Coyne COMPLETE
Acidic Orb A glass orb full of acid assigned to Amanda Shockley COMPLETE
Gun Powder Keg A keg of gun powder assigned to Bruce Huffman COMPLETE
Plate Mail Armour made out of plates of metal assigned to Burkhard Leitner COMPLETE
The Sword of Erasdas A mystical sword assigned to Adorna COMPLETE
Throwing Dagger A well balanced steel dagger assigned to Jen Chan COMPLETE
Map and Compass A map of Nane and Ryke with a compass assigned to Peregrin COMPLETE
Clodhopper A massive clydsdale assigned to Amanda Shockley COMPLETE
Fence A fence of sorts assigned to Brandi Giacchetta COMPLETE
The Steel Toes - The Dwarves and Orcs - Metalwork
Claymore of Hoof A large cool-looking sword assigned to just Pierce McDowell COMPLETE
Barbed Sword A sword with lots of spikes assigned to Burkhard Leitner COMPLETE
Sword of Aggrivation A nasty looking sword that would suck to be cut by. (Perhaps Rusty) assigned to Rob Teixeira COMPLETE
Axe Single Bladed assigned to Thomas Edlund COMPLETE
Double Bladed Axe Like this (--|--) assigned to Brian Coyne COMPLETE
Dual Axe One blade on top of another like this: |B assigned to Thomas Edlund COMPLETE
Throwing Hatchet A small, light axe assigned to Bruce Huffman COMPLETE
Forikay War Mallet A rather large hammer assigned to Kevin H  Yancey COMPLETE
Erbach's Mattock A unique elegant axe assigned to Rob Teixeira COMPLETE
Chef Whetarcil's Cleaver A simple meat cleaver assigned to izzy Medrano COMPLETE
Miner's Pickaxe A simple rock pick unassigned incomplete
"Cowards" Macrodome A personal human-sized dome used like a shield assigned to Socar Myles COMPLETE
The Arrow Buster A shield particularly protective against arrows assigned to Brian Coyne COMPLETE
Scout's Aegis A wooden shield assigned to John Schroetter COMPLETE
Slotted Waistband A belt for carrying two or more weapons unassigned incomplete
Health Aid Healing pills assigned to Troy Hartman COMPLETE
Peg Leg A noble, but wooden-legged for a dwarf unassigned incomplete
Flasks A container for transporting liquid assigned to Per Norlén COMPLETE
Steel Toe Standard A battle flag with the Steel Toe Logo on it assigned to Phil Lockhart COMPLETE
The Shaded Kinship - Creatures of the Night - Torture
The Rack A table used to stretch people unassigned incomplete
Drawing Sword Used to draw and quarter people assigned to Samuel Santos COMPLETE
Morning Star A spiked ball and chain assigned to John Schroetter COMPLETE
The Inflictor A magical staff used to invoke pain assigned to Lipták László incomplete Sept. 7, 2001
Spiked Mail Chain mail armour with several protruding spikes assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE
The Kesmaria Circle - The Furries - Nature
Fashioned Branch A branch that's been fashioned into a club or mace of sorts unassigned incomplete
Blessed Jointed Bow A powerful longbow that shoots multiple arrows assigned to Rob Teixeira COMPLETE
Miner A machine used for mining ore assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE
Gaia's Disguise A disguise made from nature and magic assigned to Jeni Gibbs COMPLETE
Gaia's Transport An archaic vehicle made from nature and magic assigned to Devon Cady-Lee COMPLETE
The Howllligans - Goblins, Ogres, Trolls, and Imps - Chaos
Club A very heavy wooden club unassigned incomplete
Fasioned Stone A stone with a handle assigned to Gennady Malyshev COMPLETE
Mystic Branch A smaller magical club or staff assigned to Thomas Edlund COMPLETE
Slingshot Basically it's a piece of cloth that you whip around and throw stones out of it. assigned to Frank Esper COMPLETE
Pony A transport only for goblins or imps assigned to Andreas Rabenstein COMPLETE
Iron Claw A fake claw made of metal; primative assigned to Peregrin COMPLETE
Stone Bag A bag of small pebbles assigned to John Schroetter COMPLETE
Tunnel Cover A metal cover for a tunnel unassigned incomplete
Jabbin' Stick A pointed stick assigned to Dave Sammons COMPLETE
Mystical Ring One of the few advanced pieces of the Howllligans assigned to Jessie Clark COMPLETE


The Steel Toes - Shady Mountain
Hewn Mountain It looks like a mountain split in half assigned to Brian Coyne COMPLETE
The Cave of Yetti A cave (perhaps with some eyes or a silhouette) assigned to Heidi Jo Blackburn COMPLETE
Shady Peak The highest point on the mountain range assigned to Tomas Edlund COMPLETE
Canyon A large crevace assigned to Bruno Krippahl COMPLETE
Overcast Pass An easily traversed portion of the mountains assigned to just Pierce McDowell COMPLETE
The Fellowship of Erasdas - Nane-Ryke
Nane Bridge A bridge into the city of Nane assigned to Andrew McKenna incomplete Oct 1, 2001
Nane Square The central meeting place in Nane assigned to Heidi Jo Blackburn COMPLETE
Crossroads The path from Nane to Ryke assigned to Heidi Jo Blackburn COMPLETE
House of Cairden The grandest house in Ryke assigned to Paula Alavesa COMPLETE
Ryke Outpost The towers that guard the entrance to Ryke's backside assigned to Laura Simon COMPLETE
The Shaded Kinship - Cathedral Calais
The Great Portal The massive doors into the Cathedral assigned to Thomas Edlund COMPLETE
Sanctuary The spacious sanctuary unassigned incomplete
Sprial Staircase Narrow and awkward unassigned incomplete
Bell Tower Just what it says assigned to Thomas Edlund COMPLETE
The Minor Portal The smaller back doors of the Cathedral assigned to Audre COMPLETE
The Kesimera Circle - Kypacevine Woods
Kievn's Kingdom Kievn is a huge tree. His kindom is the forest around him. assigned to Dave Drage COMPLETE
Yekresian Falls Beautiful waterfalls assigned to DrgnRose4U COMPLETE
Gaia's Campground A small camping area, with campfire burning, perhaps assigned to just Pierce McDowell COMPLETE
Streel Burial Ground A grave site with primitive headstones, perhaps assigned to Jeni Gibbs COMPLETE
Epsacy Monument A monument of some sort dedicated to a king or something assigned to Rick Smith COMPLETE
The Howllligans - Butte of the Bear
Enchanted Entrance A magic teleportation area assigned to B Huffman COMPLETE
The Howllligans - Vally of the Badger
Enchanted Entrance A magical teleportation area assigned to Thomas Edlund COMPLETE
The Howllligans - Any Location
Nomadic Goblin Camp Tee-Pees and Wigwams and li'l Goblin papooses unassigned incomplete
The Howllligans - Abandoned Quarry
Hideout A good hiding place assigned to Leslie Allen Usrey COMPLETE
Elfen Mines Abandoned mines assigned to Thomas Edlund COMPLETE

(About 61 Left)

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