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Mario Kart

Intro: Well to cut the crap, This is the N64 sequel to the snes game Super Mario Kart. This game has a lot to live up to, as Super Mario Kart was the best racing game ever.

Graphics: Well the graphics are pretty cool, characters look good, minimal fog, minimal pop up and a smooth frame rate. This is a good advancement as Super Mario Kart suffered from horrendous pop up.

Sound: Good sound. Nothing outstanding though. I think it has some of the tunes from the original aswell. The characters all have a line or 2 to say too, which is pretty good. The major letdown is the functionality on a mono TV like mine. When playing multiplayer, you will only hear the sound for player one, making it rather dull for anyone else. Otherwise the sounds pretty good.

Gameplay: This is what the original was all about, so this is where it needs to perform. It’s good. It’s fun, and easy to get used to, and you will get a lot of entertainment out of it. But there's one major letdown…… The challenge. None whatsoever. This game is too easy. You’ll basically finish it overnight. This is gay, because the original was freaking hard. You would play the stages over and over (although it got frustrating) until you finally would win. On many stages you would fall of the edges, and you’d have to use many tactics just to stay on the road. And if you didn’t beat the race you’d loose a life, 3 lives and its game over. MK64 has none of this. Infinite lives, hardly any edges to fall off. The way to win in this is just to get in front. In the original it was a matter of trying to knock out your opponents with weapons. On this game you use the weapon and it hardly does anything (that’s what I don’t call fun, as you achieve nothing). On the original there was nothing better than sending your rival to last position. Sorry but this happens no more. As for multiplayer, don’t bother with racing as it sucks. A race that only has 2-4 racers isn’t worth racing, especially when your karts don’t make any sound unless your player 1. As for battle mode, it can be great fun, but you only get 3 hits and there's 4 stages, so that automatically shows the lastability. Just play for 10 minutes and you start getting sick of the repetitiveness.

Overall: I may have made this sound like a bad game, but it isn’t. It’s a good game, but it just has too many flaws to be a worthy follow up to Super Mario Kart. Although many Gaystation owners claim that 64s are for little kids, and I am one of those always saying it isn’t, I must admit, it seems like this game was designed for little kids, as it is just too easy, whereas the original game may have been too hard for younger kids. So I might have been a bit harsh, but I think I have just stated the truth.

Mark: 8.4/10

Players: 1-4
Developer: Nintendo
Memory: In cart for stages, Memory Pak for time trial data
Expansion: no
Rumble: no
