Chapter 2: The Reactor

The next morning all the members of SOLDIER met in front of the ShinRa mansion waiting for their guide to arrive. A man came running up from the village and approached Sephiroth.

“Sephiroth, listen to me, those mountains are dangerous, please don’t let Tifa get hurt.” The young guard's attention was grasped at the mention of that name.

“Tifa? She’s here?” Sephiroth glanced at the guard and then looked back at the man and placed his hand on his shoulder.

“I won't let her get hurt." he said. "Trust me.” He smiled quickly and the young girl walked up to them.

“Did I hear someone say my name?”

“It was me.” The guard answered.

“That voice, do I know you?” Tifa asked glancing at him.

“N-no, no you don’t.” he replied.

“You seem familiar, yet...” she sighed, “Do you know anybody in SOLDIER named Cloud Strife?” she pried. I can’t believe she remembered me. Even though Cloud was the guard right in front of her, he shook his head, for he was too embarrassed to admit he was only a guard, never making it to the ranks of SOLDIER. Sephiroth walked over to her.

“Let’s get going.” he said. The group began their trip up Mt. Nibel, but before they got far, another man came running up from the town.

“Sephiroth, Mr. Sephiroth, sir! Can I take your picture?” Zack looked at his leader, and rolled his eyes.

“Make it quick.” Sephiroth called. Zack, Tifa, and Sephiroth all lined up for their picture and the photographer shouted.

“Say cheese!” The camera flashed. “Thanks, I’ll send you all a copy once I get it developed!” he yelled as he scampered back into Nibelheim. Sephiroth looked up towards the peak of Mt. Nibel.

“Shall we?” He began walking to the old rope bridge that led across the mako pool below. “Will this hold us?” He glanced back at Tifa.

“Oh yes, I’ll go ahead and you guys follow me.” She started running up the rickety old steps and the SOLDIER group quickly followed as instructed and suddenly Tifa stopped, and looked back, “We shouldn’t all be on it at once, two at a time!” Cloud and the other guard turned back, but as they did, the entire bridge began shaking violently, “No!” Tifa cried, but it was to late, the bridge had snapped and it was flying towards the side of the cliff. Cloud grabbed hold of the bridge and reached out to his friend, who was sliding down at an alarming rate.

“Grab onto something!” He shouted, but the other guard was already floating in the air and plummeting to the mako lagoon. “Damn!” The bridge was nearing the side of the cliff every second, and Cloud braced himself for the impact with the wall, and as he slammed into the cliff, he lost his grip on the bridge and fell. Sephiroth, who was stronger than Cloud, still had his share of difficulties, but he and Zack managed to stay attached to the ropes and jumped to a ledge and made their way down to where Cloud and Tifa had fallen to.

“Everyone seems to be alright.” Sephiroth said helping Tifa to her feet.

“But one of you is missing.” Tifa glanced around. Sephiroth frowned and looked at her.

“I know this might sound cold, but we don’t have time to look for him now.” Cloud brushed off his clothes and walked up to Tifa.

“Are you alright?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Thanks.” She said smiling at him. Sephiroth sighed and leaned back staring up the face of Mt. Nibel.

“I guess we’ll have to take the long way.” The group began moving once again and finally reached a small cavern entrance. “Be careful,” Sephiroth warned, “these caves are probably full of the monsters that are being spewed by the reactor.” Zack drew his sword and Sephiroth held his masamune prepared to strike down any creature that came near. Suddenly a wolf-like monster leaped towards Tifa and Cloud called to her,

“Look out!” he jumped in front of her, but it was not needed, the creature was already lying in a pool of its own blood and Sephiroth put his sword away.

“That should teach them to mess with us.” They continued and soon had worked their way through the sets of winding caves and came to a mako fountain in a glowing room.

“What’s that?” Tifa asked as they approached the radiating substance.

“It’s mako, only in it’s infant form.” Sephiroth said staring as he walked around it. “It’s very rare to see it like this in it’s natural state.”

“It’s beautiful...” Tifa uttered as she leaned closer to it.

“What happens once it’s out of it’s infancy?” Zack said as he walked up beside them. Sephiroth nearly started laughing.

“Your in SOLDIER and you didn’t know that? It turns to materia, and can be used to aid us.”

“Oh ya, magic...” Zack mumbled. Again Sephiroth had to let out a quick chuckle,

“A ShinRa professor once told me never to call it magic. I still remember the lecture he gave me about it.”

“Who was that?” Zack asked. Sephiroth looked up to the ceiling.

“A second rate scientist named Hojo.”

“Hojo...” Zack nearly whispered. Cloud looked at the mako and turned to Sephiroth,

“Because of the reactor, this will soon be sucked up and turn to nothing right?” Sephiroth nodded.

“Yes, you’re quite a bright one. The reactor will drain all the mako from it and it will vanish.”

“That’s too bad, it’s so peaceful.” Tifa moaned. Sephiroth turned and looked at the exit.

“Well, were nearly there. Let’s go.” They all glanced at the mako fountain one last time and walked out of the room. The sun was rising above the mountain tops and they marched up the winding path, and to the front of the malfunctioning mako reactor.

"Finally, I thought it would take forever!” Tifa shouted as she ran up to the staircase leading to the entrance of the reactor.

"Wait a minute.” Sephiroth said as he stepped in front of her. “You wait here, the reactor is dangerous, and besides, it holds many of ShinRa’s most valuable secrets.” He turned and looked at Cloud. “Take care of her while we examine the reactor.” Tifa crossed her arms.

"You better take real good care of me then.” Sephiroth winked at Cloud, and he blushed, though nobody could tell because of the mask that he wore.

"Come on Zack, let’s get going, were behind as it is.” Cloud saluted and the two members of SOLDIER quickly climbed the cold stone steps and vanished through the large metal doors.

"The nerve of some people! Thinking he can just come around and tell people what they can and can’t do!” Tifa said nearly yelling. Cloud stepped over and put his arm on her shoulder.

"I’m sure he just didn’t want to see a pretty girl like you getting hurt.” he said. She smiled at him and he suddenly stepped back and put his gun on his shoulder. “I’m sorry miss. I didn’t mean to intrude on your space, it won’t happen again.”

"It’s fine.” she replied. “Don’t worry about it.”

Sephiroth glanced around the main hall of the reactor and looked up at the sign above the door at the top of another set of stairs. Jenova? That’s my mother’s name..."Zack, do you see this?” Zack walked up next to his leader.

"What sir?”

"Jenova, that’s my mother’s name, is this just a coincidence?” He walked up to the door and put his hands on it. It’s warm...

"Sephiroth, what’s wrong?” Zack asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Nothing, let’s just continue the inspection.” He walked back to front of the room. “What are all these pods for?” He walked up to one of the small chambers and pulled himself up to the window. What the hell?! He paused and slowly lowered himself down. “So that’s your plan Hojo, it still won’t make you nearly as great as Professor Gast.” He leaned against another pod. “Zack, come take a look at this.” Zack walked over to the pod and glanced at it. “Look through the window.” Zack pulled himself up as Sephiroth had, but when he saw the contents he quickly let go and dropped to the ground.

"Wha-What is that?!” he said in shock.

"It’s a mako monster, it has been submitted to way too much mako, as you have been dosed with a reasonable amount, you see, it was once human."

"This? Human? No, that's not possible, this is terrible!" Zack starred at the pod with his mouth hanging open.

"Yes, regular members of SOLDIER are only give a small dosage of mako, which makes them stronger, but these creatures were severely overdosed, and it has totally changed their appearance, and the way they think. Hojo has turned them into monsters…" Sephiroth walked back up to the pod, and drew his masamune. "Was I... Was I created this way too?”

“What are you talking about Sephiroth?” Zack said backing away from his leader in fright.

“Ever since I was a little boy, I felt I was different, but not like this...” He struck the pod with his sword. “No! It can’t be!” He continued thrashing the pod with repetitive slashes.

“Sephiroth...” Zack looked around the room at all the pods, millions of thoughts running through his mind. What the hell is this?! What has Hojo done? Suddenly he could hear a low hissing, barely audible do to the noise created by Sephiroth’s outburst, but loud enough to draw his attention. “Sephiroth! Stop, can’t you hear that sound?” But the legendary SOLDIER was not to be bothered, he was too busy with the things he was contemplating to be talked to. Zack followed the hissing until he had pinpointed it’s origin. Wha-? The pod in which the hissing was coming from began shaking violently and Zack lept back and gaped with his mouth hanging open. “Sephiroth...” The pod exploded and was engulfed in a cloud of smoke. A blood boiling scream came from the smoldering haze and the two SOLDIER warriors stood and stared in shock at the monster which appeared once the smoke had cleared.

“I wonder what they are doing in there.” Tifa said as she kicked a rock around.

“I’m not sure. Sephiroth always checks things thoroughly.”

“Ya, I guess you’re right.” She looked at him closely. “Are you sure you don’t know anybody named Cloud Strife? He’s 16 years old, blonde hair, and he had those beautiful blue eyes-” she blushed. “Um, I mean do you know who I’m talking about?” Cloud hesitated for a moment. I’ve got to tell her! I can’t take this...

“Will you excuse me for a second?” Tifa nodded but raised her eyebrow at him. Cloud walked around beside the staircase until he was out of Tifa’s view. He took his mask off and ran his hands over his hair quickly. “Alright, you’re going to do this.” He walked back around and looked at the object of his affection, she was sitting on a rock, and looking out into the horizon. Cloud studied her delicate features, she was beautiful, and Cloud knew that she would always be the one his heart desired. Maybe he was afraid of a relationship, it wasn’t necessarly the physical aspect, it wasn’t like he was a virgin, being in SOLDIER, your name spreads quickly, and everybody knows everything about you. It was like “your fourteen and you haven’t had sex yet? Man, you must be gay!” Cloud didn’t want that being said about him, so he would hit up any whore that walked the streets of Midgar, just to refrain from receiving a reputation as a homosexual. But looking at Tifa, she was different, she was an innocent girl, not like the sluts in Midgar. She was so intimadating to Cloud, even though he was never afraid of girls, maybe Cloud was afraid of love. “Ahem.” Tifa turned and looked at him, her eyes widening and her mouth falling open.

“Cloud? Is that you? I, I can’t believe it! Why didn’t you tell me?” she ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him. “Cloud, I’ve waited so long...”

“I know. Tifa, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I was just too embarrassed, I never made it to SOLDIER.” Tifa looked into his eyes, he could see the tears forming in them.

“Fuck Shinra, I don’t care!” she cried. “Cloud, all I want is to be here in your arms.” Cloud stood there, holding Tifa tight and only looked up when he heard Zack yell.

“Cloud, we’ve got trouble, take the girl and get back into town!” Cloud just nodded and grabbed Tifa’s hand.

“Come on, let’s get out of here.”

Chapter 3
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