The Hikigane-Sei was previously known as the Dageki Strife. Ruled by 16 year old Kumori Makai and his best friend, Cain Denkou. The reason as to which they created this group was as an act of rebellion against the Signs of Apocalypse. Due to their extension in horrific abilities and utter prowess to true power, they figured if they gained enough personnel, they could actually put a complete stop to the Signs and the Shito (if you could consider those appart from each other). Unlike Nerv, who they believed had a complete mess of things at their own Headquarters. None the less, the clan did well, until the Leader, Kumori, met his fate. Dying at the hands of the Dark Angel, Hyakuhei. This splitted personnel appart, as they seemed to have lost all hope. The Dageki Strife was put on hold and standby as Nerv tried to take matters into their own hands by dispatching Evangelions against the Angel from branches all over the world. The angel, however, did not give up. And thus, everything was swept by flanks of pure chaos, until a mysterious visitor put an end to Hyakuhei's tyrancy. Kumori had returned, ressurected by the means of Koqui's elemental guardians. The Seven Seals. Re-united with his family, it didn't last. The Dageki Strife continued to pull away from each other. 5 years later, with Kumori killed twice and prospering to a new title, not to mention evolved to a maturer state, he began to re-establish the clan. Gathering personnel from all over to put an end to the Shito. No matter how many or extensive they may seem. Then came a ressurection of Hyakuhei, which was when the true 10th Sign, or atleast the begining of it, took it's toll. Along with irony. Keiji was infact discovered to be a successor and clone of Adam himself, which where then united at the dusk of fued. Thus, the Dageki Strife was ressurected through the means of long term thought and unity, to what we know today as the Hikigane-Sei. It seems rather confusing now that Signs and Angels are evolving within our own group, and our sole purpose has changed to something of utter simplicity. We pledge, at all costs, to protect Koqui and ourselves from the *opposite force*. The End? (Not really...) |