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Xtian zombie vampire!-MLTKK

Concept : Silly green shape changer who babbles about purple toads.

Lives :In Cat-tra-la

Age :22


Height :6 ft, 1 in

Weight :140 lbs

Species :1/4 reptile 1/4 human 1/4 cat 1/4 shape shifter

Hair :Green , about 4 1/2 inches long, kinda fluffed out looking

Eyes :Yellow and green

Fur :pale green .

Markings :darker green strips on his arms, back, legs and tail.

Fashion :Shirts with cartoons and things that make no sense, jeans, somewhat preppier than the other characters, usually has a cross necklace on

Physical appearance : Narrow body, thin and slightly muscular.

IQ :113

Mental state:Playful and outgoing, likes to confuse people by making no sense. Makes friends easily

Hobbies:Telling purple toad stories, turning into strange things, like a puddle or large disembodied genitalia, watching cartoons, promiscuity

Religion :Christian

Job :student

Family:Twin of lucifer (I could make that into a horror movie)

Magic abilities :Can transform into anything he want to. Can spit venom.

Mundane abilities :Telling purple toad stories. He also in a black belt in some type of fictional fighting style. He is training to become a ninja.

Defects :His brother

SO :Daphne

Favorite food : Pizza

Favorite color : Blue

Other :Once I was sitting in my living room watching opra when I heard a ring at my doorbell so I whent to look and it was a large purple toad, I instinctively knew it wanted to kill me so I ran to the other side of the house and jumped out the window, I ran to the park and the toad ran after me so I ran to the playground and ran into a tube that was too small for the toad, then it came to the mouth of the tube and spit smaller purple toads out of its mouth, I screamed and ran out of the other end of the tube and jumped in the lake but toads are almost the same as froges and they swam after me so I swam under and found a secret underwater tunnel so I wjent in and on the other side was a cemetery, I swam out and hid behindd a grave but the toads had followed me and had used their heat sense to locate me so I started running and I tipped over some graves behind me to slow them down and it squished one and that just made them madder and I ran into a masxuleum and looked for a place to hide and I found a coffin and laid down in it, but I noticed it smelled funny and thet the bottom was lumpy and that it was strange to line the bottom with shuch low quality leather so screamed and jumped out and that caused the toads to find me and I had to throw the corpses skull att the leader toad who was 20 feet tall and it hit him in the eye and he giggled and fell over and turned into goo and the smaller toads screamed but then the goo started chacing me so I ran back to the pond but the tunned was caved in but the goo folowed me and the ducks in the pond ate it but then the smaller toads ate the ducks and started chacing me agcain so I ran out of the cemetery and across a busy street where most of the toads died like frogger but some made it so I ran down the street into the library and looked for books on toads then the librarian said they were all checked out buy children at the elemetery school across the street so I ran there and the toads were still after me and I got to the scool and and screamed that I needed the toad books and the children started crying them the toad came in and begain eating the children so I ran away while they were distracted, later they exploded from overeating.

Windsor. You are a an optimistic
cat/reptile/shapeshifter, and everybody likes
you (except for Kennith, because you slept with
his girlfriend, who you met while in college).
You don't like purple toads

What Lightbulby character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

A sketch I colored in photoshop.

Windsor and a toad
lizard-cat.jpg © Erin Vernon.
Erin's yerf gallery