The Chaos Ritual
Before the ritual begins, the targeted darkmare must be a soulsphere.
Phase one requires at least on dreamer in possession of a Chaos Reaper.
A Chaos Reaper must be created in a place where the dream resonates with power, and by a dreamer who pursues the path of DreamSmith.
Words to be inscribed into a chaos reaper:
One word of doubt, one of fate. One of brotherhood, one of hate. Two words of opposition, three of power. The names of darkmares whom chaos will devour.
First, Dreamers possessing Chaos Reapers speak the Words of Isolation and then use Show Talisman to show the Chaos Reaper to the darkmare.
The Words of Isolation are, "Darkmare! Let the chaos within you bring your own destruction!" Instead of 'darkmare,' the name of the darkmare is spoken.
Phase two requires four dreamers, one of each focus, to join in a party and become the Party of the Four Foci.
The Party of the Four Foci must position the darkmare between themselves as best they can. They then evoke specific arts and speak the Words of Sundering.
The Words of Sundering are, "Darkmare! Let the elements of the dream be your undoing!" Again, instead of 'darkmare,' the actual name of the mare is spoken.
The arts evokes on the darkmare are Free Action, Judgement, Purify, and Blind.
Phase three of the ritual: a Prime Artifact is used to destroy the darkmare.
A lone dreamer holds a Prime Artifact, speaks the Words of Destruction, and uses Show Talisman to show it to the darkmare.
The Words of Destruction are, "Darkmare! In the name of the Dream may you be utterly destroyed!"
And that is the end. To ensure the permanent destruction of the darkmare, no dreamer may perform more than one phase of the ritual.