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Matina's Story

In 1338 an uncaring father, one Themis of the village Efrosini, received Matina into this world. Her mother, a Phaedra of the same village almost died in the process. Themis was a blade for hire and was very forceful and demanding to the family. He would have been happier if a son had been born to him, he always thought that those of the fairer sexes were just for cooking or fucking. He had no use for a “bitch child” as he called her. Always trying to improve her image to her father she tried to learn the ways of war and the “art of killing.” She tried to learn from the other “sell swords” of her father. After being beaten down and raped repeatedly she was rescued by a woman warrior that killed five Men by herself. This warrior was called Dodona of the Bacchantes, an Amazon like camp they took her in and trained her in their arts, they taught her how to win at any cost. She was 13 when this camp brought her into the fold. She spent 41/2 year with them. She was 18 years old when she reentered the world of everyday man. She went home to see her family only to find her village under attack of some major force. This night attack was lead by an unknown “warlord,” a General that was slaying all those that came within arms reach. She faced this man with a wrath that was called forth from the deepest pits of hell; She struck blows that bit him hard and drew blood that no other has been able to do before. But, she was only mortal and he was Ravnos, After suffering from his Chimerstry, her mind broken and her body smashed she still fought on with death coming.

Death found her in the form of Ulric of Metlikor. A 7th generation Gangrel, a grand childe of Karsh Warlord of the Camarilla. He embraced her for the fighting spirit that had possessed her. He spent the next 14 years training her, rebuilding her mind and body. She was an exceptional student, learning all that was placed before her. Over the years she had earned the rank of a Lt. Commander over a sizable task force and won many battles for her “Warlord.” She grew in the eyes of the “Warlord” and her Sire fell. She was always loyal. Her Sire set her up and in his rage of losing face he tried to kill her. Finding no real evidence she stepped down and went out to carve a name for herself in the “flesh of the earth.” Bowing out gracefully and with good terms. She left, waiting to strike at her Sire for his cowardness.

You provided worthy sport. Now, though, the chase is ended.

Dodona of the Bacchantes

Karsh WarLord of the Camarilla

Life in a New World

The city is not our home. It is simply the only place where we are allowed to exist for some time, and that time is ending. Our people have become ill and deranged because we have lived in this purgatory so long and have grown dependent on the tainted blood of the mortals.