Not Just Dots, Anymore
Screen-name - Joseph_Hirom
Full name - Joseph Hirom
Nature- Caregiver Demeanor- Martyr/Scientist
He's a genuinely helpful guy who covers it up by being cold and/or suicidal, as the situation merits.
Life- Bankteller
Emotionally unfulfilled, trapped in a dead-end job, with no escape in sight..
Death- Gun Shot Wound
Really, when thieves come to rob your bank, it's usually best to let them go about it.
In life, Joseph wasn't particullarly tough, but with a few modification to his self image, he has become quite a bit more physically competent.
Well… see above. Joseph now moves with a surprising quickness, mainly used to move his sword to the proper destination, but occassionally used more gentle purposes.
Joseph is tough enough to take a few hits, but usually prefers to avoid them altogether.
The Social Graces
Joseph always has had an unusual ability to make others open up to him, it takes a bit prying, but he just gives off a very warm feeling, most of the time.
It's not so much that he's good at pushing people's buttons, it more than he knows what people want to hear, and what they don't want to hear. The right word here, the right phrase there, and they'll all doing what one wants them to do.
It's not so much that Joseph is attractive, because he's not. It's more that he's extremely non-threatening, most of the time. And with his new outfit, he does look quite dashing, unfortunately that is usually overcome by his quiet demeanor. His Shadow, however… loses that non-threateningness and picks up a certain physical attractiveness.
Maze of the Mind
Joseph usually picks up the innumerable pieces of minute data that passes by him every day. He's not 100% effective, but he's better than most.
Intelligence-4 (Contemplative)
Give Joseph enough time, and he'll be able to figure out pretty much everything. And he works best when he doesn't have enough information to work from, his mastery of intuitive jumps is simply impressive.
He's also become a quite skilled rapid thinker, solving problems nearly as effectively when his time constraints are greater.
The Talented Mister Hirom
Once again, Joseph is good at picking up little details. Give him enough time and he'll find anything. Give him a few moments and he'll find something interesting.
Sometimes those little details are of a more… peculiar nature. That doesn't mean that Joseph doesn't know about them, though.
Being a nerd has the unusual tendency to cause intellectual inferiors to express their concern through judicious use of pugilism, or so Joseph learned at an early age. And in response, he learned how to avoid being hit. Never was too good, at it though.
People's emotions can be such fascinating constructs, and once they are evaluated on a logical basis, they can be useful tools for a wide variety of activities, from serving one's own interests, to actually helping the poor people
A lifetime of filing financial reports has a tendency to inspire one to use the right-brain when away from work. Surprisingly enough, Joseph was actually fairly good at his writing.
Intuition- 2
Sometimes Joseph takes wild guesses about things, well educated guesses, and is successful on a disproportionate basis.
Subterfuge- 1
The Necessity of Skill
Joseph's old car was a stick with a terrible steering and brake system, so he had to get real good at what he was doing.
Must be polite, the wrong turn of phrase only earns the outrage of those around. And when one relies on peace in order to remain safe, one learns what one must say and what one must not say to keep everyone happy.
Firearms- 1
Joseph had a tendency of working overtime in his living days, and walking the streets of New Bremen unarmed at night is simple suicide. So he always made sure to carry some sort of pistol with him…. Except, peculiarly enough, on the night of his death.
Calm, soothing calm. When Joseph's emotions threaten to overwhelm, all he has to do is contemplate nothingness and his emotions soothe.
Bullets are exspensive, and Joseph has a sword, so he took the time to learn how to use it properly. Not too difficult, really. Now to reach the level of mastery that he has attained, well... that cost him a little. Memory therapy has a tendency to fry the brain and cause all sorts of unpleasantness, but the knowledge has served its purpose.
Acting was always a popular diversion for him. Though he didn't do it much, he often went to the theatre when he had free time.
Knowledge is Power
Bureaucracy- 3
Yeah… working in the bank teaches you quite a few things about how to file forms and how to do as little work in as much time as possible.
Computers- 3
Ooh… vaccuum tubes… ooh… microchips…. No more filing unnecessary pieces of papers, now it can all be done electronically. 'Tis wonderful.
Money… the curse of human existence. But once one can master it, it stops being the master.
I know my rights! I really do… It's part and parcel of understanding the grander bureaucracy.
Joseph knows more languages than he lets on…. Occasionally he's been seen speaking Sanskrit, though he refuses to explain where he learned it. As for the rest, he knows much, but hasn't shown them yet.
A passing childhood fad, and an important aspect of the modern liberal education. There's bones and muscles and organs, and so forth. But not anymore. Now it's just Corpus.
Ah… politics. The great game. All affairs lead eventually to politics, the organization of the masses. If you don't know about it, you are no more than a pawn.
Another aspect of a liberal education.
Spectre Lore- 2
Memories…. Thoughts…. Tiny pieces of self lost in Oblivion. Stolen, copied, borrowed, and incorporated into Joseph's bank of knowledge. A great knowledge, but a terrible cost.
Wraith Lore- 3
Joseph's been around for a long , long time, and he's learned most of what there is to know about the Underworld, at least what anyone is willing to tell about it.
Enlightenment… freedom… or just another bloody voice in one's head telling one what one doesn't want to hear?
Just one man remembers me… and I've never seen his face. He happened to be wearing a ski mask when he shot me.
And of course every new recruit at the bank hears about me… as part of a warning: always cooperate with men with guns, or you'll end up dead.
Relics- 1
Joseph's dear old car. No one can drive it now, the keys happened to be in the breast pocket when he got shot, and they got hit first.
Guild Status (Mnemoi)- 1
He's back… and hopefully they won't forget him this time.
Passion- Lousy Emotions….
If only I had managed to be a nicer guy when I was alive… I might have had a more fulfilling existences. But because of my selfishness, nobody was benefited.
Sorrow- 3
It hurt so much, and I will not let it happen again, not to anyone.
Vicariousness- 2
Perhaps he'll have a better chance than I….
Fetters: Chains of the Soul
(4) Ah… she was a beauty, that old junker.
(3) Work… I hated that place, but I can not leave it behind.
(3) Bro… keep safe, it's important.
Arts of the Dead
Mnemosynsis- 4 (Various Alternate Arts)
The mind's eye is my domain, it's power is my own. None, save the other, is my superior.
Please… let me you help you. I can tame your Shadow, if you allow me.
Inhabit- Basic
Ah… so many uses…. Flight, hiding, and passage.
My will is my own, you will not corrupt me, not as long as I stand on my own.
Can we say Normal!
Type- Superego
Every Rose has it's Thorn
When I say stop, I mean it. If you do not listen, I will make you listen.
Freudian Slip
As Joe says, the right word at the right time. They will know my will, but I will be subtle about it.
If one Shadow is good, then two Shadows must be that much better. Too bad most other Shadows are complete idiots.
Shadowed Face
Yes, I wear a different face. At least I have a face, better than poor old Joe.
Vampric Touch
Pure sweet angst… that's it, give Joe a nice hug, I'll be all the stronger for it.
Devil's Dare
I haven't gotten around to this one yet, but I'm sure it'll be nice and fun, once I do.
Shadow Traits
+1 Strength
Those punks are always trying to take me out, I'll show them…
+1 Dexterity
A little slice in the right spot, and down goes an insolent wraith.
+1 Melee
They won't know what hit them.
+1 Brawl
Just in case they take away my sword again…
+3 Finance
Ah… sweet, sweet money. Need to make sure it isn't squandered…
Passion: Tainted Emotions
Greed- 4
I will have wealth, whether it is knowledge, passion, or physical possessions. I will have it!
Jealousy- 3
Why should he get a chance? I never did, he's not better than me!
Fear- 3
I will not let them take. I will not. Those Oblivion soaked fools will not be allowed to consume all of these precious resources, not until they have no worth to me.
Permanent Angst-7
Bit by bit, inch by inch, soon I will be in control, and no one, I mean no one, will be able to stop me. Except for the Hive-Mind of course. So now I'm balanced on a hair's breadth between domination by the Psyche and dominatio by the Malfeans. What a world!