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JCw/blank ccs board, Krux trucks, Speed Deamon bearings, Hell Raisers, and A nice little hook-ups sticker

J.C.'s Great Bio! *Applause Applause*

This little part of my page is to honor, the HTML, skateboarding man himself! J.C. Ricks!!! Have fun looking through my nice little bio :).-Laedon

JC the man the myth the GOD (not)! Well, now you're seeing for yourself the face of the man. My B-day is December 21st, if you wanted to know. Also if you're looking for a Sagitarius that likes moonlit nights and long walks on the beach....anyway!

I'm just totaly psyched about the Final Fantasy Series, I love FF7 the most, but FF9 is the total shit! I'm an RPG freak if you didn't already notice. I play several online multi-player games such as: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2, Dominion, and Everquest. On the Microsoft Gaming Zone you can find me as SM_Scourage. I'm Cloud_Strife_SOLDIER on yahoo, for all you Yahoo fanaticals. I'm also in love with skateboarding and look up to Bam Margera, and Bucky Lasek (if you're into that kinda thing.) as the men that can skate like a wish I could. The only tricks in my repritoire at the moment are: Kickflip, 180 Shove It, Heelflip,jumping lotsa shit, and I'm working on a Varial Flip, and some axle stalls. The last thing I realy do is some weight lifting and working out when I feel like it, nothing strict.