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Gaeron the Ranger

Name: Gaeron (Gerrin)
Nickname: Ranger
Sex: male
Age: 60, elf years, that is the approximate of 18, 19
D.O.B: Early summer, 60 years ago
Weight: 169 pounds
Height: 5' 5" (still short, but not as short as a true elf)
Hair color and style: It is white, as you can see in his piccy. He wears it hanging low.
eye color: Blueish
Skin color: White
Race: Half elf
Describe your characters looks: He looks like an elf. He wears a kilt-like cloth and a vest (taken off in the pic above). He has markings on his chest and face. He looks evil and cruel at first, but is actually rather mellow and peaceful. (note: His fingers aren't claws, that's the best pic I could find)
Residence: Somewhere near Toc's
Place of Birth: In a forest
Family/reletives: None
Job: Ranger
Purpose: To protect the forest, and hunt
Why: He likes doing it

Bio: Gaeron's father was a human, his mother was an elf. The human was drunk that night, he saw the elf maiden and decided to get some. He raped that elf bad, then ran off.
9 months later, Gaeron was born. He was taken out of the elf village because of his father and sent to the rangers. A large group of half elves who lived in the forest.
After a while, he learned their tricks, hunting, markmanship, and the ability to listen to the planet. He is now traveling the world, seeking places where the planet is wounded, and he is going to use his magic to mend its wounds.

Picture at top is copyrighted to Jenny Lundin. Her page is located Here