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Eugene sighed. He sat on the roof of the Shinto shrine, watching the children below. He twirled the tip of his sacred sword, Eternus, against the tiles on the roof. He had not been to Ireland since he was two hundred years old. This was his land, Japan, where his people resided. This, of course, would never be known. He was an outcast, and somewhat of a celebrity among his family. He was lucky to not have been found and imprisioned by his father, Inu Yasha, the Great Demon Lord of the Western Lands. His father resented everything Eugene was, for it was his doing that his love, Cycix, remained on that cursed island that was Ireland. He sighed as boredom set in, for he had been lingering on this roof for several hours, not yet seeing her. Had he read the energy wrong? Did she really live here? His eyes scanned the flock of children, sighing. He sheathed Eternus inside his back, a small scar and tiny flap of skin revealing its almost hidden location. He winced, sighing. His massive black wings that closely resembled swan's wings had been set inside and not freed for three days. He rubbed his hands together, the long slender fingers holding the slight claws that were remnants of his father. He was nothing like his father. His father had outcast him. Eugene almost gave up hope until he gazed upon a child sitting alone. She had onyx hair and golden eyes. Her furry ears shivered as she gazed the horizon. Eugene swallowed, he had found her...
Eugene swiftly hopped off the roof of the shrine, landing gracefully on one foot. He cocked his head, watching the girl. He was somewhat unsure how to proceed. What would she think? What would she say? He sighed, wondering what she was like. A thousand questions flooded his mind, like a broken dam. He smiled softly. She had most certainly inherited her mother's beauty. He wondered if she even knew how important she was. Before he knew what happened, she was near him, and spoke to him.
Are you lost?
Eugene blinked. He smiled, adjusting his glasses as he gazed down at her. No...not really. Just walking.
The girl gazed at him, looking somewhat puzzled. What's your name?
Eugene swallowed, thinking of whether or not to tell her. He smiled softly. I am called Eugene. What's your name?
The girl bit her lip, her small fangs showing. My name is Kasei.
Eugene smirked. Kasei...quite a pretty name. Well, Kasei, why aren't you playing with the other children?
Kasei frowned, looking down. She said in a quiet voice, The other children are scared of me.
Why are they scared of you?
Kasei rubbed her furry ears. They think I'm wierd.
I don't think you're wierd.
Listen...you can't always allow people to make you feel bad. You have to be strong. You're better than you think. He smiled.
They both heard a voice calling Kasei from along. She quickly turned to look for the voice's source. It was one of her father's attendants. When she looked back to tell Eugene goodbye, he was gone. The attendant quickly moved to her and asked her who she was talking to.
Kasei looked off to the horizon, smiling. No one... she replied.
Eugene made his way off to the hills in the North, sighing softly. He had been travelling for several days, trying to find a suitable locale to form a subspace distortion and get to the land where he could mix, where he would not be noticed. He was going to Rhy'Din.
After several days more, he found a perfect location. He looked back toward the South, where his family now lay, who wanted nothing to do with him. He quickly dismissed the thought, concentrating on the matter at hand. He clapped his hands and chanted a small prayer. Afterward, he smirked as he was engulfed by a huge red aura, his hair turning a periwinkle color. With this, his eyes glowed and five foot black feathered wings erupted from his shoulderblades. He winced slightly, a staff materializing in his hand. He screamed, forming a subspace vortex which lie before him. He sighed, returning to his normal form. He proceeded through the vortex slowly, not to return to this world for quite some time...
It was three o' clock in the morning as thunder rumbled in the distance over the city. Eugene frowned, leaning against a tree. He quickly pulled out a small jewel attatched to a necklace. He closed his eyes, holding the orb which radiated blue light tightly in his fist, silent tears falling. He was away from his home, his people, and his family. At this thought he laughed, remembering the one time he met his father, Inu Yasha. And the father had warned the child...
What are you doing here? growled Inu Yasha, looking over at the boy, who looked to be about 18.
The boy, turned to look at him, remaining silent.
Well boy, answer me!
Why do you yell at me?
Inu Yasha growled, sizing up the boy. He looked too weak to be so cocky. Who are you...?
Well...I'm the son of your wife...so that makes me your son.
Inu Yasha's mouth dropped, his fangs showing through his gaping mouth. The great dog demon was awe stricken.Th-that's impossible...You're dead...
Eugene laughed hysterically.No. I don't think so anyway...
But you were abandoned as a child.
Eugene nodded slowlyAnd...?
Inu Yasha shook his head. Well...maybe the prophecy was true.
Eugene cocked a brow, his long black wings shuddering from the crisp night air. What prophecy?
Inu Yasha sighed. Our family has a prophecy, saying the bringer of balance between the demonic plane and the astral plane would be born. Her older brother would be her protector. But that doesn't matter...you will never see her. I won't allow it. Inu Yasha growled, looking to the towers. Guards! When Inu Yasha turned, the boy was gone. He growled, trying to sniff him out. He couldn't pick up his scent in the cold. Where was that boy...
Eugene wiped the tears from his eyes. He had defied his father and seen Kasei with his own eyes. It somewhat worried him due to the fact he never witnessed a demonstration of Inu Yasha's power. The thought ate into his mind, causing him to shudder. What if Inu Yasha was more powerful than he was? Would he hesitate to destroy his own blood? He didn't know. He decided to put the thought out of his mind for now; it was causing him entirely too much grief. He slowly made his made his way out of an alley, walking up a sidewalk. What a dump. This was the land where people went to get away all right...
Eugene sighed as he made his way up the street. He hadn't planned this out very well at all. He had no money, no way to really hide. It quickly dawned on him that he needed to change his form. That was the first way to keep from being noticed. He quickly ducked into an alley, making sure that no one was looking. His wings quickly went back into his shoulders, sighing. This was what he was reduced to. The prince of the Western Lands was hiding out. A heavy sigh formed, followed by a flash as his hair turned blonde and spikey, his braid gone. His arms were now namekian, his body Saiya-Jinn. "Why not?" he thought. He was a hybrid in the first place.
He made his way out of the alley, looking about. He now needed work, and badly. He had no money. It never occurred to him that he needed money. He never needed in in Japan. Perhaps it was fate that brought him in front of Rhy'Din hospital, perhaps luck. He thought about it for a moment. He had practiced medicine in Ireland, a little bit in Japan as well. Maybe this was an option. He never really was certified from a university, but what did he have to lose? He slowly stepped inside the hospital, gazing around.
Excuse me...
The receptionist on duty glanced up to Eugene, cocking her brow slightly. Can I help you?
I was wondering if I could get an application for employment...
The receptionist sighed, annoyed. She fished out an application from her desk, handing it to Eugene along with a pen. Eugene slid out of the way, beginning to fill it out. He skipped the first line with a sigh. He filled the rest of the application out truthfully and to the best of his ability. He frowned, returning to the first line. It read "Full Name." He sighed. Eugene kara Inu Yasha was dead. He thought for a moment, then wrote in the line:
Eugene Tsuoi
The surname of his old master. Why not? He was more of a father to him than his real father. He handed the application back, then made his way to the hospital's roof. This is where he would stay until he receieved word. He lay on the roof, sighing. He was an outcast. He was alone. He was, most of all, scared. He closed his eyes, trying not to think of it. He stared out to the stars in the clear night sky, falling silently asleep.
Several days passed, and Eugene was growing bored and hungry. He sighed, thinking that he should have stayed in Japan. No. That would have been foolish. What a mess. He couldn't even keep his thoughts in track. Finally, he recieved word of RH. He was accepted to be a doctor, and they accepted his formation of Cardiology and Neurology divisions. He was a manager in the hospital right away. Perhaps this wasn't such a bad idea anymore. So Eugene became a shadow, never to stand out, never to be caught by his family. He only wished that his mother could see him now. She would be so proud of him. It was then that he made the decision. He wouldn't think about his family at all. This seemed the simplest idea with the fewest number of question marks. Yes. That was it. His family was dead to him.
Eugene did his best to keep busy at the hospital. Days, months, weeks, years passed. Eugene did his best to think of anything but his family, but the thoughts would constantly appear. He sighed, working one day when his thoughts were on them. He had made good friends here in Rhy'Din. Dack Avenger, Tenshi Rei Ki, Gabrielle Ki, his wife, Anime Mac, and a woman named Ashley. Perhaps his own lonliness grew him to her. Eventually, though, they were married and had a son, Odin. Ashley disappeared, though, never to be heard of again. It was around this time, that Eugene met his future love, Trin.
Trin and Eugene never got off on the right foot, though. Eugene constantly criticized her work and never really thought she measured up as a doctor. His constant criticism of her, however, made her sour to him, and made her grow a hatred of him. They hadn't spoken for quite sometime, when one day Eugene apologized for his actions and Trin came to trust Eugene, they became good friends.
Their friendship nearly came to a crashing halt, however, when Trin attempted suicide with arsenic. Eugene saw her that evening when he showed up for work, he knew something was wrong. He immediatly treated her, and stayed with her until she was well.
Trin began to be around Eugene much more, and they became trusted friends. Trin opened a tavern, and Eugene was a regular at the inn. Trin and he would often talk both business and pleasure. But when Ashley left him, Eugene was destroyed. He went to the tavern and Trin consoled him, she comforted him. They became good friends, and it was then that Trin revealed to him that she was pregnant. Eugene didn't care, and finally mustered up the courage to ask her to dinner.
Eugene's work at the hospital, trying his best not to think about it. His work never suffered, and he loved medicine. He grew weak and tired from all of the idiots at the hospital, though. Too many doctors began there, knowing nothing. He couldn't bear the thought of staing at RH. He quit RH and continued with CoFH.
Eugene had become a well respected member of society in Rhy'Din, to some anyway. He had accepted his lineage now. His mother, an Angel in a mortal body. His father, Inu Youkai. He still held on to the Tenchi no Tama, the jewel his mother created in contrast to the Shikon no Tama, which Inu Yasha desired so. Eugene sighed, walking down the street on his way home one day. He noticed a new shop up. Wow. He walked this way home everyday and never saw this place. It was a tattoo parlor. Eugene smirked. Why not? He thrived on change, and a tattoo was a small enough change. Odin was gone, in training, so no one would gripe about it. He stepped inside, and nothing could prepare him for what he saw...
Eugene stepped inside, looking at all the drawings on the wall. He smiled, finding the one he liked. It was a celtic helix with a red orb in the center, housing a black shamrock. He decided to get in on his arm. A voice spoke from behind him.
See something you like...?
When Eugene turned, his mouth just dropped. Standing before him was a girl, about 18 or so. She had beautiful onyx hair and eyes that were very gold. When she smiled, her small dog-like canines were visible, as were her furry ears. Eugene could not grasp the words. He knew it. He could feel it. He was staring at his sister. All grown up. She obviously couldn't recognize him with brown hair and violet eyes. He just stared for a moment. Kasei looked at him somewhat confused.
Umm...yes...I'd like this one.
Kasei smiled as they made chit chat and discussed various things about each other. She never once asked Eugene's name. So, the evening wore on, his tattoo finished. They parted ways, and Eugene never said a word. Time wore on and they became friends. Eugene began to work at the parlor occasionally. Finally, Eugene gathered up the courage and decided to tell her. He would finally meet his sister. The night came, and they were both drinking a beer at the parlor.
Kasei...can I ask you something?
When you first met me...did I seem familiar to you?
Hmm...not really.
Eugene sighed, changing back to the form he held when he met her as a child. Kasei's mouth held open. It was the man she met as a child. The memories flooded her mind.
Who...who are you?
Eugene told her everything. Told her of her mother, her lineage. Told her of the prophecy of which she was the major player of. It was all so much. Kasei had so many thoughts, so many questions. Eugene made her realize she was so much more than she could have imagined. Eugene and her spent a lot of time catching up, learning about each other. He was so happy that he finally met his only family left. His parents were both dead. Kasei was the only thing that proved his lineage. They parted ways, for that night anyway.
Soon after their renuion, disaster struck. Kasei came into the hospital during a shift Eugene was on. She had a gash from massive spiritual energy. Her wounds couldn't be treated by any normal means. Eugene became so frightened. His only family was in danger of death. Eugene had a radical idea. He took her to his home, inserting her into an energy transfer tube. He inserted himself into a connected one. He would transfer his energy matrix in order to save her. This would, of course, mean his death. He didn't care. He was her protector. The prophecy said so.
The transfer began, and Eugene screamed in pain as his energy matrix was ripped apart. Eventually, Kasei was infused with enough energy to regain her conciousness. She blinked, realizing what was happening. She beat against the machine with all her might, but it was no use. It wouldn't budge. Eugene was in agony, screaming as energy tore through his body. Tears poured through Kasei's eyes, as something amazing happened. Somewhere, somehow, her body gathered a massive amount of spiritual energy. The machines exploded, and Eugene was saved. As Eugene awoke, he smiled at her.
Brother?! Are you alright?
Yes, I'm fine. He smiled as he staggered to his feet. It's time you had this. He reached in his back, removing Eternus. He gave her the sacred sword. She was moving forward. She was fitting the legend. She could take care of herself. Eugene had no more place in the prophecy...
Eugene took Trin on a trip to Ireland soon after. The rolling green hills and the charming cottage overlooking his villiage were the perfect romantic elements. Fireworks crashed in the sky, painting a million sparkles of stardust for Irish Independance Day. Eugene took this opportunity, and he asked Trin to marry him. Flustered and taken, Trin immidiatly agreed. They had three children, Kiara, Amedeo, and Sebastien. Soon, Eugene dissapeared, unsure of what he wanted.
One day, Eugene was training in the far off lands at the end of the universe. Then, while training, his father appeared before him.
Greetings Eugene.
Eugene blinked. Inu Yasha was dead. Wh...how did you find me?
Inu Yasha smiled. You have your mother's scent. I have come to make amends Eugene.
Eugene frowned.
You are my son. I was harsh on you before in order to build your strength, to ensure you lived up to your end of the bargain. You are my son, now take your namesake and wear it proudly. You are so strong, you are honorable, and hold our family's name high.
Eugene stood silent on the barren wasteland as tears silently slid.
Inu Yasha held out a hand, a scar burning itself on the back of Eugene's neck, the symbol of their family, along with a new sword, the Seito Na. With this, Inu Yasha disappeared, not to be heard of again.
With a heavy sigh, Eugene peers onto Rhy'Din from his roof, in his home alone. He smiles softly, wondering what the future holds for him. Without a doubt, somthing new and exciting. Though he travels this journey (now alone), he looks to it with happiness and excitement.
Eugene wonders day to day what each day will bring. He searches many lands, many realms, trying to find something new. Every day is a struggle. He's lived so long, seen so much. At 702, he's beyond most years of discovering something new. But life finds a way, as it was once said, and he holds on to hope. Hope that there is something, some place, or someone who will intrigue him and teach him something new.