Final Fantasy I


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FF2 Bosses

-This is a guide to how to beat all of the bosses in Final Fantasy II. It includes stats and information about the bosses and a strategy as to how to beat them.

Name: Sargeant
Weaknesses: None
HP: 140
Effects: None
MP: 10
Spells: Bow3
-The sargeant is no pushover. Pummel him with your best magic from the get go. Fire/Ice/Bolt all work well. Have Minh use dispel at the beginning of the battle and then have him heal the other characters as necessary. His cure spell will fully heal any of your characters. Physical attacks may or may not do damage depending on your power and weapon level. I was at level 3 weapons and I did little to no damage with all my characters, I stuck to magic. There's also a chance that he'll drop some mithril equipment after defeat.

Name: Adamanti
Weaknesses: Ice
HP: 450
Effects: None
MP: 0
Spells: None
-This battle is easy when you consider that Adamanti has a huge weakness to ice. Use the IceWind that you found earlier in the Snow Cave and have every character that has ice use it. Just make sure you save your MP in the Snow Cave so you can use ice as much as possible. Physical attacks do little damage against Adamanti.

Name: Borgan
Weaknesses: None
HP: 240
Effects: None
MP: 20
Spells: None
-Borgan is a joke. Simply use physical attacks against him, he should fall within a turn or two. His only attacks are physical and very weak.

Name: R. Soul
Weaknesses: None
HP: 540
Effects: None
MP: 30
Spells: Aero8, Fire8, Ice8, Bolt8
-R.Soul is quite the difficult foe, especially if your weapon level isn't that high. Do not under any circumstances use fire, ice, or bolt, they will just heal R.Soul. R.Soul will lead with a couple of powerful spells on his first few turns, but then he will run out of MP. So have 2-3 people cure the party on the first few turns until he stops using magic. Once he starts using physical attacks you've all but got the fight won because they miss often and aren't very strong. Just continue pounding away with physical attacks until you've defeated him.

Name: Chimera(3)
Weaknesses: None
HP: 640
Effects: None
MP: 80
Spells: Fire7
-The fact that there are 3 chimeras instead of just one makes this battle much tougher. Their fire magic isn't real strong but having it done 3 times a turn on you can take its toll. Take out one chimera at a time using physical attacks. If you went to Mysidia and got some ice shields then the fight will be significantly easier because the fire spells damage will be reduced. Also, the ogre axe and ice bow will deliver major damage to them.

Name: Q. Lamia
Weaknesses: None
HP: 1290
Effects: None
MP: 370
Spells: Blnk16, Wink9
-There are a few different ways you can approach this battle. First of all, take any characters with strong magic and unequip them. Then, if your characters get confused they will do minimal damage to your party and you can hack away at her HP with magic attacks when not confused. Take strong non magic using characters and have them hack away and pray that they don't get confused. To make things easy you can use the change spell from Mysidia.

Name: Behemoth
Weaknesses: None
HP: 1620
Effects: None
MP: 0
Spells: None
-This fight is a good old fashioned brawl. Behemoth will use no magic and you shouldn't use any magic against him. His physical attacks will do about 200 damage to your characters but yours should do enough more to be able to kill him without much of a problem.

Name: Gotus
Weaknesses: None
HP: 2000
Effects: None
MP: 80
Spells: Drink, Hast6
-This fight can be anywhere from very easy to fairly tough. If Gotus uses a Bacchus Wine that casts drink on him, he will do much more damage. If he gets Hast6 off then he will also do more hits, then he can do some real damage. Otherwise, he's pretty simple. Use physical attacks on him and you shouldn't have any problems. If he does get off Hast6 and or a Bacchus Wine before you can kill him watch out, but you should be able to take him out before then.

Name: BigHorn
Weaknesses: None
HP: 1140
Effects: None
MP: 0
Spells: None
-BigHorn is another easy boss. His attacks are very weak and he only has 1140 HP. Use physical attacks against him and he should fall within a turn or two.

Name: Worm
Weaknesses: None
HP: 2000
Effects: None
MP: 0
Spells: None
-The Worm is a fairly tough foe but nothing you can't handle. It has 2000 HP and no weakness. Use physical attacks and magic only if you have very high magic with a strong magic user. It should only take a couple rounds of physical attacks to kill the Worm. If any of your characters get low on HP make sure that they're healed but the battle shouldn't go on long enough for you to have to worry about that.

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