FF1 Shops
-This is a list of everything for sale in Final Fantasy 1. Everything in all the weapon, armor, item, white magic, and black magic shops are all here. I've also included the costs of the inn and clinic in the respective town.
Corneria- Inn: 30G, Clinic: 40G
White Magic |
Black Magic
| Armor
| Items
Cure: 100G
| Fire: 100G
| Wooden: 5G
| Cloth: 10G
| Heal: 60G
Harm: 100G
| Slep: 100G
| Small: 5G
| Wooden: 50G
| Pure: 75G
Fog: 100G
| Lock: 100G
| Wooden: 10G
| Chain: 80G
| Tent: 75G
Ruse: 100G
| Lit: 100G
| Rapier: 10G
| Iron: 10G
| | | | | |
Pravoka- Inn: 50G, Clinic: 80G
White Magic |
Black Magic
| Armor
| Items
Lamp: 400G
| Ice: 400G
| Iron: 10G
| Wooden: 50G
| Heal: 60G
Mute: 400G
| Dark: 400G
| Short: 550G
| Chain: 80G
| Pure: 75G
Alit: 400G
| Tmpr: 400G
| Scimitar: 200G
| Wooden: 15G
| Tent: 75G
Invs: 400G
| Slow: 400G
| Hand: 550G
| Iron: 800G
| Cabin: 250G
| Gloves: 60G
| | | | | | |
Elfland- Inn: 100G, Clinic: 200G
White Magic |
Black Magic
| Armor
| Items
Cur2: 1500G
| Fir2: 1500G
| Iron: 200G
| Iron: 800G
| Heal: 60G
Hrm2: 1500G
| Hold: 1500G
| Large: 175G
| Copper: 1000G
| Pure: 75G
Afir: 1500G
| Lit2: 1500G
| Iron: 200G
| Iron: 100G
| Cabin: 250G
Heal: 1500G
| Lok2: 1500G
| Sabre: 450G
| Cab: 80G
| House: 3000G
Pure: 4000G
| SLP2: 4000G
| Silver: 4000G
| Wooden: 100G
| Soft: 800G
Fear: 4000G
| Fast: 4000G
Aice: 4000G
| Conf: 4000G
Amut: 4000G
| Ice2: 4000G
| | | | | | | |
Melmond- Inn: 100G, Clinic: N/A
White Magic
Black Magic
| Armor
Cur3: 8000G
| Fir3: 8000G
| Iron: 200G
| Steel: 45000G
Life: 8000G
| Bane: 8000G
| Sabre: 450G
| Silver: 5000G
Hrm3: 8000G
| Warp: 8000G
| Long: 1500G
| Copper: 200G
Hel2: 8000G
| Slo2: 8000G
| Falchon: 450G
| Copper: 200G
| Iron: 750G
| | | | | | | |
Crescent Lake- Inn: 200G, Clinic: 400G
White Magic |
Black Magic
| Armor
| Items
Soft: 20000G
| Lit3: 20000G
| Silver: 800G
| Silver: 7500G
| Heal: 60G
Exit: 20000G
| Rub: 20000G
| Silver: 4000G
| Silver: 2500G
| Pure: 75G
Fog2: 20000G
| Qake: 20000G
| Silver: 4500G
| Buckler: 2500G
| Cabin: 250G
Invs: 20000G
| Stun: 20000G
| Silver: 2500G
| Silver: 2500G
| House: 3000G
| Silver: 2500G
| | | | | | |
Gaia- Inn: 500G, Clinic: 750G
White Magic
Black Magic
Wps. + Ar.
| Items
Cur4: 45000G
| Ice3: 45000G
| Gold: 50000G
| Cabin: 250G
Hrm4: 45000G
| Brak: 45000G
| Proring: 20000G
| House: 3000G
Fade: 60000G
| Stop: 60000G
| Catclaw: 65000G
| Heal: 60G
Wall: 60000G
| Zap!: 60000G
| Pure: 75G
Xfer: 60000G
| XXXX: 60000G
| | | | | | | | |
Onrac- Inn: 300G, Clinic: 750G
Wh. + Bl. Magic
Arub: 45000G
| Cabin: 250G
Hel3: 45000G
| House: 3000G
Sabr: 45000G
| Heal: 60G
Blnd: 45000G
| Pure: 75G
| Soft: 800G
| | | | | | | |
Lefein- Inn: N/A, Clinic: N/A
White Magic- Lif2: 60000G
| Black Magic- Nuke: 60000G
| |