Disclaimer: *Heavy Sarcasm* I own everything! I own Squaresoft, I own Sony, I even own America!……..Don’t believe me eh? Good, ‘cause I lied! Heeheehee….*scampers away*

And now for the little extra thingies:
/...normal text.../ = Thoughts
//....normal text..../ = 2nd pair of thoughts
/...italic text...../ & //...italic text....// = flashbacks dreams etc.
Some of these may vary from time to time, but I'm sure you'll get the idea.....*gulp*


Picking Up The Pieces

by Caroltrue


The first thing he became aware of was the cold, well actually, it was the terrible abundance of it. It was freezing! He hadn’t ever felt this cold since…….since……

His eyelids felt like two heavy blocks of concrete as he pealed them open to take in his surroundings. However, he wasn’t in the least bit prepared for what he saw.

Gasping, he realised he was in a cavern made completely of glass. Light illuminated the room as it reflected of the smooth clear surfaces, and made brilliantly coloured rainbows dance across the cavern ceiling.

He struggled to his feet, and whipped his head around in confusion, wondering how he had ever arrived in such a location in the first place. Unfortunately, the rapid head movement made him dizzy and nauseous, so he soon found himself slumped on the glass-like floor again.

His legs felt like two pillars made from jelly, and his head felt like was being pummelled from the inside out as he strained to get the world back into focus.

Resting a moment, he quickly sorted through what he hoped were his last known memories, in search of a clue to his current predicament. However it proved fruitless. He couldn’t find any connection between Nibelheim and this place.


He grunted in annoyance.

"What is this?", he growled at no one in particular, and even though he never expected an answer, it still royally pissed him off that he didn’t receive one.

Gathering his strength, he placed both hands on the smooth surface below him, and prepared to lift himself from the ground again. However, he froze when he suddenly realised the reason for the sub-zero temperature.

It was ice, not glass as he had assumed, that covered every inch of the cavern he had awakened in, a thick layer of the most smooth, clear, and unnatural ice he had ever seen in his life.

/What does this mean?/

Slowly he got to his feet and stopped himself from swaying, by placing one hand against the wall for support. He cautiously took a step forward, and tested the weight on his leg. Satisfied, he continued to walk slowly towards what appeared to be a source of light ahead.

However, while making his way through the winding tunnels of glass, he be became aware of two important things. One, it appeared to be getting colder, which meant he was heading in the right direction. Two, he had no idea, who he was and that disturbed him greatly. He only remembered bits of what he hoped was his past, fragments of faces, places he had been, certain words………..but nothing substantial.

Out of curiosity, he peered carefully at his reflection in the glass wall beside him, and was startled when he realised that his eyes were glowing.

The pale green light bounced of the layer of ice, and prevented him from seeing anymore than his eyes reflection, but that didn’t matter, he was too surprised by the fact that his eyes were shining brighter than Rudolf’s nose at Christmas to care.

"Who am I?" he asked the heavy silence, that had been hanging uncomfortably in the air too long for his liking. But again, he received no answer, and only the faint sound of air blowing through the tunnel could be heard.

Sighing, he shook off the feeling of isolation that suddenly overwhelmed him, and pressed forward in hope of escaping his frozen prison, or if he didn’t get out of there soon, his frozen grave.



Authors Notes ^__^ : I’m not giving away who it is on purpose, and your not going to squeeze it out of me either! Some people will guess and be right, but many more of you will….be dead wrong!! NYKAHAHAHA! Short, because it’s only an intro to the story, and it might be a while before I continue it so.............

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