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Super Mario 64

Intro: Is an intro needed? Not really. This is the N64 version of the Mario series which has covered all of Nintendo’s formats. This was the 1st proper 3D platformer, so it made quite an impression, and also had many copiers.

Graphics: Is there anyone who wasn’t amazed by the graphics? No one had seen anything like it before. Even 4 years later (or whatever it is) the graphics are still a lot better than a lot of games coming out now. Although there’s some fog, et cetera it s still very pleasing, and if you bother pointing out anything you don’t have a life.

Sound: Good. Classic tunes, some new ones. Although basically midis, they are cool and suit the game. The sound effects are basically the same deal.

Gameplay: This game is fun. Its so enjoyable. Hours of gameplay to collect all 150 stars. The great thing about this being the 1st 3D platformer was they created new original moves for Mario to pull off. You’ll find yourself memorising every move in order to complete tasks that can be rather hard. There were just too many new ideas put into this game. If you are like me then you’ll play this game non-stop untill you finish it completely (maybe a slight exagerration). The only problem is it doesn’t have much replay value.

Overall: This game is brilliant. It redefined the platform genre. Its still very hard to find a game that compares. For the first N64 title, it certainly showed us all how good the 64 was.

Mark: 10/10

Players: 1
Developer: Nintendo
Memory: In Cart
Expansion: Yeah right, it was the 1st game
Rumble: ditto
