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Old History

Home | Update | Game Rules | Members | Card List | Card Requirements | Extreme Artists | History | Message Board

Webpage v.6.01

--Cards Claimed.  Pictures coming tommorrow.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.6.0

--Claims Updated
--New pictures added.  Maybe someday we'll update the Progress-Ah-Meter.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.5.9

--Dead Artists finally removed.  Should have been done a long time ago.   Anway, we have TONS of cards that have opened up.  So give it a whirl and claim a few!
--Many Cards were finished
--Dead Links fixed and I'm sure more were added.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.5.87

--Winners for the Creature Contest were announced.  Go here to check them out!
--Cards claimed, cards dropped, due dates up, some dates extended.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.5.86

--Lots more cards updated.  Check 'em out!

That's all for now!

Webpage v.5.85

--Cards claimed, cards dropped, due dates up, some dates extended.
--Errors regarding missing cards have been fixed.  If you see anything wrong, please let me know, because nobody else will do it for you.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.5.8

--just Pierce McDowell took over the updates this time around.
--I went through and corrected some continuity. For some reason some links were gray while others were green.
--Some cards were marked complete just to keep records up to date, though not all of the newly complete (and some older) cards have links.
--It's April 30th, a major deadline day. I hope you're finished!

That's all for now!

Webpage v.5.7

--Lot's of cards were claimed and lot's of cards were completed.  A whole ton of them!  Be sure to see if yours is up.  If not, begin complaining.
--Site Overhaul coming up.  Give me suggestions in the message board's suggestion box!

That's all for now!

Webpage v.5.62

--Cards were claimed, this April Fools Day.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.5.6

--6 New Cards were added.  Keep a claimin'!

That's all for now!

Webpage v.5.6

--The disturbances were given due dates
--15 new cards have been added.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.5.5

--Numerous Cards Claimed
--Numerous Cards Completed
--Numerous Members Added

That's all for now!

Webpage v.5.43

--Many cards were claimed.
--If you haven't already, check out the updates for version 5.43!!!!

That's all for now!

Webpage v.5.41

--If you haven't already, check out the updates for version 5.43!!!!
--A couple more cards were claimed.
--A due date was added to the pictures.  Everybody should recieve an e-mail about this update soon.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.5.43

--Many more cards claimed.  Here's the important information.  If you have completed a card, rest assured, I have recieved it.  Unfortunately I forgot the disk at my Residence Hall and won't be able to get it back until the end of Spring Break (on the 9th or something like that).  Similarly, if you have a claim that you do not see as being claimed, please send it to me as soon as possible so that others don't sign up for the same card.   I hope this makes sense to you.
--Creatures were added to the contest.  If you don't see your creature on the list, once again, rest assured.  The contest won't be ending any time soon, so you'll be sure to have your stake in the game.
--New members will be added soon.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.5.41
A few small changes.

--Cards Claimed
--New Members
--Creature Submitted

That's all for now!

Webpage v.5.4

--A few new members were added.
--A few more cards were claimed.  (We now have less than 100 un-claimed cards!)
--The claim form was slightly modified.
--Some broken creature links were fixed.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.5.3
A few small changes.

--The members page has changed for my convenience.
--A card was dropped.
--An error in one of the pictures was fixed.
--The Create-a-Creature or "Create-ure" contest has arrived.  Try to be the first kid on your block to create one.
--The word "Sorry" was added to the claim form.  <---Ha!  Have that bit of pointless information!

That's all for now!

Webpage v.5.21

--The versions were taken off or moved on the homepage.  Now, the Update Date will have to suffice.
--Cards claimed and several cool cards were submitted.
--Member page errors were fixed.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.5.2
A few small changes.

--Buttons have been added to the homepage.
--A sign has been posted on the index page.  Check it out!

That's all for now!

Webpage v.5.1

--A new members page!
--Various cards were claimed.
--A card had been misclaimed and has been fixed.
--My name was put in place of B Huffman's on the Enchanted Portal.  That's been fixed.
--Mystic Branch link lead to Heavy Follow Through.  That's been fixed.
--Some new stuff was added to the claim form for new members, just to make my life easier.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.5.0

--Many cards claimed and four submitted.
--A newer re-count of the cards was taken for a more accurate look at the numbers.
--The cardlists were put into alphabetical order for some reason.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.4.9

--A new rule for claiming creature cards was instilled.
--A creatures link was added to the top all of the cardlists.
--Fugitive was spelled incorrectly and subsiquently fixed.
--The Progress-Ah-Meter was said to have changed.  It hadn't.  Now it has.
--The title on the Landscapes was fixed.
--Several cards were claimed and completed.  I don't know why I bother saying this, since I always do.  Although, we have broken the 100 card barrier.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.4.89

--Fixed the Battle Actions Browser Title.
--Added a new category to finish off the 350 cards!!!  Creatures!
--After much deliberation, we decided not to go public with Conquer: The Age of Fantasy.   A side project was discussed.
--Cards claimed and dropped.
--Four new picture submitted.
--The never changing Progress-Ah-Meter was finally changed.
--Broken picture was fixed.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.4.875

--Lotso new cards added!
--One new EXTREME artist.
--More cards claimed (of course!)
--I recieved the following message today in my e-mail:

Dear [Taltos],
I stumbled onto your site recently as I was looking for illustrators, I was impressed by your collectible card game. 
I believe there is room for you to grow in a company like ours.
Email me back if you want to talk about it some more.
Liron Zur President /
Chief Software Architect
Vulevu, L.L.C.

Hmmm....not sure what to think of it yet, but I've inquired for more information.

--We're going to start looking for writers who are interested in spicing up our HISTORY section.  Know of anybody?  Make a suggestion.
--I fixed the Update page cause there were a lot of empty cells at the bottom.  It's not like anybody noticed, though, since nobody ever visits this page.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.4.87
Ooh!  One Day Update.  Cool!

--Numerous quantities of cards were once again claimed.
--The card claim form has a new HINT on it.
--An 8 was added in front of the 6 in the update box below. (Woops!)
--More cards were completed.  Unfortunately, just Pierce needs to get the pictures to me.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.4.86

--Numerous quantities of cards were claimed.
--A few cards came in.
--One new Extreme Artist (a personal favorite of mine).
--The color problem on the Extreme Artists page was fixed.
--Some card info was fixed on Jointed Crossbow.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.4.85
Ooh!  One Day Update.  Cool!

--A New Claim Form has been "engineered" by our friends at, which should result in a more reliable claiming system. Woo Hoo!
--A color mistake was fixed in the Extreme Artists page.
--Big News has been added to the Home Page.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.4.85
Ooh!  One Day Update.  Cool!

--A New Claim Form has been "engineered" by our friends at, which should result in a more reliable claiming system. Woo Hoo!
--A color mistake was fixed in the Extreme Artists page.
--Big News has been added to the Home Page.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.4.8

--Battle Actions have been added.  That means 40 MORE cards to choose from.
--Some numbers were fixed on the main cardlist page.  They SHOULD be more accurate.   (The keyword is SHOULD).
--NINE, count 'em, NINE new cards were submitted.  You, too, can be a part of the action!
--FOUR that's right, FOUR new Extreme Artists were added.  See if YOU made it.
--The old history has been moved to a different webpage.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.4.77
Ooh!  One Day Update.  Cool!

--Well, by now many of you have been e-mailed cause we're wondering if you're still a part of the group!  Sadly, we've lost several cards and artists because of lack of interest. The good part about this is that there are 6 character cards up for grabs (cause we know ya love 'em).
--Several more cards were claimed.
--Progress-Ah-Meter has been updated.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.4.76

--Cards Claimed
--Cards Completed

That's all for now!

Webpage v.4.75
After brief Christmas hiatus, we're back in business.

--Card were claimed and completed.  We are coming ever so close to the 100 card mark.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.4.7

--While the disturbances list has been complete for quite a while, the INCOMPLETE flag has finally been removed.
--Some claimed cards have been shaded, since I seem to have missed them last time.
--A new member was added.
--The members page and card requirements page have been altered to match the rest of the site.
--The title of the requirements page was changed.
--The brief history on the Home page was changed to reflect a more fantastical appearance.
--The version numbers on the homepage were smallerized.
--A date was added to the bottom of the home page.
--More totals were added to the generic cardlist page.
--The progress-ah-meter has been modified so it's not quite so large.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.4.44

--A couple of new Extreme Artists were added to the list
--The Disturbances cardlist has been completed
--Card were claimed and completed

That's all for now!

Webpage v.4.4

--Claims, claims, lot's of claims!
--Lot's of bug/misspellings/stupid idiot mistakes were fixed.
--Lotso Moreo Disturbances were created!

That's all for now!

Webpage v.4.34

--Many new members have been claiming cards (though not necessarily added to the members list)
--Transfiguration should finally be fixed

That's all for now!

Webpage v.4.3

--More Disturbances were added
--More members were added.  If your name is not on the members list, e-mail me and put "MEMBERS" in the subject box.
--The cardlists were changed slightly to make it easier to find un-claimed cards
--A new Extreme Artist has joined the ranks

That's all for now!

Webpage v.4.2

--The Disturbances have been added to the card list, though I might add that they're incomplete.  It doesn't mean, though, that you can't start claiming cards.
--Some more bugs were fixed.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.4.1

--Some cosmetic crap was fixed on the cardlists
--Extreme Artists was updated
--Tons more cards came in
--More cards were claimed

That's all for now!

Webpage v.4.01

--Links have been added to the top of the card lists for easy manuvering between them.
--A new card or two, plus a few more claimed.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.4.0

--Some broken links were fixed
--The Progress-Ah-Meter was added to the Homepage
--More cards were claimed

That's all for now!

Webpage v.3.9

--Extreme Artists has a lot of links and is looking to put the Elfwood galleries up there, if the artists will just e-mail me with their gallery addresses.
--The links at the bottom of the page (or top and bottom in the case of this page) have been updated to include all areas of the site.
--The members page has been decked out with a bunch of gallery links.
--The History page is slightly easier to read.

Be on the look out for new card!

That's all for now!

Webpage v.3.8

A few cool updates.

--Extreme Artists have been added.  These are artists who we feel have contributed some magnificent works of art.  If we feel yours go above and beyond expectations, we'll be sure to include your name and piece too.
--More effects have been added!
--Several cards claimed and even more submitted.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.3.7

A few cool updates.

--Requirements were changed slightly. As of now, no nudity will be accepted in Conquer: TAF
--THE RULES ARE UP!!! Check out the game and how to play it.
--Some bugs were fixed regarding some peoples artwork (and I'm sure more were created too.)
--The webpage updates will be linked to the Homepage, as well as on the message board. A little more convenient.
--Lots more cards claimed and submitted too!

That's all for now!

Webpage v.3.5

One LARGE update.
--While gazing upon the completed cards, you might notice a bit more information.

That's it? Are you kidding me! Of course it is! Time to get some sleep.

Webpage v.3.3

Very few updates as of now.
--The Requirements were changed slightly. Hopefully this should clear up any "card background" problems we've been having as of late.
--A few new pics have been uploaded and more cards have been claimed.

That's aboot it. Keep your eyes out for the Rules, coming soon.

Also, I'm thinking about putting the cards on a page. (Rather than clicking and loading the image, it would instead load a page with the card on it). This would contain the artists name, card description and any other notes, medium, and e-mail address so you can send comments. Sorry, I'm not as good as Thomas, so you won't be able to send comments like on Elfwood.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.3.2

OOh! Look at the brand new logo! Before anybody asks, the X is an ancient symbol that represents the C in Conquer. The O with the line through it represents the F in Fantasy. In essence XO stands for C:F
--The Logo was updated
--The homepage logo was updated
--Several new pictures were uploaded
--Several new effects were added

That's all for now!

Webpage v.3.1

Here's the new shiste:
--Furiana is no longer a co-administrator. (Sorry Furiana) This is because there is so much technical detail that having two people run it from different ends of the earth made it quite complicated.
--The History in Brief was added. Now you guys have some sort of background to work with.
--The Requirements page format was changed, though slightly. The reqirements themselves are still the same.
--The Conquer logo on the main page was moved down and (hopefully) centered on the page. Certain resoltions may not show this though.
--The Effects page was finished up! Hooray!
--On the entrance to the cardlists I recorded how many cards were left in that area and how many were completed.
--Several new cards have been claimed. The project is rolling along nicely.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.3.0

Webpage v.3.0 is out! Yay! We've finally reached the level of 3.0!!!!

Lot's of shiste was done today.
--The opening page was change.
--A homepage was added and re-arranged to be more asthetically pleasing
--More members were added.
--The Requirements Page has been updated. NEW REQUIREMENTS: Go look!
--The Equipment Cardlist was finished. Hooray!
--All of the cardlists were updated and MANY MANY cards were completed. This makes me happy. Keep 'em comin'.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.2.91

A new member has been added and more cards have been completed and claimed. I would sure like to post some more artwork.

Start sending in your completed works!

That's all for now!

Webpage v.2.9

Check out the card lists to see the links to the completed cards!

Several new members were added, also.

A background was added to the members table too, so it's a little easier to read.

In the future...I will write the updates in the webpage as well as in the message board.

We're trying to get all of the important info off of this board so that people don't have to sift through all of these messages.

The message board, however, will stay. The info, will be moved off.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.2.71

That's right, several equipment cards have been posted for our characters, so check out the Equipment page. It's incomplete at the moment, but there are still plenty to choose from.

Another member was added. Mr. Samuel Araya!

The claim submission form was re-designed and credit was given where it was due. Hopefully this should reduce the amount of accidents we have. (i.e. my ability to lose claims.)

The Requirements page has some new information added to it. Everybody should check that page and see what's new. Some is important, other is old hat.

I should be getting a web sculpting program within the next few days. This will make my designing go a lot smoother and make the page look more asthetically pleasing. And that's always a good thing.

We've got several more card claims and several more that need to be claimed. Don't just stand there...start artin'.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.2.62


I re-did the claim form, so hopefully it is a little more obvious.

I updated the member page, so we've got a few more people up there.

I updated the card requirements, so now they have specific sizes (for all you picky people).

I also sent Rules v.1.3 to Pierce tonight, so hopefully tommorrow he'll revise them, send them back to me, and we can post them! What wonderful news!

On another good note, Conquer: The Age of Fantasy seems to be taking off. We've got several more card claims!

I'm so giddy!

That's all for now!

Webpage v.2.55

I re-arranged the card lists so it should load faster. I also but a nifty, yet brief explaination of the history of the game.

Don't expect much more, though, cause today is all filled up. Perhaps a few updates here and there, but not much.

Enjoy the new stuff, though.

Webpage v.2.55 cont'd

Also, I'll be taking a copy of the pictures you guys make and link it to the cardlist soon. Don't send them to me, though. Still send 'em to Pierce, I can get them from him when I'm ready.

I'll just note that I'll only be linking the picture, as we have yet to make the card.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.2.5

Okay, let's see.
Links were added to the bottom of all the pages for easy navigation.

The form on the card list was fixed, so now instead of claiming cards on the message board, send them through the form. (You can claim them on the message board so that it's instantaneously yours, but I may not see it unless you ALSO send it in the form.

A Card Requirement page was added, so if you've got any questions, refer to that page.

Many new members were added, though a lot of info is missing from them, so if you want to provide more info, go right ahead and e-mail (or put it on the message board). Otherwise, so be it.

Backgrounds were added to a couple of pages, so they look nicer.

Pierce's name was added to several pages. After all, we wouldn't have this if it weren't for him.

Several Effects were also added to the card list.

That's about it. What's to come, you ask? Soon the rules will be posted. More cards are coming your way. And yet another re-vamp of the opening page. Hooray!

That's all for now!

Webpage v.2.3

The members page has been added, but is far from complete. Bear with me and it will be more complete within the next few hours (and by few I mean many).

Also, some equipment cards will be up for the artin'

In the mean time, in the Who's Who, you can answer all of the "member" questions and I'll transfer then to the official "member" page.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.2.0

Ooh! A new look and name for the Elfwood CCG. It shall now be refered to Conquer: The Age of Fantasy. I was rushed, once again, for the graphics, so if you don't like 'em tell me. On the other hand, if you do, I will kiss your feet (well, not really).

The cardlist also explains what is Complete and what is incomplete so you can keep tabs on cards. If you see one is not getting done fast enough you can contact the "owner" and see if they'll let you do it instead.

Speaking of which, I've got to git everybody's e-mail addresses so that I can attatch them to the names in the card list.

Perhaps a member list is in order too.

It seems that each time I update I get further behind. *sigh*.

Rules are also in progress.

That's all for now!

Webpage v. 1.35

The Landscapes have officially been added to the list, so get started!

Graphics should be optimized by the end of the week.

Forms, as well, should be up soon.

PLUS: A more asthetically pleasing opening page should be around the corner.

Anyhoo, check it out!

That's all for now!

Webpage v. 1.3

The webpage has, once again, been updated by myself. I've completed the list of characters, so now you can choose the goblins and vampires.

The rules page has been added...well...sorta.

I've been informed that the graphics are slow loading, so I'll see what I can do to optimize them.

Um...I think that's it.

I'm thinking about adding forms to the page so that people can submit their requests that way, rather than sending an e-mail, which gets irritating at times.

Anyhoo...check it out!

That's all for now!

Here's an update for ya

I got the other cards and stuff up for you, Taltos, and added my e-mail addie to the page. I warned you I'd be doing stuff to the site!

MWAHAHA! Beware the vixen's scummy paws, she'll warp anything of your doing to her own slimy ends! Beware! (Foxfire will give testimony to this. )

Use the talents you are given; imagine how quiet the woods would be if none but the best birds sang! --Henry Van Dyke

Webpage Updates

Any webpage updates will be placed here.

The webpage at: has been updated. A background was given to the main page and a solid list of cards has been added. Just click on "Card List" and you'll magically be transported there.

The cardlist is NOT finished. I don't remember where to find the rest of them.

I am currently in the process of creating characters for the Shaded Kinship and the Howllligans. I should have those up by tommorrow or maybe even tonight (as long as MIAD is nice and gives me very little homework).

E-mail or post a message here if there's anything wrong.

That's all for now!

Home | Update | Game Rules | Members | Card List | Card Requirements | Extreme Artists | History | Message Board
ADMIN: Taltos