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March 2001 Archive


This site begins with a purpose and a title name.


Initial page is put together so the Fellowship has a place to go.
 Sharntyr and Stormson are the primary web designers.
 Qi Chang Kaine helps out tremendously by securing and starting the new message boards so the new community can have a place to get and give information. Qi is the admin for the message boards.


Email to Stormson and Sharntyr now available.


Obsidian dagger Quest is put into the Quest section.
Ciao Tien-Xan is the first to send in pictures, and they are posted to the archive.


Web Page updates page added for the fellowship to see what has been worked on most recently.
Links Page created and started to help with the planning of quests and general resources.
Background has been changed.


Updated the Quests page with the Fenmalain Quest.
Created Famous Last Words... Page to collect the quotables of the Fellowship.
Tuatha De Danann posted all of her previous tales on the story board.
Polling Page has been added to help with Fellowship decisions.
Theme Music has been added to the Main Page.


Updated the Famous Last Words Page
Updated the Fellowship's Picture Archive with pictures from Cuthaleon


The Polling for the group name will close on Saturday March 24, 2001. If you have not voted please stop by and vote for your favorite. Results will be published.
Updated the Links page. If you want to understand the reasons for some of the recent events check this out.


Polling for the group name has closed and the current name of "The Fellowship of Kaine" will continue to be the name. Thank you to all of those who took the time to vote.
Updated the Links page.


Updated the Famous Last Words...


Added music to the Updates Page. It is a rather spritely tune.
Updated the Title Page text
Updated Famous Last Words