Final Fantasy I


Final Fantasy 2


Final Fantasy 3


Final Fantasy 4


FF1 Shops

-This is a list of everything for sale in Final Fantasy 1. Everything in all the weapon, armor, item, white magic, and black magic shops are all here. I've also included the costs of the inn and clinic in the respective town.

Corneria- Inn: 30G, Clinic: 40G
White Magic
Black Magic
Cure: 100G Fire: 100G Wooden: 5G Cloth: 10G Heal: 60G
Harm: 100G Slep: 100G Small: 5G Wooden: 50G Pure: 75G
Fog: 100G Lock: 100G Wooden: 10G Chain: 80G Tent: 75G
Ruse: 100G Lit: 100G Rapier: 10G    
    Iron: 10G    

Pravoka- Inn: 50G, Clinic: 80G
White Magic
Black Magic
Lamp: 400G Ice: 400G Iron: 10G Wooden: 50G Heal: 60G
Mute: 400G Dark: 400G Short: 550G Chain: 80G Pure: 75G
Alit: 400G Tmpr: 400G Scimitar: 200G Wooden: 15G Tent: 75G
Invs: 400G Slow: 400G Hand: 550G Iron: 800G Cabin: 250G
      Gloves: 60G  

Elfland- Inn: 100G, Clinic: 200G
White Magic
Black Magic
Cur2: 1500G Fir2: 1500G Iron: 200G Iron: 800G Heal: 60G
Hrm2: 1500G Hold: 1500G Large: 175G Copper: 1000G Pure: 75G
Afir: 1500G Lit2: 1500G Iron: 200G Iron: 100G Cabin: 250G
Heal: 1500G Lok2: 1500G Sabre: 450G Cab: 80G House: 3000G
Pure: 4000G SLP2: 4000G Silver: 4000G Wooden: 100G Soft: 800G
Fear: 4000G Fast: 4000G      
Aice: 4000G Conf: 4000G      
Amut: 4000G Ice2: 4000G      

Melmond- Inn: 100G, Clinic: N/A
White Magic
Black Magic
Cur3: 8000G Fir3: 8000G Iron: 200G Steel: 45000G
Life: 8000G Bane: 8000G Sabre: 450G Silver: 5000G
Hrm3: 8000G Warp: 8000G Long: 1500G Copper: 200G
Hel2: 8000G Slo2: 8000G Falchon: 450G Copper: 200G
      Iron: 750G

Crescent Lake- Inn: 200G, Clinic: 400G
White Magic
Black Magic
Soft: 20000G Lit3: 20000G Silver: 800G Silver: 7500G Heal: 60G
Exit: 20000G Rub: 20000G Silver: 4000G Silver: 2500G Pure: 75G
Fog2: 20000G Qake: 20000G Silver: 4500G Buckler: 2500G Cabin: 250G
Invs: 20000G Stun: 20000G Silver: 2500G Silver: 2500G House: 3000G
      Silver: 2500G  

Gaia- Inn: 500G, Clinic: 750G
White Magic
Black Magic
Wps. + Ar.
Cur4: 45000G Ice3: 45000G Gold: 50000G Cabin: 250G
Hrm4: 45000G Brak: 45000G Proring: 20000G House: 3000G
Fade: 60000G Stop: 60000G Catclaw: 65000G Heal: 60G
Wall: 60000G Zap!: 60000G   Pure: 75G
Xfer: 60000G XXXX: 60000G    

Onrac- Inn: 300G, Clinic: 750G
Wh. + Bl. Magic
Arub: 45000G Cabin: 250G
Hel3: 45000G House: 3000G
Sabr: 45000G Heal: 60G
Blnd: 45000G Pure: 75G
  Soft: 800G

Lefein- Inn: N/A, Clinic: N/A
White Magic- Lif2: 60000G Black Magic- Nuke: 60000G

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