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Why do I feel so torn?
Why do you torment me so?
My heart broke once
Broken still
Your every action fills me with longing
My mind reprimands me
Commands to move on
My heart yearns still
Why can I not move on?
Why does my heart not yield to reason?
You prefer a strangers caress
To my mere presence
You rebuke me
While claiming me as a friend
You feel sadistic glee
Watching me squirm under my heart's duress
You don't how I feel
You never will
No one will
Never again shall I bear my soft interior to the world
Only the hard relenting shell will be shown
I have learned my error
And will repent my ways
Love is not my path
Light and joy are not to be mine
I was born to wallow in despair and rage
And there I will stay!