Final Fantasy I


Final Fantasy 2


Final Fantasy 3


Final Fantasy 4


FF2 Tricks

-Attacking Yourself: One of the best ways to increase HP, especially early on, is to attack your own characters. It's often times hard to increase max HP early in the game because enemies don't do enough damage. Therefore, attack yourself, get your HP low and you can easily build your vitality and max HP.

-Wasting MP: A great way to raise MP/Soul/Intelligence/Magic Power is to use MP in the least strategical way possible. Use cure on enemies, attack yourself and then cure yourself... whatever. The more MP you use the better the chance of increasing your stats.

-Selecting/Cancelling: Use this method to easily raise weapon and magic skills. Once a target is selected the game processes this as if the character has already attacked even if they don't actually complete the attack. Therefore, you can have one character attack an enemy and then when if goes to the next character go back to the original character and attack again. The game will process this as two attacks. This same method works for magic attacks. However, the last character in a party will not be able to perform this trick since there's no character after them.

-Change Trick: The change spell sold in Mysidia switches the HP/MP of the castor and the target. Using it on enemies with enemies with lower HP/MP can cause the character's stats (HP, MP, Vitality, Soul) to rise. Therefore, use it on goblins and hornets to raise a character's stats every time.

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