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The Basic Idea of this Game

--This is a collectible trading card game called Conquer:
--The Age of Fantasy. All of the artwork will be done by members of Elfwood.
--The cards will be available for download. This way you can print them out on your own computer for free.
--The cards will NOT be professionally printed.
--To claim a card, read the requirements and check out the card lists.
--The gaming system used for this game is NOT based on Magic: The Gathering. It is based on a system that just Pierce McDowell and Taltos came up with. It's more of a combination of Star Wars, Doomtrooper, and Rage.
--Further more this game is NOT Magic: The Gathering. They do things differently than we do. We do NOT follow Magic's system of choosing artists or artwork.

Card Requirements

Size: All cards EXCEPT landscapes should be somewhere in the proportion of: 1 and 3/8 inches HIGH by 2 inches LONG. (384 x 600 pixels to 425 x 600 pixels, 3.25 x 5.08 cm)

LANDSCAPE CARDS: These have slightly different measures...apporoximately 2 and 1/2 inches HIGH by 3 and 1/2 inches LONG. (750 x 1050 pixels, 6.35 x 8.89 cm)
Resolution: 300 dpi.
Format: JPEG
Color: Full color (May be in B&W ONLY if it applies to the mood.) A colorful card game is a happy card game.
Card Background: Required. We don't want characters floating around the card. Also, backgrounds must be in FULL COLOR. Plain white backgrounds are not full color.
Character Background: Not required but helpful. If you would like to create a background for the character we will take it into consideration when creating the game. For some purposes the background may have to be slightly altered or changed. (Most of the time that won't happen, though.)
Character: A variety of characters is welcome. Nudity is not accpeted in any form. (This could be heavily debated, but we want to aim this game at kids too, and even if it is tasteful nudity, they don't know the difference.)
Deadline: Approximately 1 month after you claim the card it is due. Don't sacrifice quality. We don't want stick figures. Make it worth framing, but make it fast.  You can, of course, ask for extended deadlines if more time is needed.
Appearence: This is what the card will look like. This is NOT up to scale, so don't model your pics after this size. You don't have to worry about this part anyway, but it's nice to see.

If these requirments aren't followed your card may not be used for the card game. The validity of a card is based on the opinions of just Pierce McDowell and/or Taltos. Sometimes cards may be uploaded for the general debate of others, in which case, the artist will be asked whether or not they would like their card put into debate. Otherwise, all answers are final.

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ADMIN: Taltos