By Shane O Mac the Mage

Averls Shinra was a beautiful baby, with bright rosy cheeks and an innocent sweet smile. When she was 3 years old however, she tragically disappeared. Rufus and President Shinra were terribly distraught, although Averls had been the cause of Rufus’ mother’s death, she had died in labor, only so the baby could survive.

The baby’s disappearance wasn’t well documented, only one or two files residing in the Shinra library about it, the file closed after several days of scouring the streets of Midgar for the child. She was declared dead by President Shinra himself. This is her story.

15 years before the events of Final Fantasy 7, Midgar, Sector 3 Slums

Reno booted the Shinra guard in the groin and snatched the small bundle from his arms, sprinting down the narrow Sector 3 street.

"Hey!!" yelled the guard, chasing after him. Reno glanced over his shoulder, the guard was catching up. He stopped running and ducked as the guard went over the top of him, whirled around and grabbed an iron bar on the ground. He twirled it expertly in his fingers, something he’d learned to do a year earlier when he was 5. He hurled it at the guard, striking his helmet. He cried out before hitting the ground. He jumped up again and was about to begin the chase again, but the kid was gone. He was outsmarted by a 6 year old kid. And he had the baby. The guard put his hand to his belt, reaching for his radio. If they find out about this I’ll be fired.. or worse.

The guard, whose name was Wedge, had only got the job a week earlier.

He was only 14, he didn’t need this kind of stress. Besides, it wasn’t for him to decide whether his orders were morally right or not... was it? He was lucky to get the job, you were supposed to be 16 to become a guard, but they were desperate, and he was big for his age anyway.

He sighed, taking off his helmet.

Maybe... just maybe the kid will survive. I’ll just tell them that I left her there. What happens from there isn’t my fault. I’m just doing my job. I don’t have any choice.

Becoming a Shinra guard was the first step for those who wanted to join SOLDIER, or those who needed a job, and Wedge really needed the job. He had no money, no family, nothing. Although the pay was small it got him through the day.

He didn’t really have to do much, he wasn’t that bad a fighter, just had to patrol Sector 3, and drop off the kid.

I don’t even know her name.

He found< a small bar built into the side of a collapsed concrete pipe and walked in, ordered a beer, slugged it down and walked out, starting to head towards his home in Sector 7...

Sitting only a few metres away from the bar, in a small concrete alcove, Reno sat the baby down beside him and unraveled the piece of paper in his pocket. 1000 gil for the baby!! 1000!! He would be rich!! He started heading off to Shinra HQ...

3 days later...

Reno arrived at Shinra HQ, still with the baby. He had gotten to like her on the way too, and thought it would be nearly a shame to let her go, but 1000 gil was a lot of money for somebody living in the slums. She was pretty cute and didn’t cry too much.

The Shinra building was very intimidating for a slum goer like Reno, but he gathered up his courage and walked in. Instantly he was surrounded by Shinra guards.

"Get the hell outta here kid!! You don’t belong in here!!"

Reno cleared his throat.

"I, er, have the kid, that you are, urm, looking for." One of the guards snatched the baby from him and glanced at its face. He gave his head a slight nod and touched a button on his belt.

"Follow me," he said.

Yes! I’m finally gonna get the reward!!

They went into an elevator, with 3 other guards. It was fairly cramped, and he managed to find a corner near the window. He was very high up when the lift stopped. He looked at the light above the doorway as it opened. 69.

The man who stood in front of him was very large and muscular, wearing a black suit and blond hair.

Standing next to him was a much smaller figure, also with blond hair, who looked about the same age as Reno. The blond child waved politely to Reno, who waved back. A small purple Fang, stood next to the child.

The large man took a step forward and outstretched his hand to Reno. Reno took it.

"May I see the child?" The man rumbled. One of the soldiers nodded and handed him the small bundle. He hummed and harred for a moment, then sighed.

"No, I’m sorry, this is not the child. Must be some other baby. Thank you for your help."

"What? What do you mean this isn’t the child?! What about my reward?!"

The man looked amused. He leaned over and patted Reno on the head.

"This isn’t the little baby I’ve been looking for. So you don’t get the reward. Guards, will you please escort the young man out of the building."

Reno was only 6 at the time but he wasn’t going to be pushed around. He screamed as the guards picked him up by the arms like a rag doll and plonked him down on the elevator floor. One of the guards held the baby. Reno leapt up and punched one of the soldiers in the neck, he went down instantly. He slid under the other soldiers legs then chopped the back of the man’s knees with his hand. He went down also. The blond child laughed as the third guy tripped over Reno’s foot, sending the baby into the air. Reno leapt and caught the baby before it hit the ground. The blond child cheered and the big man applauded.

"Well done my boy. I can see you have a great deal of potential, you may be of future use if used correctly. You will reside here from now on."


"You can live here."

"In the Shinra building!! Whoa!!!"

"There is a problem?"

"No.. I have no family.."

"Well son, now you do."

The blond child stepped forward, extending his hand.

"I’m Rufus," he said, "and this is Dark Nation," pointing to the creature beside him.

"And I’m President Shinra," boomed the large man, "but you can call me.... dad."

President Shinra took the baby girl from Reno’s arms and gave it to one of the soldiers, still holding the back of his knee, cursing silently.

"Find a nice place for the child," he said loudly, making sure Reno was taking it in.

"But sir, er, what about-"

"I have no time for incompetence!" The President roared, taking a shotgun from his coat and blasting the soldier through the chest, narrowly missing the child. The soldier’s mouth gaped open in shock, and stumbled backwards, falling through the glass wall behind him. the glass shattered upon impact and the guard fell. Reno listened to his screams for the 5 seconds it took for him to fall, then silence.

"What about the baby?!?!" Reno cried out.

The President’s expression of fake shock remained.

"A tragic loss. You will learn to deal with death in Shinra, it will become a part of your life, just like it became a part of that child’s. A tragedy indeed. What is your name, boy?"

"My name is Reno."

"Hello Reno. Welcome to Shinra Incorporated..."

Back to the Library
Chapter 1