What Are Scenarios?
e-Warbirds Scenarios are where you put all your Combat Arena practice to work! In a scenario, two teams of pilots fight to achieve a goal or stay alive, rather than just racking up points and kills. Often the game is a reinactment of a historical battle, or a "What If?" situation, where pilots have a chance to rewrite history! A player cannot fly in a Scenario game and in the Combat Arena at the same time. When the scenario you've signed up for begins, you will be bailed out of the Main Combat Arena.
What makes a flying in a scenario different from playing in the Combat Arena? In Scenario games, the teams are usually more diverse: players often have the chance to work pilots they don't know as well, and those who are adversaries in the Arena can see how it is to work toward a common goal. Also, usually everyone on a team had the same aircraft, which is predetermined by the scenario specifications. Finally, because there is a mission involved, the Scenarios usually have a time limit, and so strategy and speed play a greater role. There's no lazy cruising along here!
There are two basic kinds of Scenario games. The first is the Dogfight. As the name implies, the goal of this scenario is to seek and destroy the other team while trying to remain alive yourselves. The teams are given planes with similar statistics and they duke it out!
The other kind of Scenario game is Attack and Defend. In this scenario, both teams are given a target to defend. The goal of the game is to destroy the opposing team's target while defending your own. Strategies are crucial here, as teams decide how many pilots should guard their own target and how many should attack.
Scenario turns are processed at the same time and on the same days as the regular turns. When a scenario is concluded, the results will be posted in the completed scenarios page.