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Old History

Home | Update | Game Rules | Members | Card List | Card Requirements | Extreme Artists | History | Message Board

Webpage v.6.15

--Cards added.
--Claims updated.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.6.14

--Cards Claimed.
--Pictures Updated!
--Lot's of errors fixed, as usual.
--I need the members page to be filled out, so check it out and gimmie your missing info.
--Progress-Ah-Meter is temporarily down.
--The Cardlist link has been fixed.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.6.13

--Claims Updated
--New pictures added.
--The Cardlist was moved onto ONE page!  Hooray!

That's all for now!

Webpage v.6.12

--Cards Claimed.
--Pictures Updated!
--I promise!  More frequent updates!
--New History on the Homepage.  Ooh.  Ahh!
--I've e-mailed every one of ya to see what's going on.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.6.1

--Claims Updated
--New pictures added.
--The requirements were adjusted slightly to accomodate deadlines.
--The old hisory was moved to the old history page, where it belongs.
--All artists were contacted just to make sure they all still remember the game (and maybe get some more cards in too, wink wink, nudge nudge).

That's all for now!

Webpage v.6.01

--Cards Claimed.  Pictures coming tommorrow.

That's all for now!

Webpage v.6.0

--Claims Updated
--New pictures added.  Maybe someday we'll update the Progress-Ah-Meter.

That's all for now!

Home | Update | Game Rules | Members | Card List | Card Requirements | Extreme Artists | History | Message Board
ADMIN: Taltos