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The Chemist is the first job class that can heal in the game. This makes them a must have. Potions and other cureative items are faster and more reliable than Priest's cure spells. The best skills to get are the remedy, phoenix down, and all of the potion skills.

Required to get: None
Equipable items: Knives, Guns, Hats, Clothes

Ability List

Action Skills
Name Jp Description
Potion 30 Restore 30 HP
Hi-Potion 200 Restores 70 HP
X-Potion 300 Restores 150 HP
Ether 300 Restores 20 MP
Hi-Ether 400 Restores 50 MP
Elixir 900 Fully restores HP and MP
Antidote 70 Cures Poison
Eye Drop 80 Cures Darkness
Echo Grass 120 Cures Silence
Maiden's Kiss 200 Cures Frog
Soft 250 Cures Petrify
Holy Water 400 Restores life to undead
Remedy 700 Cures many types of abnormal status
Phoenix Down 90 Revives dead units

Reaction Skills
Name Jp Description
Auto Potion 400 Use lowest available potion when attacked

Support Skills
Name Jp Description
Throw Item 350 Ability to throw item, even if not a chemist
Maintenance 250 Equipped items are immune to break techniques
Equip Change 00 Change equipment even in battle

Movement Skills
Name Jp Description
Move-Find Item 100 Find any hidden items at your destination

Total Jp to Master: 5140 Jp