Final Fantasy I


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Final Fantasy 4


FF4 Skills

-All of the characters in Final Fantasy 4 have special skills to help you suceed in battle. They vary from the hiding in battle to an attack on all enemies. I've included a complete list of all of the special skills in the game. Along with it is who can use each of these skills and a description of what skill does.

-Dark: This skill allows Cecil to sacrifice some of his own HP to do some damage on all enemies. This can only be used by Cecil and only while Cecil is a Dark Knight, once he becomes a Paladin Cecil cannot use this skill. Very good attack to all enemies early in the game.

-Cover: This skill can also only be used by Cecil, except this time only while Cecil is a Paladin. When you do this Cecil protects an ally from enemy attacks. This can be helpful to protect mages on your party while they're casting magic that takes a while to cast. Or to protect a weaker character in your party.

-Jump: This is questionabely the best attack in the game that doesn't cost any HP. Kain jumps up into the air and comes down after a turn or two on an enemy doing double the damage. This is a very good attack, especially against major bosses. This can only be used by Kain.

-White: Rosa, Young Rydia, Cecil as a Paladin, FuSoYa, Tellah, and Porom can all use this skill. This allows you to use white magic during battle. Check out my FF4 Magic page for a complete list of white magic spells and much more info on white magic.

-Pray: This skill can be used only by Rosa. She prays to the heavens and once in a while, cure1 will be used on your party. This is half way decent on the very very beginning of the game, but after that it becomes extremely pointless.

-Aim: This skill can also only be used only by Rosa. When used it raises the accuracy of a bow and arrow for the rest of the fight. This can be good if you have a bow and arrow on Rosa during boss fights. But other than that raising the accuracy of a bow and arrow is rather unnecessary.

-Study: The engineer Cid is the only character that can use this skill. It allows Cid to scan for an enemies' HP and weakness. This is an alright skill because Cid is not that powerful, so instead of attacking he can check out the status of certain enemies. It can also help you determine the weakness of enemies easily. Basically, scan for free.

-Black: Usable by Rydia, Tellah, FuSoYa, and Palom. This allows you to use black magic in battle. For much more info on black magic including a complete list of spells, check out my FF4 Magic page.

-Call: This skill can only be used by Rydia and it allows her to call summoned beasts to assist your party in battle. These are some of the most powerful attacks in the entire game. Check out my FF4 Magic page for a complete list of these summons and more info on call magic.

-Sing: This skill can only be used by Edward, it allows him to sing that causes various status effects on the enemies. This skill is fairly pointless, very early in the game it can come in helpful, but it misses too often and doesn't do that much.

-Hide: This skill can also only be used by Edward. It allows him to hide or escape from battle temporarily. In a word pointless. He also hides from battle when his HP gets low automatically.

-Heal: Also used by Edward, this skill heals all allies by using potions in the inventory on the entire party. This skill, like all of Edward's, is pointless. Reason 1: Restores very little HP, Reason 2: Uses potions that you have to buy with your money, Reason 3: If you don't realize that this is using your potions and not restoring HP for free you can wipe out your potion stock (I'm speaking from experience).

-Recal: Recal is used only by the sage Tellah. Tellah sometimes recals a powerful magic spell that he has forgotten. This can be a helpful spell against bosses. If it works you can do major damage to a boss, but against regular enemies there's no real point in using this.

-Power: This skill can only be used by Yang and it allows him to double his power for the next attack. This is another pointless skill simply because you can attack twice for the same amount of damage as powering up and taking away double once.

-Kick: Yang is also the only character that can use this skill. Yang kicks all enemies for decent damage. This can come in fairly handy, especially around the time that Yang joins your party. Use this in random battles with large amounts of enemies.

-Bear: This skill can also only be used by Yang, it increases his defensive power. It has the exact same effect as the white magic spell armor. Very nice to have in boss battles. Use it at the very beginning of boss battles to help Yang take damage more effectively.

-Throw: A skill that can be used by the Ninja Edge. It allows Edge to throw weapons at enemies for significant damage. This is one of the nicer skills in the game. Fumas and shurikens can be thrown at bosses for major damage. This can be very helpful especially late in the game.

-Steal: This skill allows Edge to steal items from enemies. This is more fun than helpful. You can gain some half way decent items from enemies. But it's much more helpful to simply have Edge attack.

-Ninja: This allows the Ninja Edge to use ninja magic in battle. This can also be very nice to have in battle. For much more info on ninja magic including a complete list of spells check out my FF4 Magic page.

-Regen: Used by the Lunarian FuSoYa, it slowly restores the HP of all party members. FuSoYa cannot act while the HP of your party is being restored. This is one of the worst skills of them all. The HP that is restored is so small that using this is not nearly worth it.

-Twin: Allows the twins Palom and Porom to use twin magic. This is very powerful magic but it takes a long time to cast. But it can be very powerful if you get it off. For much more info on twin magic check out my FF4 Magic page.

-Bluff: This skill is used only by the black mage Palom of Mysidia. It temporarily raises his wisdom stat, the stat that effects the power of black magic. This can be helpful in boss battle as it will allow Palom to do significant damage.

-Cry: This skill is used by the white mage Porom. It suprises enemies and makes it easier to run from battles. Really, really bad skill. At the point in the game that you have Porom it's real easy to run away from battles, so why...?

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