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FFX Screenshots

This page is created for the purpose of linking to future Final Fantasy X screenshot pages. Thanks to for these sweet pics! NOTE: this page can only be accessed via FFX page. The first 3 pages of screenshots are only available on the FFX page. Here I'll start by creating pg.4.

Screenshot pgs.4 - 23

FFX Page (not a scrsht)
Bahamut Returns!
Mistress of Ice: Shiva
Mog and Co.
Introducing BIRDIE!
Yuna Summoning
New Summon: Anima (pg.10)
Anima pic.2
Anima pic.3
Anima pic.4
Anima pic.5
Auron Close-Up
Blitzball Arena Fills
Yuna Mesmorized
Railsliding at its finest!
Yuna and Seymour
Trio look on (pg.20)
Nice Place
Tidus's Home: Zanarkland
An awe-strucked Tidus
He's home!
He's enjoying this alot!
Attack at sea

Screenshots pg.27- 48

Evil Look
Auron and some creatures
Airship lifting off
Serious Looking Auron (pg.30)
Soldiers, Attack!
Happy Marriage?
Whats Happening?
Cool Effects
Come to me......
Yuna and BIRDIE
Hi ya!
Nice Pose
Why so down?
Gotta love the hair! (shot.40)
Nice CG Shot
Wonder what they're doing......
A Look at one of the Menu Screens
Battle Chocobos
Is that Cid?
Kiss the Bride
He looks Happy
You think that's Yuna?
Getting Ready
A Kodak Moment

Screenshots #49-72

Hey guys!
CG Tidus
Let's Duel!
Need some help?
Where are they?
Ready to kick some ass!
Battle Shot
(American) Box Art