Final Fantasy I


Final Fantasy 2


Final Fantasy 3


Final Fantasy 4


FF4 Characters

-This is a list of all of the playable characters in Final Fantasy 4. It also includes the class of each character and the usable skills. For a description on what each skill does, visit the Skills page. (Note: Cecil goes through a class change and Rydia loses a skill, so I've listed them twice.) I also give a brief description of each character.

Dark Knight Cecil - Paladin Cecil - Kain - Rosa - Cid - Young Rydia - Rydia Edward - Tellah - Yang - Edge- FuSoYa - Palom - Porom

Name: Cecil Harvey
Class: Dark Knight
Skills: Dark
Cecil is the main character of the game. The whole game follows his journeys. He is the very best fighter in the game. He will always be the character that can do the most physical damage throughout the game. He starts the game as commander of the Red Wings, an airship fleet of the country Baron. He and Kain were raised by Baron's king and have become good friends. Cecil has mastered the dark sword on orders from the king. He also has the highest HP of any character.

Name: Cecil Harvey
Class: Paladin
Skills: Cover, White
After Cecil becomes a paladin he can use a few low white magic spells. He will also occasionally take blows for other characters that are low on HP. Everything else basically stays the same. Although he starts over at level 1 again.

Name: Kain Highwind
Class: Dragoon
Skills: Jump
Kain is Cecil's best friend and rival. He was raised by Baron's king. Kain comes from a long line of dragoons and is a master of the spear. In Baron, most soldiers are trained to become dark knights as Cecil had, but Kain preferred to follow in his father's footsteps and to become a dragoon. He seems to be loyal to Cecil and to fight along side him. He also seems to have feelings for Rosa. In battle, Kain is a huge help. His jump technique is one of the strongest attacks in the game and his HP and defense are 2nd only to Cecil.

Name: Rosa Farrel
Class: White Mage
Skills: White, Pray, Aim
Rosa is a childhood friend of Cecil and Kain and the female lead of the game. She follows in the footsteps of her mother who also a white mage that fought for Baron. Rosa's healing powers are extremely helpful especially late in the game and in hardtype when you'll need to heal a lot more often. Other than healing she is useless in battle. Pray and aim are pointless and her attacking power is very weak.

Name: Cid
Class: Engineer
Skills: Study
Cid is Baron's chief airship engineer and is useful many times during FF4. Especially when your airship needs tweaking up or something added. Cid is rarely used in battle but when he is he's not that great. His attack power and HP are decent at best. His study skill can be useful against normal enemies, but other than that he's basically useless.

Name: Rydia
Class: Summoner
Skills: White, Black, Call
Rydia is the first character that you meet outside of Baron. She is a girl from the village Mist and was taken on by Cecil after her mother was killed. Although she has low attack power and very low HP she can hold her own with her magic. She can use white, black, and call magic that can come in very useful.

Name: Rydia
Class: Summoner
Skills: Black, Call
When Rydia returns she is now much older from her stay in the Land of Summons. She has also learned many new summons that can help in battle. She has forgotten all of her white magic, but the tradeoff is well worth it. She still is fairly weak, but put her in the back row and her magic is a force to be reckoned with.

Name: Edward Van Muir
Class: Bard
Skills: Sing, Hide, Heal
Edward, prince of Damcyan, falls in love with Anna, Tellah's daughter. Tellah refuses the marriage. When Golbez's forces attack, Anna gives her life to save Edward. In battle, Edward is well... weak. His attack power is very low and he seems to like to hide from the battle a lot. His singing can help somewhat, it causes status effects on enemies occasionally. His heal skill as well as his hide skill are essentially pointless.

Name: Tellah
Class: Sage
Skills: White, Black, Sage
Tellah is an old sage looking for his daughter Anna who left to be with Edward in Damcyan. He joins Cecil to help get to Damcyan. In battle Tellah is an excellent addition. He can use both white and black magic. He used to be able to use all magic spells except Meteo but his age has worn him down. He is also searching for the legendary spell Meteo.

Name: Yang
Class: Monk
Skills: Power, Kick, Bear
Yang is the high monk of the country Fabul. He joins Cecil after learning that an attack on his country is going to be made. He's a very disciplined and mild manner guy, he has a wife and has been protecting Fabul for years. In battle Yang is very powerful, he prefers claws over the convensional swords. He can dish out quite a blow from the front row. He also has quite a bit of HP, even though his defense isn't real great. His other skills are pointless except for bear, it increases his defensive power much like the spell armor.

Name: Edge
Class: Ninja
Skills: Throw, Steal, Ninja
Edge is a prince of the Elban royal family. He's a confident and often brash man, that likes just about every girl that he sees, especially someone in particular... His parents are missing and Edge thinks that Rubicant killed them. In battle Edge is fairly strong. He has decent HP and his attack power is fairly strong. He can use ninja magic that can come in quite helpful and throw can be a huge help especially when throwing powerful weapons that you don't need.

Name: FuSoYa
Class: Sage
Skills: White, Black, Regen
FuSoYa is a mysterious Lunarian that you meet towards the end of the game. He can use all white and black magic, although he fights on your team for a short amount of time. He plays a huge roll in the end of the game, but I can't really tell you much more about him without spoiling the game.

Name: Palom
Class: Black Mage
Skills: Black, Twin, Bluff
Palom is one of a pair of twins from the mage kingdom of Mysidia. He trains under the guidance of the village elder. Palom is a wise guy and is constantly making jokes and fooling around. He and his sister are both fairly useless in battle. His magic can be helpful but his HP and attack power are very low. Twin magic is alright but it takes a long time to cast. He and his sister help Cecil on his trip to Mount Ordeals.

Name: Porom
Class: White Mage
Skills: White, Twin, Cry
Porom is Palom's older sister and also studies to be a mage in Mysidia. Unlike her brother Porom is studying to become a white mage. She is also very cool and calm, and she usually has to keep her brother in line. In battle though she is very similar to her brother. Low HP, low defense, low attack power. Her white magic is helpful but that's about it. She also goes with Cecil to Mount Ordeals.

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